package EPrints::Plugin::OpenOffice; @ISA = ( 'EPrints::Plugin' ); sub check_paths { my( $self ) = @_; my $oo_path; if( defined $self->{session} ) { # Attempt to read the paths from a local conf file $oo_path = $self->{session}->config( 'executables', 'openoffice' ); } else { $oo_path = EPrints::Config::get( "executables" )->{"openoffice"}; } return 1 if( defined $oo_path && -e $oo_path ); return 0; } sub start { my( $self ) = @_; my $oosrv = EPrints::OpenOfficeService->new( session => $self->{session} ); # couldn't find OpenOffice Service? return 0 unless( defined $oosrv ); my $status = $oosrv->status(); # Already started? return 1 if( $status != 0 ); if( $oosrv->start() == 1 ) { # Started! return 1; } return 0; } sub stop { my $oosrv = EPrints::OpenOfficeService->new( session => $self->{session} ); # couldn't find OpenOffice Service? return 0 unless( defined $oosrv ); my $status = $oosrv->status(); # Already stopped? return 1 if( $status == 0 ); if( $oosrv->stop() == 1 ) { # Stopped! return 1; } return 0; } sub status { my $oosrv = EPrints::OpenOfficeService->new( session => $self->{session} ); # couldn't find OpenOffice Service? return -1 unless( defined $oosrv ); return $oosrv->status(); } sub get_daemon { my( $self ) = @_; return EPrints::OpenOfficeService->new( session => $self->{session} ); } # The actual Service package EPrints::OpenOfficeService; use EPrints; use strict; no warnings; my $mainpid; my $oopid; sub new { my( $class, %opts ) = @_; my $self = bless \%opts, $class; my $fh; if( open( $fh, "+>".$self->logfile() ) ) { $self->{logfile} = $fh; } # for now, start process as user 'eprints' $self->{user} = $self->get_user(); my @userinfo = getpwnam $self->{user}; if( !scalar(@userinfo) or !-d $userinfo[7] ) { $self->log( "Error getting user information" ); return undef; } $self->{userhome} = $userinfo[7]; unless( defined $self->{userhome} ) { $self->log( "Error getting user information" ); return undef; } $self->{oo_command} = $self->get_command(); unless( defined $self->{oo_command} ) { $self->log( "OpenOffice executable not found" ); return undef; } return $self; } # Attempt to convert '$doc' to '$dir/temp.pdf' sub convert_to_pdf { my( $self, $doc, $dir ) = @_; return unless( $self->is_running() ); my $session = $doc->get_session; my $python = $session->config( "executables", "python" ); my $uno_converter = $session->config( "executables", "uno_converter" ); return undef unless( defined $python && defined $uno_converter ); my $python_path = undef; if( $uno_converter =~ /^(.*)\/.*$/ ) { $python_path = $1; } else { return; } local $ENV{"PYTHONPATH"} = $python_path; $ENV{"USER"} = "eprints"; $ENV{"HOME"} = "/home/eprints"; my $fn = $doc->get_main; my $file = $doc->local_path."/".$fn; my $src = $file; my $pdf; if( $fn =~ /^(.*)\..*$/ ) { $pdf = "$1.pdf"; $pdf =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9\.\-\ ]//g; # sanitise name $pdf = "$dir/$pdf"; } else { $pdf = "$dir/file_conversion.pdf"; } # gives the file a temp name so we know it has no bad characters if( $fn =~ m/^(.*)\.([^.]+)$/ ) { $src = $dir.'/'.'temp.'.$2; system("cp", $file, $src ); } # will still throw some 'creation of executable memory area failed: Permission denied' errors in the logs but will work system( $python, $uno_converter, $src, $pdf); unless(-e $pdf) { $session->log("[ThumbnailMSOffice ERROR] the PDF was not created for docid = ".$doc->get_id); return (); } return $pdf; } # returns: # 1: stopped ok # 0: error # -1: wasn't running sub stop { my( $self ) = @_; if( $self->is_running() ) { $self->log( "Stopping OpenOffice" ); $self->create_suicide_file(); kill 15, $self->get_pid(); sleep 1; if( $self->is_running() ) { $self->log( "Failed to stop OpenOffice in a graceful way. Force stopping OpenOffice" ); kill 9, $self->get_pid(); sleep 1; } if( $self->is_running() ) { $self->log( "Something is wrong, OpenOffice is still running... Check process with PID=".$self->get_pid()); return 0; } $self->remove_pid_file(); $self->log( "OpenOffice process stopped" ); return 1; } $self->log( "OpenOffice not running" ); return -1 } # returns: # 1: running # 0: not running # -1: stalled? sub status { my( $self ) = @_; if( $self->is_running() ) { # Running ok return 1; } else { if( $self->get_pid() ) { # Error, stalled? return -1; } else { # Not running return 0 } } return 1; } # returns: # 1: started ok # 0: problem starting # -1: already running so not started again sub start { my( $self ) = @_; my $curpid = $self->get_pid(); if( defined $curpid ) { if( EPrints::Platform::proc_exists( $curpid ) ) { $self->log( "OpenOffice is already running, leaving now." ); return -1; } else { $self->log( "OpenOffice process died. Cleaning the PID file now" ); $self->remove_suicide_file(); $self->remove_pid_file(); if( -e $self->pidfile() ) { $self->log( "Failed to remove OpenOffice PID file. Check at '".$self->pidfile() ); return 0; } } } if( !defined( $mainpid = fork() ) ) { $self->log( "Failed to fork OpenOffice process: $!" ); return 0; } elsif( $mainpid == 0 ) { # child process while(1) { if( !defined( $oopid = fork() ) ) { last; } elsif( $oopid == 0 ) { $self->log( "Starting OpenOffice" ); $ENV{'USER'} = $self->{user}; $ENV{'HOME'} = $self->{userhome}; exec($self->{oo_command}); } else { # we can restart OO automatically here: $self->remove_pid_file(); $self->write_pid( $oopid ); # safety net if OO doesn't start/crash at startup if( $self->{_starts} ) { $self->{_starts}++; } else { $self->{_starts} = 1; $self->{_first_start} = time(); } if( $self->{_starts} > 10 && (time - $self->{_first_start}) < 15 ) { $self->log( "Tried 10 times to start OpenOffice in the last 15 secs. Something is wrong, leaving now" ); $self->remove_pid_file(); return 0; } # waiting for the kid to come back from school: waitpid( $oopid, 0 ); if( $self->is_suicide() ) { $self->log( "Suicide file found, leaving now" ); $self->remove_suicide_file(); return 1; } $self->log( "OpenOffice process died, restarting..."); next; } } return 1; } else { # parent process return 1; } } sub pidfile { return EPrints::Config::get( "var_path" )."/"; } sub suicidefile { return EPrints::Config::get( "var_path" )."/openoffice.exit"; } sub logfile { return EPrints::Config::get( "var_path" )."/openoffice.log"; } sub get_user { return EPrints::Config::get( "user" ); } sub get_command { my( $self ) = @_; my ( $oo_path, $oo_cmd ); if( defined $self->{session} ) { # Attempt to read the paths from a local conf file $oo_path = $self->{session}->config( 'executables', 'openoffice' ); $oo_cmd = $self->{session}->config( 'invocation', 'openoffice' ); } else { $oo_path = EPrints::Config::get( "executables" )->{"openoffice"}; $oo_cmd = EPrints::Config::get( "invocation" )->{"openoffice"}; } return undef unless( defined $oo_path && defined $oo_cmd && (-e $oo_path) ); $oo_cmd =~ s/\$\(([a-z]*)\)/quotemeta($oo_path)/gei; return undef if( $oo_cmd =~ /\$\([a-z]*\)/i ); return $oo_cmd; } sub is_suicide { my( $self ) = @_; return -e $self->suicidefile(); } sub create_suicide_file { my( $self ) = @_; unless( open( SF, ">", $self->suicidefile() ) ) { $self->log( "Failed to create the suicide file. This means that the OpenOffice service will not be stopped." ); return; } print SF "the end"; close( SF ); } sub remove_suicide_file { my( $self ) = @_; my $suicidefile = $self->suicidefile(); return unless( -e $suicidefile ); my $rm = EPrints::Config::get( "executables" )->{"rm"}; unless( defined $rm && -e $rm ) { $self->log( "Odd. The program 'rm' is not configured or accessible" ); return; } system( "$rm", "$suicidefile" ); } sub is_running { my( $self ) = @_; my $pid = $self->get_pid() or return 0; return 1 if kill(0, $pid); # Running as the same uid as us return 1 if EPrints::Platform::proc_exists( $pid ); return 0; } sub remove_pid_file { my( $self ) = @_; my $pidfile = $self->pidfile(); return unless( -e $pidfile ); my $rm = EPrints::Config::get( "executables" )->{"rm"}; unless( defined $rm && -e $rm ) { $self->log( "Odd. The program 'rm' is not configured or accessible" ); return; } system( "$rm", "$pidfile" ); } sub write_pid { my( $self, $pid ) = @_; my $pidfile = $self->pidfile(); open( PID, ">", $pidfile) or die "Error writing pid file $pidfile: $!"; print PID ($pid || $$); close( PID ); } sub get_pid { my( $self ) = @_; open( PID, "<", $self->pidfile()) or return undef; my $pid; while(defined($pid = )) { chomp($pid); last if $pid+0 > 0; } close( PID ); return ($pid and $pid > 0) ? $pid : undef; } sub log { my( $self, $msg ) = @_; my $logfh = $self->{logfile}; if( defined $logfh ) { print $logfh "$msg\n"; } } sub DESTROY { my( $self ) = @_; close( $self->{logfile} ) if( defined $self->{logfile} ); } 1;