package EPrints::Plugin::Screen::REF::Overview; use EPrints::Plugin::Screen::REF; @ISA = qw( EPrints::Plugin::Screen::REF ); use strict; sub new { my( $class, %params ) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( %params ); $self->{appears} = [ { place => "key_tools", position => 1100, } ]; $self->{stime} = time(); return $self; } sub wishes_to_export { shift->{session}->param( "ajax" ) } sub export_mimetype { "text/html; charset=utf-8" } sub properties_from { my( $self ) = @_; $self->{processor}->{dataset} = $self->{session}->dataset( "ref_selection" ); $self->SUPER::properties_from; } sub render_selections { my( $self, $show_actions ) = @_; $show_actions = 1 unless( defined $show_actions ); my $repo = $self->{session}; my $processor = $self->{processor}; my $dataset = $processor->{dataset}; my $role = $processor->{role}; my $user = $repo->current_user; my $benchmark = $self->{processor}->{benchmark}; my $selections = $benchmark->user_selections( $role ); return $repo->html_phrase( "ref/select:none_selected" ) if $selections->count == 0; my $table = $repo->make_element( "table", class=>"ref_current_selections" ); # first need to find out any "reserved" outputs, format of the hash above is $reserved_id => $double_weighted_id my $reserves = {}; $selections->map(sub { my( undef, undef, $selection ) = @_; if( $selection->is_set( 'reserve' ) ) { $reserves->{$selection->get_value( 'reserve' )} = $selection->get_id; } } ); my $n = 1; $selections->map(sub { my( undef, undef, $selection ) = @_; my $eprintid = $selection->value( 'eprint_id' ); my $eprint = $repo->dataset( "eprint" )->dataobj( $eprintid ); # this is to flag whether the eprint object exists or not: my $eprint_exists = 1; if( !defined $eprint ) { $eprint = $repo->dataset( "eprint" )->make_object( $repo, { eprintid => $eprintid, eprint_status => 'inbox' } ); $eprint_exists = 0; } my @names; my $others = $repo->make_doc_fragment; $benchmark->eprint_selections( $eprint )->map(sub { my( undef, undef, $other ) = @_; my $user_id = $other->value( "user_id" ); if( $user_id == $role->id ) { return; } my $user = $repo->user( $user_id ); if( defined $user ) { push @names, EPrints::Utils::tree_to_utf8( $user->render_description ); } else { push @names, $repo->phrase( "ref:unknown_user", id => $user_id ); } }) if( $eprint_exists ); if( scalar( @names ) > 0 ) { $others->appendChild( $repo->html_phrase( 'ref/select:also_selected_by', names => $repo->make_text( join(", ", @names) ) ) ); } my $uoaid = $selection->uoa( $benchmark ); my $uoa = $repo->dataset( "subject" )->dataobj( $uoaid ); if( !defined $uoa ) { $uoa = $repo->dataset( "subject" )->make_object( $repo, { subjectid => $uoaid } ); } my $actions = $repo->make_element( "ul", style => "margin: 0 0; padding: 0 0; list-style-type: none;", ); if( $self->can_select && $show_actions ) { my $li = $repo->make_element( "li" ); $actions->appendChild( $li ); my $uri = URI->new( $repo->current_url( query => 1 ) ); $uri->query_form( screen => $self->{processor}->{screenid}, selection => $selection->id, role => $role->id, _action_unselect => 1, params => $uri->query, ); my $link = $repo->render_link( "$uri" ); $link->appendChild( $repo->html_phrase( "ref/select:remove_button" ) ); $li->appendChild( $link ); # edit selection $li = $repo->make_element( "li" ); $actions->appendChild( $li ); $link = $repo->render_link( $selection->get_control_url ); $link->appendChild( $repo->html_phrase( "ref/select:qualify_button" ) ); $li->appendChild( $link ); # synchronise UoA if( $uoa->id ne $role->value( "ref_uoa" ) ) { $uri = URI->new( $repo->current_url( query => 1 ) ); $uri->query_form( screen => $self->{processor}->{screenid}, selection => $selection->id, role => $role->id, _action_sync => 1, params => $uri->query, ); $li = $repo->make_element( "li" ); $actions->appendChild( $li ); $link = $repo->render_link( "$uri" ); $link->appendChild( $self->html_phrase( "action:sync:title" ) ); $li->appendChild( $link ); } } my $is_reserve = $repo->make_doc_fragment; if( $reserves->{$selection->get_id} ) { $is_reserve = $self->html_phrase( "reserved", "for" => $repo->make_text( $reserves->{$selection->get_id} ) ) } $table->appendChild( $selection->render_citation( 'action', n => [ $n++, 'INTEGER' ], actions => [ $actions, 'XHTML' ], others => [ $others, 'XHTML' ], eprint_exists => [ $eprint_exists, 'BOOLEAN' ], is_reserve => [ $is_reserve, 'XHTML' ] ) ); }); return $table; } sub available_reports { my( $self ) = @_; my $user = $self->{session}->current_user; my $is_uoa_champion = $user->exists_and_set( 'ref_uoa_role' ); my %removed_roles; # UoA Champion can always view all the reports my $role = $self->{processor}->{role}; my @reports; foreach my $report ( 'ref2', 'ref1a', 'ref1b', 'ref1c' ) { if( !$is_uoa_champion ) { next unless( $user->has_role( "ref/view/$report" ) ); } if( $report eq 'ref1c' ) { # not relevant if the staff isn't Category C my $cat = $role->value( 'ref_category' ); next unless( defined $cat && $cat eq 'C' ); } push @reports, $report; } return \@reports; } sub render_report { my( $self, $report, $circ ) = @_; if( $report eq 'ref1a' ) { my $inserts = { user_fields => $self->{processor}->{role}->render_citation( 'ref1a' ) }; return $circ->render_citation( 'ref1a', pindata => { inserts => $inserts } ); } elsif( $report eq 'ref1b' || $report eq 'ref1c' ) { return $circ->render_citation( $report ); } elsif( $report eq 'ref2' ) { return $self->render_selections( 0 ); } return $self->{session}->make_doc_fragment; } # Helper user actions (e.g. Edit circumstances, REF info) sub render_user_actions { my( $self ) = @_; my $frag; { local $self->{processor}->{dataset} = $self->{session}->dataset( 'user' ); $frag = $self->render_action_list_bar( "ref_listing_user_actions", { dataobj => $self->{processor}->{role}->get_id, dataset => $self->{processor}->{dataset}->id, return_to => $self->get_id, } ); if( $frag->getElementsByTagName( 'input' ) ) { return $self->html_phrase( 'user_actions', actions => $frag ); } } return $frag; } # sf2 - render(): # if no current benchmark exists -> render a message (saying there's nothing to select against) # if a benchmark exists -> render the selections + the name of the benchmark + the search form sub render { my( $self ) = @_; my $repo = $self->{session}; my $frag = $repo->make_doc_fragment; my $role = $self->{processor}->{role}; my $is_uoa_champion = $repo->current_user->exists_and_set( 'ref_uoa_role' ); if( $is_uoa_champion ) { $frag->appendChild( $repo->html_phrase( 'ref:top_tools:champion', tools => $self->render_tools, benchmarks => $self->render_benchmarks( "ref:benchmarks_tools" ), roles => $self->render_roles ) ); } else { $frag->appendChild( $repo->html_phrase( 'ref:top_tools:researcher', benchmark => $self->{processor}->{benchmark}->render_citation, benchmarks => $self->render_benchmarks( "ref:benchmarks_tools:researcher" ) ) ); } $frag->appendChild( $repo->make_element( 'br' ) ); $frag->appendChild( $role->render_citation( 'ref' ) ); $frag->appendChild( $repo->make_element( 'br' ) ); $frag->appendChild( $self->render_user_actions ); # if the current_user is a champion # AND # he/she's not affiliated to a UoA (cannot select for him/herself) # AND # there are no users in the uoa he/she's champion of # THEN # display nothing! if( $is_uoa_champion && !$self->user_roles( $repo->current_user )->count && !$repo->current_user->exists_and_set( 'ref_uoa' ) ) { $frag->appendChild( $self->html_phrase( 'error:nothing_to_show' ) ); return $frag; } my $circ = EPrints::DataObj::REFCirc->new_from_user( $repo, $role->get_id, 1); my @labels; my @contents; my $reports = $self->available_reports; unless( scalar( @$reports ) ) { $frag->appendChild( $self->html_phrase( 'no_reports' ) ); return $frag; } foreach my $report ( @$reports ) { push @labels, $repo->html_phrase( "ref:report:$report" ); push @contents, $self->render_report( $report, $circ ); } $frag->appendChild( $repo->xhtml->tabs( \@labels, \@contents, basename => 'ref_user_overview', current => 0, ) ); return $frag; } 1;