
A plugin that allows exporting of EPrints data to XML (and variants such as JSON), suitable for use with external systems such as Venture Navigator (www.venturenavigator.co.uk)

Data displayed in XML format by default.
Allows limiting access to IP address.
Allows updates by providing Date variable.

* 1.0.6 *
- Added &wait={0,1} function for updates

* 1.0.7 *
- Default plugin will allow access for all IP addresses

* 1.0.8 *
- Added icon

WarningThere is a more recent version of this item available.
Item Type: EPM
EPMID: Encapsulate
Version: 1.0.8
Documentation: http://academicexpertise.wordpress.com/

EPrints 3.x
Desired export plugin enabled (XML by default)

Instances (on ROAR): 1
EPrints Versions Installed On:
3.3.15 eps1
Depositing User: Matthew Barr
Date Deposited: 07 Jan 2013 11:50
Last Modified: 07 Jan 2013 11:50
URI: http://bazaar.eprints.org/id/eprint/261
File List: epm/Encapsulate/cgi/encapsulate
Other Versions: