// AJAX queueing system, max 3 (default) AJAX requests at once var EPJS_Stats_running_id = 0; var EPJS_Stats_max_running = 6; var EPJS_Stats_running_size = 0; var EPJS_Stats_running = new Hash(); var EPJS_Stats_queue = new Hash(); var EPJS_Stats_queue_size = 0; /* Abstract class, not to be used directly */ var EPJS_Stats = Class.create({ initialize: function(params) { // this.queue_lock = false; // this.run_lock = true; if( params == null ) { alert( 'Missing params in EPJS_Stats' ); return 0; } var context = params.context; var options = params.options; if( options.container_id == null ) { alert( 'Missing param "container_id" in EPJS_Stats' ); return 0; } this.container_id = options.container_id; if( options.url != null ) this.url = options.url; else this.url = '/cgi/stats/get'; this.context = new Hash(context); this.options = new Hash(options); this.ajax_params = new Hash(); var my_context = this.get_context_fields(); // sf2 : note that this will set all values even if they are null. This is because of weird inheritances in Prototype classes if you // have more than one instance of the same super class on the same page: http://www.prototypejs.org/learn/class-inheritance for( var i=0; i < my_context.length; i++ ) this.ajax_params.set( my_context[i], this.context.get( my_context[i] ) ); // also add any options to the ajax_params Hash this.options.each(function(pair) { this.ajax_params.set( pair.key, pair.value ); }.bind(this)); }, get_context_fields: function() { return [ 'datatype', 'datafilter', 'grouping', 'set_name', 'set_value', 'range', 'to', 'from' ]; }, can_run: function() { return EPJS_Stats_running_size < EPJS_Stats_max_running; }, run: function(o) { this.running_id = EPJS_Stats_running_id; EPJS_Stats_running.set( EPJS_Stats_running_id++, o ); EPJS_Stats_running_size++; o.request(); }, run_next: function() { EPJS_Stats_running.unset( this.running_id ); if( --EPJS_Stats_running_size < 0 ) EPJS_Stats_running_size = 0; this.running_id = null; var o = null while( EPJS_Stats_queue_size > 0 && o == null ) { var o = EPJS_Stats_queue.get( EPJS_Stats_queue_size -1 ); EPJS_Stats_queue.unset( EPJS_Stats_queue_size -1 ); EPJS_Stats_queue_size--; } if( o != null ) this.run(o); }, queue: function(o) { EPJS_Stats_queue.set( EPJS_Stats_queue_size++, this ); }, draw: function() { this.wait(); this.ajax_params.set( 'view', this.view ); if( this.can_run() ) this.run( this ); else this.queue(this); }, request: function() { new Ajax.Request(this.url, { method: 'get', parameters: this.ajax_params, onSuccess: this.ajax.bind(this), onFailure: this.ajax_failure.bind(this) }); }, ajax_failure: function( response ) { if( response != null && response.status == 401 ) { if( this.container_id != null ) { $( this.container_id ).update( '

You must login to access Statistics

' ); $( this.container_id ).setStyle( { 'height': 'auto', 'width': 'auto' } ); } } }, ajax: function(response) { this.run_next(); }, // will show the loading ajax spin wait: function() { $( this.container_id ).insert( new Element( 'img', { 'border': '0', 'class': 'irstats2_spin', 'src': '/style/images/loading.gif' } ) ); $( this.container_id ).insert( 'Loading...' ); } }); /* Generic View generating HTML */ var EPJS_Stats_View = Class.create(EPJS_Stats, { initialize: function($super,params) { $super( params ); this.view = params.options.view; this.draw(); }, ajax: function($super,response) { $super(response); var html = response.responseText; $( this.container_id ).update( html ); $( this.container_id ).show(); } }); /* Displays a Counter */ var EPJS_Stats_Counter = Class.create(EPJS_Stats, { initialize: function($super,params) { $super( params ); this.view = 'Counter'; this.draw(); }, ajax: function($super,response) { $super(response); var html = response.responseText; $( this.container_id ).update( html ); } }); /* Displays an HTML Table */ var EPJS_Stats_Table = Class.create(EPJS_Stats, { initialize: function($super,params) { $super( params ); this.view = 'Table'; this.draw(); }, ajax: function($super,response) { $super(response); var html = response.responseText; $( this.container_id ).update( html ); var pNode = $( this.container_id ).up(2); var limit = this.ajax_params.get( 'limit' ); if( pNode != null && limit != null ) { var found_limit = false; var inputs = pNode.select( 'input[type="hidden"]' ); inputs.each( function(el) { if( el.name == 'limit' && el.value != limit ) { el.value = limit; found_limit = true; } }.bind(this) ); if( !found_limit ) { var form = pNode.down('form'); if( form != null ) form.insert( new Element( 'input', { 'type': 'hidden', 'name': 'limit', 'value': limit } ) ); } } } }); var EPJS_Stats_GoogleGraph = Class.create(EPJS_Stats, { initialize: function($super,params) { $super( params ); this.view = 'Google::Graph'; this.draw(); }, ajax: function($super,response) { $super(); var json = response.responseText.evalJSON(); var jsdata = json.data; var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('string', 'Year'); data.addColumn('number', ' '); if( json.show_average ) data.addColumn('number', ' '); data.addRows( jsdata ); var container = $( this.container_id ); var w = container.getWidth() - 20; var h = container.getHeight() - 10; var type = json.type; var chart; if( json.show_average ) chart = new google.visualization.ComboChart( container ); else { if( type == null || type == 'area' ) chart = new google.visualization.AreaChart(container); else chart = new google.visualization.ColumnChart(container); } var options = { width: w, height: h, lineWidth: 3, hAxis: { slantedText: false, maxAlternation: 1 }, legend: 'none', vAxis: { viewWindowMode: 'explicit', viewWindow: { min: 0 } } } if( json.show_average ) { options.seriesType = 'bars'; options.series = { 1: { type: 'line', lineWidth: 1 } }; } chart.draw( data, options ); } }); var EPJS_Stats_GoogleSpark = Class.create(EPJS_Stats, { initialize: function($super,params) { $super( params ); this.view = 'Google::Spark'; this.draw(); }, ajax: function($super,response) { $super(); var json = response.responseText.evalJSON(); var jsdata = json.data; var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('string', 'Year'); data.addColumn('number', ' '); data.addRows( jsdata ); var container = $( this.container_id ); var w = container.getWidth(); var h = container.getHeight(); var chart = new google.visualization.AreaChart(container); chart.draw( data, { width: w, height: h, lineWidth: 1, enableInteractivity: false, hAxis: { slantedText: false, maxAlternation: 1, textColor: '#ffffff' }, legend: 'none', vAxis: { textColor: '#ffffff', viewWindowMode: 'explicit', viewWindow: { min: 0 }, gridlines: { color: '#ffffff' } } } ); } }); var EPJS_Stats_GoogleGeoChart = Class.create(EPJS_Stats, { initialize: function($super,params) { $super( params ); this.view = 'Google::GeoChart'; this.draw(); }, ajax: function($super,response) { $super(); var json = response.responseText.evalJSON(); var jsdata = json.data; var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('string', 'Country'); data.addColumn('number', 'Downloads'); data.addRows( jsdata ); var container = $( this.container_id ); var w = container.getWidth() - 20; var h = container.getHeight() - 10; var options = {'width':w, 'height':h}; var chart = new google.visualization.GeoChart( container ); chart.draw(data, options); } }); var EPJS_Stats_GooglePieChart = Class.create(EPJS_Stats, { initialize: function($super,params) { $super( params ); this.view = 'Google::PieChart'; this.draw(); }, ajax: function($super,response) { $super(); var json = response.responseText.evalJSON(); var jsdata = json.data; var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('string', 'Country'); data.addColumn('number', 'Downloads'); data.addRows( jsdata ); var container = $( this.container_id ); var w = container.getWidth() - 20; var h = container.getHeight() - 10; var options = {'width':w, 'height':h}; var chart = new google.visualization.PieChart( container ); chart.draw(data, options); } }); var EPJS_Stats_Browse = Class.create( { initialize: function(params) { if( params == null || params.container_id == null ) { alert( 'missing params...' ); return; } this.container_id = params.container_id; new Ajax.Updater( this.container_id, '/cgi/stats/browse', { method: 'get', parameters: { 'container_id': this.container_id }, evalScripts: true }); }, ajax: function(transport) { $( this.container_id ).update( transport.responseText ); } } ); var EPJS_Set_Finder = function( container_id, select_id, input_id, base_url, context ) { var select = $( select_id ); if( select == null ) return; var selected = select.options[select.selectedIndex]; // need to escape base_url? var target_url = '/cgi/stats/set_finder?set_name=' + selected.value + '&base_url=' + base_url; if( context == null ) context = {}; if( context.from != null ) target_url += "&from=" + context.from; if( context.to != null ) target_url += "&to=" + context.to; if( input_id != null ) { // used for searching for a value var input_el = $( input_id ); if( input_el != null ) { target_url += "&q=" + input_el.value; } } if( !$( container_id ).visible() ) { $( container_id ).update( new Element( 'img', { 'border':'0', 'src': '/style/images/loading.gif' } ) ); $( container_id ).show(); } new Ajax.Updater( container_id, target_url, { 'method': 'GET' } ); }; var EPJS_Set_Finder_Autocomplete = function( container_id, select_id, input_id, base_url, context ) { var placeholder = 'e.g. Smith, John'; $( input_id ).observe('keyup', function(event){ var text = $( input_id ).value; if( text != null && text.length > 0 ) new EPJS_Set_Finder( container_id, select_id, input_id, base_url, context ); } ); EPJS_Stats_Placeholder( input_id, 'e.g. Smith, John' ); }; var EPJS_Stats_Placeholder = function( element_id, message ) { $( element_id ).observe( 'click', function(event) { if( $( element_id ).value == message ) { $( element_id ).value = ''; $( element_id ).removeClassName( 'irstats2_placeholder' ); } } ); $( element_id ).value = message; $( element_id ).addClassName( 'irstats2_placeholder' ); }; var EPJS_Stats_Action_Toggled_Element = {}; var EPJS_Stats_Action_Toggle = function( input_el, content_el, extra_css ) { var input = $( input_el ); var content = $( content_el ); if( input != null && content != null ) { if( !content.visible() ) { if( EPJS_Stats_Action_Toggled_Element.input_el != null ) { // also need to toggle up the potentially other selected element var selected_element = EPJS_Stats_Action_Toggled_Element; EPJS_Stats_Action_Toggled_Element = {}; EPJS_Stats_Action_Toggle( selected_element.input_el, selected_element.content_el, selected_element.extra_css ); } Effect.SlideDown( content, { duration: 0.5 } ); if( extra_css != null ) input.addClassName( extra_css ); EPJS_Stats_Action_Toggled_Element = { 'input_el': input_el, 'content_el': content_el, 'extra_css': extra_css }; } else { content.hide(); if( extra_css != null ) input.removeClassName( extra_css ); EPJS_Stats_Action_Toggled_Element = {}; } } return false; }; var EPJS_Stats_Export_Toggle = function( el, content_id ) { var content = $( content_id ); if( el != null && content != null ) { if( !content.visible() ) { Effect.SlideDown( content, { duration: 0.5 } ); el.update( '' ); } else { content.hide(); el.update( '' ); } } return false; };