package EPrints::Plugin::Stats::Processor; our @ISA = qw/ EPrints::Plugin /; use strict; # Stats::Processor (Abstract class) # # This handles the processing of stats. Used in two cases: by the bin script that updates the stats daily and also when rendering data. # # Properties: # - $self->{provides} (ARRAYREF): which data this provides (for example 'eprint_downloads'). This s the same name as what is called 'datatype' in # - $self->{cache}: used to cache the data when the stats updating is invoked. sub new { my( $class, %params ) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( %params ); $self->{disable} = 0; # which stat sets does this provide? $self->{provides} = []; return $self; } sub process_dataset { my( $self, $params ) = @_; my $session = $self->{'session'}; my $handler = $params->{handler}; if( !defined $params->{datasetid} ) { $handler->log( "Error: missing parameter 'datasetid'" ); return; } my $dataset = $session->dataset( $params->{datasetid} ); if( !defined $dataset ) { $handler->log( "Error: invalid dataset '$params->{datasetid}'" ); return; } my $class = $dataset->dataobj_class(); $class =~ s/EPrints::DataObj:://g; # e.g. 'current_eprintid' for the EPrints dataset my $ds_key = 'current_'.$dataset->key_field()->get_name; # my @plugins = @{$handler->get_stat_plugins( 'Processor::EPrint' ) || []}; my @plugins = @{$handler->get_stat_plugins( "Processor::$class" ) || []}; if( $params->{'create_tables'} || (exists $params->{incremental} && !$params->{incremental}) ) { $_->create_tables( $handler ) for(@plugins); } else { # check if the table exists, still foreach my $plugin ( @plugins ) { my $done = 0; foreach( @{$plugin->{provides} || [] } ) { next if( $handler->{dbh}->has_table( "irstats2_$_" ) ); last if( $done ); $plugin->create_tables( $handler ); $done = 1; } } } my @filters; foreach my $filterid (@{$params->{'filters'} || []}) { my $filter = $session->plugin( "Stats::Filter::$filterid" ); next unless( defined $filter ); push @filters, $filter; } # my $current_eprintid = 0; my $current_record = 0; if( !exists $params->{incremental} || $params->{incremental} ) { $current_record = $handler->get_internal_value( $ds_key ) || 0; #$handler->log( "EPrint: starting from eprintid = '$current_eprintid'" ); } $handler->log( "$params->{datasetid}: starting from record $current_record" ); # my $ds = $session->dataset( 'eprint' ); my $searchexp = new EPrints::Search( session => $session, dataset => $dataset, allow_blank => 1 ); if( $current_record > 0 ) { $current_record++; $searchexp->add_field( $dataset->key_field(), "$current_record-" ); } my $list = $searchexp->perform_search(); unless( $list->count ) { # $handler->set_internal_value( 'eprint_last_run', EPrints::Time::get_iso_timestamp() ); return; } $handler->log( "$params->{datasetid}: ".$list->count." records to process." ); my $info = { plugins => \@plugins, filters => \@filters }; $list->map( sub { my( undef, undef, $record, undef ) = @_; foreach my $filter (@{$info->{filters}}) { return unless( $filter->filter_record( $record ) ); } foreach my $plugin (@{$info->{plugins}}) { $plugin->process_record( $record ); } }, $info ); foreach my $plugin ( @plugins, @filters ) { $plugin->commit_data($handler); } if( !exists $params->{incremental} || $params->{incremental} ) { $handler->set_internal_value( $ds_key, $list->item( $list->count - 1 )->get_value( $dataset->key_field()->get_name ) ); } } # Internal method - clears the cache to lower the memory footprint as stats are updated. sub clear_cache { delete shift->{cache} }; # Tells which data (SQL) tables to create. sub create_tables { my( $self, $handler ) = @_; my $rc = 1; foreach( @{ $self->{provides} || [] } ) { $rc &&= $handler->create_data_table( "$_" ); } return $rc; } # Should be subclassed - How to process a record. # Note that "record" encompass different types: # - Records from the Access dataset are HASH'es (see Processor::Access*) # - Other records are usually EPrints::DataObj (e.g. EPrint objects, see Processor::EPrint*) sub process_record { } # Should be subclassed - What data to commit to the DB sub commit_data { my( $self, $handler ) = @_; my $provides = $self->{provides}; # 'provides' is an ARRAY REF but few Processor plugins provide more than one datatype (see Processor::Access::Downloads for an example) if( defined $provides && defined $provides->[0] ) { $handler->save_data_values( $provides->[0], $self->{cache} ); } } # Common helper method sub parse_datestamp { my( $self, $session, $d ) = @_; if( $d =~ /^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d) (\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)$/ ) { return { day => $3, month => $2, year => $1, epoch => EPrints::Time::datestring_to_timet( $session, "$1-$2-$3T$4:$5:$6Z" ) }; } elsif( $d =~ /^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)$/ ) { return { day => $3, month => $2, year => $1, epoch => EPrints::Time::datestring_to_timet( $session, "$1-$2-$3T00:00:00Z" ) }; } print STDERR "Stats::Processor: [error] failed to parse date '$d'\n"; return {day=>0,month=>0, year=>1900, epoch => 0}; } sub conf { shift->{conf} || {} } sub handler { shift->{handler} } 1;