package EPrints::Plugin::Stats::View; use EPrints::Plugin; @ISA = ('EPrints::Plugin'); use strict; # Stats::View (Abstract class) # # Plugins used on Reports. Views may be versatile and are not necessary aware of the data they're rendering (downloads? deposits?...) . But they know how to render it (e.g. a Graph, a Table...) # # They can also optionally do the data retrieval via ajax (see View::render_content_ajax). # # 'options' refers to the options set in the local configuration for that View (see, $c->{irstats2}->{report}). For example you may want to limit a Table to display the top # 10 elements. This is done as an option. # # 'context' refers to the Context of the query. For example, is a set selected? Is a special date range selected? # sub new { my( $class, %params ) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( %params ); my $view_id = $self->get_id; $view_id =~ s/Stats::View::(.*)$/$1/; $self->options->{view} = $view_id; # if set to 1, this will add the CSS class "ep_noprint" to the containers, effectively hidding the View when people try to print the page $self->{hide_from_print} = 0; return $self; } sub mimetype { 'text/html' } # Called by the Javascript layer via AJAX (see irstats2.js). This method simply calls View::render_content_ajax and prints the result to the page. sub ajax { my( $self ) = @_; my $frag = $self->render_content_ajax(); binmode( STDOUT, ":utf8" ); print STDOUT EPrints::XML::to_string( $frag ) if( defined $frag ); return; } # Helper methods sub options { my( $self ) = @_; if( !defined $self->{options} ) { $self->{options} = {}; } return $self->{options}; } sub handler { shift->{handler} } sub context { shift->{context} } # Which Javascript class to use (View plugins using AJAX should sub-class this). Javascript classes are defined in irstats2.js. sub javascript_class { 'View' } # The main data retrieval method. Usually called by View::render_content, View::render_content_ajax or View::export (the methods that require the data) sub get_data { my( $self, $params ) = @_; return $self->handler->data( $self->context ); } # Helper method returning the container ID (HTML attribute) if specified. If not, it will generate a unique ID. # This is important for Ajax callback, to know where to insert the data to. sub container { my( $self ) = @_; if( !defined $self->options->{container_id} ) { $self->options->{container_id} = $self->generate_container_id(); } return $self->options->{container_id}; } sub generate_container_id { "irstats2_container_".int(rand()*100000) } sub has_title { return 1 } # Renders the title of the View, if any. sub render_title { shift->html_phrase( 'title' ) } # By default render_content will create the AJAX callback (so the *real* rendering is then done by View::render_content_ajax). # But this can be over-riden if you'd rather render the data directly on the page (without going via AJAX). View::KeyFigures provides a good example. sub render_content { my( $self ) = @_; my $session = $self->{session}; my $frag = $session->make_doc_fragment; my $id = $self->container; my $js_class = $self->javascript_class(); my $css_class = 'irstats2_'.lc( $js_class ); my $json_context = $self->context->to_json(); my $view_options = $self->options_to_json(); $frag->appendChild( $session->make_element( "div", id => "$id", class => $css_class ) ); # note: when called from a Browse View, the DOM is already loaded thus the dom:loaded Event will never fire. That's why we first test that the dom's already loaded below. $frag->appendChild( $session->make_javascript( <{session}->log( 'EPrints::Plugin::Stats::View::render_content_ajax must be sub-classed' ); return $self->{session}->make_doc_fragment; } # The main rendering method, called by Screen::IRStats2::Report sub render { my( $self ) = @_; my $session = $self->{session}; my $frag = $session->make_doc_fragment; my $options = $self->options; # just re-use $self->options->{view} my $class_id = $self->get_id; $class_id =~ s/^Stats::View:://g; $class_id =~ s/::/_/g; my $classes = "irstats2_view irstats2_view_$class_id"; if( $self->{hide_from_print} ) { $classes .= " ep_noprint"; } my $container = $session->make_element( 'div', align=>'center',class => "$classes" ); $frag->appendChild( $container ); my $title; if( $self->has_title() ) { unless( defined $options->{show_title} && !$options->{show_title} ) { $title = $session->make_element( "div", class => 'irstats2_view_title' ); # note that this option has been deprecated because it doesn't support internationalisation if( defined $options->{title} ) { $title->appendChild( $session->make_text( $options->{title} ) ); } elsif( defined $options->{title_phrase} ) { $title->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "lib/irstats2:view:".$options->{title_phrase} ) ); } else { $title->appendChild( $self->render_title() ); } $container->appendChild( $title ); } } if( $self->can_export() && defined $title ) { $container->appendChild( $self->render_export_bar( $title ) ); } my $content = $session->make_element( "div", class => 'irstats2_view_content' ); $container->appendChild( $content ); my $custom_css = $options->{custom_css}; $content->setAttribute( 'style', $custom_css ) if( defined $custom_css ); $content->appendChild( $self->render_content() ); return $frag; } # Tells whether to render the Export bar or not. Certain plugins cannot export. sub can_export { 1 } # Renders the Export bar for the View plugins that need it. sub render_export_bar { my( $self, $target ) = @_; my $session = $self->{session}; my @plugins = @{$self->export_plugins() || [] }; return $session->make_doc_fragment unless( scalar( @plugins ) ); my $export = $session->make_element( 'div', class => 'irstats2_export_bar ep_noprint' ); my $content_id = $self->generate_container_id; my $trigger = $session->make_element( 'a', href => '#', class => 'irstats2_export_bar_toggle ep_noprint', onclick => "return EPJS_Stats_Export_Toggle( this, '$content_id' );" ); $trigger->appendChild( $session->make_element( 'img', border => '0', src => '/style/images/multi_down.png', title => 'Export options' ) ); $target->appendChild( $trigger ); my $content = $export->appendChild( $session->make_element( 'div', class => 'irstats2_export_content', style => 'display: none;', id => $content_id ) ); my $options = $self->options; my $local_options = EPrints::Utils::clone( $options ); delete $local_options->{export}; my $select = $session->make_element( 'select', name => 'export' ); foreach my $plugin (@plugins) { my $id = $plugin->get_id; next if( $id eq 'Stats::Export' ); $id =~ s/^Stats::Export::(.*)$/$1/; my $option = $select->appendChild( $session->make_element( 'option', value => "$id" ) ); $option->appendChild( $session->make_text( "$id" ) ); } $content->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( 'irstats2/view/export_section', params => $self->context->render_hidden_bits( $local_options ), options => $select ) ); return $export; } # This will actually export the data. No rendering (View::render etc.) is done in this case. sub export { my( $self, $params ) = @_; my $data = $self->get_data( $params ); $data->export( $params ); } sub export_plugins { my( $self ) = @_; return $self->handler->get_stat_plugins( 'Export' ); } # Transforms the configuration options into JSON. Used for AJAX callbacks. sub options_to_json { my( $self ) = @_; my @json; foreach( keys %{ $self->options || {} } ) { my $value = $self->options->{$_}; next unless( defined $value ); if( ref( $value ) eq 'ARRAY' ) { $value = join( ";", @$value ); } $value =~ s/'/\\'/g; push @json, "'$_': '$value'"; } return "{ ".join(", ",@json)." }"; } 1;