function issues2_retire( id1 ) { var Popup = { open: function(options) { this.options = { url: '#', width: 800, height: 800 } Object.extend(this.options, options || {});, '', 'width='+this.options.width+',height='+this.options.height); } }{url:'/cgi/users/home?screen=EPrint::View&eprintid='+id1}); return false; } function issues2_compare( id1, id2 ) { if( id1 == null ) { var parts = window.location.href.replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&#]*)/gi, function(m,key,value) { if(key == "eprintid") { id1 = value; } }); } var win = '/cgi/users/home?screen=EPrint::Issues2Summary&eprintid='+id1+'&eprintid2='+id2+'&mainonly=yes', 'Compare', 'width=800,height=400' ); /* var Popup = { open: function(options) { this.options = { url: '#', width: 800, height: 400, scrollbars: 'yes', resizable: 'yes', location: 'no', name: 'Compare', } Object.extend(this.options, options || {});, '', 'width='+this.options.width+',height='+this.options.height); } }{url:'/cgi/users/home?screen=EPrint::Issues2Summary&eprintid='+id1+'&eprintid2='+id2+'&mainonly=yes'}); */ return false; } function issues2_ack( id1, code ) { console.log( id1 + ", " + code ); if ( confirm( "Acknowledge and dismiss this problem?" ) == true) { new Ajax.Request( '/cgi/issues2ack?eprintid='+id1+'&code='+code, { method:'get' } ); return true; } else { return false; } } function issues2_merge(id1, id2) { console.log( "issues2_merge" ); var fields = ""; $$('.ep_issues2_merge').each(function(e){ if($(e).checked==true) { fields = fields + $(e).name + ","; } }); console.log(id1 + " " + id2 + " " + fields); new Ajax.Request( '/cgi/issues2merge?eprintid1='+id1+'&eprintid2='+id2+"&fields="+fields, { method:'get', onComplete: function() { window.close(); } }); return; } // run on page load - hide the issues we are not interested in document.observe('dom:loaded', function() { var types = []; var parts = window.location.href.replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, function(m,key,value) { if(key == "item_issues2_type") { types.push( "li.ep_issue_type_" + value ); } }); if( types.length > 0 ) { // hide all $$( "li.ep_issue_type" ).each( function (e) { e.setStyle({display:'none'}); } ); // show selected for (i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { $$( types[i] ).each( function (e) { e.setStyle({display:'list-item'}); } ); } } });