var initReportForm = function(){ //polyfill for IE (function () { if ( typeof window.CustomEvent === "function" ) return false; //If not IE function CustomEvent ( event, params ) { params = params || { bubbles: false, cancelable: false, detail: undefined }; var evt = document.createEvent( 'CustomEvent' ); evt.initCustomEvent( event, params.bubbles, params.cancelable, params.detail ); return evt; } CustomEvent.prototype = window.Event.prototype; window.CustomEvent = CustomEvent; })(); var select = document.getElementById('select_report'); select.addEventListener('change', onFormSelect); document.observe("dom:loaded", function() { var changeSelect = new CustomEvent("change"); select.dispatchEvent(changeSelect); }); }; var onFormSelect = function(){ //get form id var formid = this.options[this.selectedIndex].getAttribute('form'); //hide other forms $$('table.ep_search_fields').each(function (elem) { //hide the form $(elem).hide(); $(elem).select('input').each(function (input) { $(input).setAttribute("disabled", "disabled"); }); }); //show the form we want $(formid).show(); //enable this form's input elements $(formid).select('input').each(function (input) { $(input).removeAttribute("disabled"); }); }; // Used by the Screen::Report::render method var EPrints_Screen_Report_Loader = Class.create({ has_problems: 0, count: 0, runs: 0, progress: null, ids: Array(), step: 20, prefix: '', onProblems: function() {}, onFinish: function() {}, url: "", parameters: "", container: null, show_compliance: 1, // to show a pretty progress bar (% compliance): total_dataobjs: 0, total_noncompliant: 0, initialize: function(opts) { if( opts.ids ) this.ids = opts.ids; if( opts.step ) this.step = opts.step; if( opts.prefix ) this.prefix = opts.prefix; if( opts.onFinish ) this.onFinish = opts.onFinish; if( opts.onProblems ) this.onProblems = opts.onProblems; if( opts.url ) { this.url = opts.url; } if( opts.parameters ) this.parameters = opts.parameters; if( opts.container_id ) this.container = $( opts.container_id ); // should fail if container doesn't exist... if( opts.hasOwnProperty('show_compliance') ) { this.show_compliance = opts.show_compliance; } if( opts.labels ) { this.labels = opts.labels; } }, execute: function() { // progress-bar this.container.insert( new Element( 'div', { 'class': 'ep_report_progress_bar', 'id': this.prefix + "_progress_bar" } ) ); var current_grouping = null; // might not be set in the returned value but that's allowed/OK var dataobjs = {}; var grouped = false; var seen_ids = {}; this.no_items = this.ids.length; this.retrieved = []; if( !Number.isInteger(this.ids[0]) ) //ids have been grouped { grouped = true; this.grouped_ids = this.ids; this.ids = []; for( var i = 0; i < this.grouped_ids.length; i++ ) { this.ids = this.ids.concat(this.grouped_ids[i].list); } //the grouping may have created duplicate records (i.e. a record can appear in more than one group) - it's handy to have an array of all the unique records this.unique = this.ids.filter(function(item, i, ar){ return ar.indexOf(item) === i; }); this.no_items = this.unique.length; } for(var i = 0; i < this.ids.length; i+=this.step) { // arguments for Ajax query AND creates the HTML placeholders
's (that will receive the content of the Ajax query...) var args = '&ajax='+this.prefix; for(var j = 0; j < this.step && i+j < this.ids.length; j++) { args += '&' + this.prefix + '=' + this.ids[i+j]; var id = this.prefix + '_' + this.ids[i+j]; var target_el = $( id ); if( target_el != null ) { //store a record of this in seen_ids to ensure each placeholder has a unique id if( !(id in seen_ids) ) { seen_ids[id] = 1; } else { seen_ids[id] = seen_ids[id] + 1; } id = id + "_" + seen_ids[id]; } this.container.insert( new Element( 'div', { 'class': 'ep_report_row', 'id': id, 'position': i+j } ), { 'position': 'after' } ); } new Ajax.Request( this.url, { method: 'get', parameters: this.parameters + args, onSuccess: (function(transport) { var json = transport.responseText.evalJSON(); var data =; if( data == null ) data = new Array(); for( var i=0; i 0 ) { target_id = target_id + '_' + added_ids[dataobjid]; } var target_el = $( target_id ); if( target_el != null && summary != null ) { var summary_el = target_el.appendChild( new Element( 'div', { 'class': 'ep_report_row_summary' } ) ); summary_el.update( summary ); //total up non compliant records if( entry.is_compliant == null && entry.problems && entry.problems.length ) { this.total_noncompliant++; } if( entry.problems && entry.problems.length ) { var problems_el = target_el.appendChild( new Element( 'ul', { 'class': 'ep_report_row_problems' } ) ); for( var p=0; p< entry.problems.length; p++ ) { var li = problems_el.appendChild( new Element( 'li' )); li.update( entry.problems[p] ); } } else { //add support for compliant items to include bullet points too if( entry.bullets && entry.bullets.length ) { var bullets_el = target_el.appendChild( new Element( 'ul', { 'class': 'ep_report_row_bullets' } ) ); for( var b=0; b< entry.bullets.length; b++ ) { var li = bullets_el.appendChild( new Element( 'li' )); li.update( entry.bullets[b] ); } } } //display state var re = new RegExp("^#(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$"); if( entry.state && re.test(entry.state) ) { = '7px'; = 'solid'; = entry.state; } else //no state provided, so derive one from existence of problems { if( entry.problems && entry.problems.length ) { target_el.addClassName( 'ep_report_row_problems' ); } else { target_el.addClassName( 'ep_report_row_ok' ); } if( !this.show_compliance ) { target_el.addClassName( 'ep_report_row_no_compliance' ); } }; var grouping = entry.grouping; if( grouping != null ) { if( current_grouping == null || current_grouping != grouping) { current_grouping = grouping; var grouping_container = new Element( 'div', { 'class': 'ep_report_grouping' } ); target_el.insert( { 'before' : grouping_container } ); grouping_container.update( current_grouping ); } } } } if( this.total_dataobjs ) { this.container.insertBefore( new Element( 'div', { 'class': 'ep_report_compliance_container', 'id': this.prefix + "_compliance_container" } ), this.container.firstChild ); //set up text container $( this.prefix + "_compliance_container" ).appendChild( new Element( 'div', { 'class': 'ep_report_compliance_text', 'id': this.prefix + "_compliance_text", } )); //set up outputs label var outputs; if( this.labels ) { outputs = this.labels.outputs; } else { outputs = "output"; if( this.total_dataobjs > 1 ) outputs = outputs + "s"; } if( this.show_compliance ) { var ref_width = 200; var compliance = ( this.total_dataobjs - this.total_noncompliant ) / this.total_dataobjs; $( this.prefix + "_compliance_container" ).appendChild( new Element( 'div', { 'class': 'ep_report_compliance_wrapper', 'id': this.prefix + "_compliance", 'style': 'width: '+ref_width + 'px' } ) ); var compliance_width = Math.floor( 200 * compliance ); $( this.prefix + "_compliance" ).appendChild( new Element( 'div', { 'class': 'ep_report_compliance', 'style': 'width:'+compliance_width + 'px' } ) ); $( this.prefix + "_compliance_text" ).update( this.total_dataobjs + " " + outputs + " - " + Math.floor( compliance * 100 ) + "% compliance"); } else { $( this.prefix + "_compliance_text" ).update( this.total_dataobjs + " " + outputs ); } } } else { var width = 200; $( this.prefix + '_progress_bar' ).style.backgroundPosition = Math.round(-width + width * this.count / this.ids.length) + "px 0px"; } if( this.runs == 0 && this.count == 0 ) { var pNode = $( this.prefix + '_progress_bar' ).parentNode; $(this.prefix + '_progress_bar').remove(); var span = new Element( 'span', { 'class': 'ep_ref_report_empty' } ); span.update( 'Report empty' ); pNode.insert( span ); } this.runs++; }).bind(this) }); } if( this.ids == null || this.ids.length == 0 ) { var pNode = $(this.prefix + '_progress_bar').parentNode; $(this.prefix + '_progress_bar').hide(); var span = new Element( 'span', { 'class': 'ep_ref_report_empty' } ); span.update( 'Report empty' ); pNode.insert( span ); } } }); function group_report(group) { = group; document.group_report.submit(); } function sort_report(sort) { document.sort_report.sort.value = sort; document.sort_report.submit(); }