=head1 NAME EPrints::Plugin::Import::Youtube =cut package EPrints::Plugin::Import::Youtube; use EPrints; use Time::Piece; use HTML::Entities; use EPrints::Plugin::Import; @ISA = qw( EPrints::Plugin::Import ); use strict; sub new { my( $class, %opts ) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( %opts ); $self->{name} = "Youtube"; $self->{produce} = [qw( list/eprint )]; $self->{accept} = [qw( )]; $self->{advertise} = 1; $self->{import_documents} = 1; # 3.2 compat. return $self; } sub input_fh { my( $self, %opts ) = @_; my $repo = $self->{session}; my @ids; my $dataset = $opts{dataset}; my $fh = $opts{"fh"}; while(defined(my $url = <$fh>)) { chomp($url); next if $url !~ m{^https?:}; my $epdata = $self->url_to_epdata($url); my $dataobj = $self->epdata_to_dataobj( $dataset, $epdata ); push @ids, $dataobj->id if defined $dataobj; } return EPrints::List->new( session => $self->{session}, dataset => $opts{dataset}, ids => \@ids ); } sub url_to_epdata { my ( $self, $url) = @_; my $repo = $self->{repository}; my $epdata = { type => "video", output_media => "Video", ispublished => "pub", }; $self->meta_info( $epdata, $url ); return $epdata; } sub meta_info { my( $self, $epdata, $url ) = @_; my $repo = $self->{repository}; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; my $r; # fetch the Web page and extract its fields $r = $ua->get( $url ); my $content = $r->content; if( $content =~ /]* id="eow-date"[^>]*>\s*([^<]+)strptime($1, "%d %b %Y") }; if( $@ ) { print STDERR "Error parsing time for $url: $@"; } else { $epdata->{date} = $time->strftime("%Y-%m-%d"); $epdata->{date_type} = "published"; } } my %meta; pos($content) = 0; while( $content =~ /]+)>/g ) { my $attr = $1; my( $property, $content ); if( $attr =~ /\b(?:property|name)="([^"]+)"/ ) { $property = $1; } if( $attr =~ /\bcontent="([^"]+)"/ ) { $content = $1; } next if !$property || !$content; $meta{$property} = $content; } # ]+\bitemprop="thumbnailUrl"[^>]*)>/i ) { if( $1 =~ /(?:content|href)="([^"]+)"/i ) { $meta{thumbnail_url} = $1; } } # HTML 5 scary regexp parsing pos($content) = 0; while( $content =~ m{<(\w+)([^>]+\bitemscope[^>]+)>(.*?)}sg ) { my( $tag, $contents ) = ($2, $3); my $prefix; if ($tag =~ /\bitemprop="([^"]+)"/ ) { $prefix = $1; if( $tag =~ /\bitemtype="([^"]+)/ ) { $prefix .= "{$1}"; } while( $contents =~ m{<([^>]+\bitemprop="([^"]+)"[^>]*)>}g ) { my $prop = $2; if( $1 =~ /(?:content|href)="([^"]+)"/ ) { $meta{"$prefix.$prop"} = $1; } } } } for(values(%meta)) { $_ = HTML::Entities::decode_entities($_); } $meta{thumbnail_url} ||= $meta{'video{http://schema.org/VideoObject}.thumbnailUrl'}; ##vimeo thumbnail image $meta{thumbnail_url} ||= $meta{'og:image'}; $epdata->{title} = $meta{"og:title"} || $meta{title}; $epdata->{abstract} = $meta{"og:description"} || $meta{description}; $epdata->{keywords} = $meta{keywords}; $epdata->{official_url} = $meta{"og:url"}; $epdata->{source} = $meta{"og:url"}; if( $meta{thumbnail_url} ) { # fetch the thumbnail $r = $ua->get( $meta{thumbnail_url} ); $meta{thumbnail_url} =~ m{/([^/]+)$}; my $thumbnail_filename = $1; push @{$epdata->{documents}}, { main => $thumbnail_filename, format => "image", mime_type => "image/jpeg", files => [{ filename => $thumbnail_filename, filesize => length($r->content), mime_type => "image/jpeg", _content => $r->content_ref }], }; } if( my $name = $meta{"author{http://schema.org/Person}.name"} ) { my $family = $name; $family =~ s/^(.+)\s+//; my $given = $1; $epdata->{creators} = [{ name => { family => $family, given => $given }, id => $meta{"author{http://schema.org/Person}.url"}, }]; } if( $url =~ /www.youtube.com/ ) { $self->meta_youtube( $epdata ); } } sub meta_youtube { my( $self, $epdata ) = @_; my $repo = $self->{repository}; # fetch the XML descriptive data for the entry my $uri = URI->new('http://www.youtube.com/oembed'); $uri->query_form( url => $epdata->{official_url}, format => 'xml', ); my $doc = eval { $repo->xml->parse_url( $uri ) }; return if !defined $doc; my $root = $doc->documentElement; my %meta; for($root->childNodes) { $meta{$_->nodeName} = $_->firstChild->toString; } $epdata->{creators} = [{ name => { family => $meta{author_name} }, id => $meta{author_url}, }]; $epdata->{publisher} = $meta{provider_name}; } sub trigger_download_video { my %params = @_; my $repo = $params{repository}; my $eprint = $params{dataobj}; if( $eprint->exists_and_set( "source" )) { my $url = $eprint->value( "source" ); if( $url =~ m{^https?://(www\.youtube\.com|vimeo.com)/} ) { if( !has_video($eprint) ) { EPrints::DataObj::EventQueue->create_unique( $repo, { pluginid => "Import::Youtube", action => "download_video", params => [$eprint->internal_uri], }); } } } } sub has_video { my ($eprint, $url) = @_; my $has_copy = 0; DOC: foreach my $doc ($eprint->get_all_documents) { foreach my $rel (@{$doc->value( "relation" )}) { if( $rel->{type} eq EPrints::Utils::make_relation( "isYoutubeVideo" ) && (!defined $url || $url eq $rel->{uri}) ) { $has_copy = 1; last DOC; } } } return $has_copy; } sub download_video { my( $self, $eprint ) = @_; my $repo = $eprint->{session}; my $repoid = $repo->{id}; my $eprintid = $eprint->id; my $script = <<"EOP"; use EPrints; use POSIX; POSIX::setsid() or die "setsid: \$!"; close(STDIN); my \$pid = fork(); die "fork: \$!" if !defined \$pid; exit if \$pid; chdir('/'); umask 0; my \$repo = EPrints->new->repository('$repoid'); \$repo->plugin('Import::Youtube')->download_video_daemon('$eprintid'); EOP system( $repo->config("executables", "perl"), -I => $repo->config("base_path")."/perl_lib", -e => $script, ); return; } sub download_video_daemon { my ($self, $eprintid) = @_; my $repo = $self->{session}; my $eprint = $repo->dataset('eprint')->dataobj($eprintid); return if !defined $eprint; # eprint has gone away my @urls; if ($eprint->exists_and_set( "official_url" )) { push @urls, $eprint->value( "official_url" ); } if ($eprint->exists_and_set( "related_url" )) { push @urls, @{$eprint->value( "related_url_url" )}; } if ($eprint->exists_and_set( "source" )) { push @urls, $eprint->value( "source" ); } URL: foreach my $url (@urls) { next URL if $url !~ m{^https?://(www\.youtube\.com|vimeo.com)/}; next URL if has_video($eprint, $url); # already downloaded my $tmp = File::Temp->new; EPrints::Platform::read_exec($repo, $tmp, 'youtube-filename', VIDURL => $url, ); my $filename = <$tmp>; chomp($filename); $tmp = File::Temp->new; $tmp = "$tmp"; EPrints::Platform::exec($repo, 'youtube-download', VIDURL => $url, OUTPUT => $tmp, ); open(my $fh, "<", $tmp); $eprint->create_subdataobj( "documents", { main => $filename, format => "video", files => [{ filename => $filename, filesize => (-s $fh), _content => $fh, }], relation => [ { type => EPrints::Utils::make_relation( "isYoutubeVideo" ), uri => $url, }, ], }); close($fh); unlink($tmp); } return; } package EPrints::Script::Compiled; =item run_youtube_player EPRINT If EPRINT's official_url is set and is youtube returns an embedded youtube player for the video. =cut sub run_youtube_player { my( $self, $state, $eprint ) = @_; $eprint = $eprint->[0]; my $repo = $eprint->{session}; my $frag = $repo->xml->create_document_fragment; if( $eprint->exists_and_set( "official_url" ) ) { my $url = $eprint->value( "official_url" ); if( $url =~ m{^(https?)://www\.youtube\.com/.*\bv=([^;&]+)} ) { $frag->appendChild( $repo->xml->create_element( "iframe", width => 420, height => 315, src => sprintf("$1://www.youtube.com/embed/%s", $2), frameborder => 0, allowfullscreen => "yes" ) ); } elsif( $url =~ m{^(https?)://vimeo.com/(\d+)} ) { $frag->appendChild( $repo->xml->create_element( "iframe", width => 500, height => 281, src => sprintf("$1://player.vimeo.com/video/%s", $2), frameborder => 0, allowfullscreen => "yes" ) ); } } return [ $frag, "XHTML" ]; } 1; =head1 COPYRIGHT =for COPYRIGHT BEGIN Copyright 2000-2011 University of Southampton. =for COPYRIGHT END =for LICENSE BEGIN This file is part of EPrints L. EPrints is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. EPrints is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with EPrints. If not, see L. =for LICENSE END