=head1 NAME EPrints::Plugin::Export::Grid2 =cut package EPrints::Plugin::Export::Grid2; use Data::Dumper; use EPrints::Plugin::Export; @ISA = ( "EPrints::Plugin::Export::Grid" ); use strict; $EPrints::Plugin::Import::DISABLE = 1; sub new { my( $class, %opts ) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( %opts ); $self->{name} = "Grid 2 (abstract)"; $self->{accept} = [ 'dataobj/*', 'list/*', ]; $self->{visible} = "none"; $self->{advertise} = 0; return $self; } sub fields { my( $self, $dataset ) = @_; # skip compound, subobjects #return grep { !$_->is_virtual } $dataset->fields; my @fieldnames; foreach my $f ( $dataset->fields ) { if( !$f->is_virtual ) { push @fieldnames, $f->name; } } return \@fieldnames; } sub header_row { my( $self, %opts ) = @_; my $fields = $opts{fields} ||= [$self->fields($opts{list}->{dataset})]; my $ds = $opts{list}->{dataset}; my @names; foreach my $f (@$fields) { if( defined $opts{custom_export} && defined $opts{custom_export}->{$f} ) { push @names, $ds->repository->html_phrase( "exportfieldoptions:$f" ); } else { my $field = EPrints::Utils::field_from_config_string( $ds, $f ); if ($field->isa("EPrints::MetaField::Multipart")) { my $parent_name = $field->render_name; if( $field->isa( "EPrints::MetaField::Name" )) #need to deal with legacy phrase id's { foreach my $bit ( $field->get_input_bits() ) { $bit = "given_names" if( $bit eq "given" ); $bit = "family_names" if( $bit eq "family" ); my $custom_phrase = $field->name . "_" . $bit; if( $ds->repository->get_lang->has_phrase( $custom_phrase ) ) #allow a custom phrase to be used { push @names, $ds->repository->html_phrase( $custom_phrase ); } else { push @names, $parent_name . ": " . $ds->repository->html_phrase( "lib/metafield:".$bit ); } } } else { my $name = $field->name; push @names, map { $name . '.' . $_->{sub_name} } @{$field->property("fields_cache")}; } } elsif( $field->isa("EPrints::MetaField::Compound" ) ) { foreach my $sub_field (@{$field->property("fields_cache")}) { my $custom_phrase = $field->name . "_" . $sub_field->name; if( $ds->repository->get_lang->has_phrase( $custom_phrase ) ) #allow a custom phrase to be used { push @names, $ds->repository->html_phrase( $custom_phrase ); } else { push @names, $field->render_name . ": " . $sub_field->render_name; } } } else { push @names, $field->render_name; } } } return @names; } sub dataobj_to_rows { my( $self, $dataobj, %opts ) = @_; my $main_dataobj = $dataobj; #store dataobj for future reference my $fields = $opts{fields} || [$self->fields($dataobj->{dataset})]; my $ds = $opts{list}->{dataset}; my @rows = ([]); foreach my $fname (@$fields) { #reset dataobj to main dataobj $dataobj = $main_dataobj; #get the field from the id my $field; my @fnames = split( /\./, $fname ); my $sub_dataobj_values = []; if( scalar( @fnames > 1 ) ) #a field of another dataset, e.g. documents.content { $field = $ds->get_field( $fnames[0] ); #first get the field if( $field->is_type( "subobject", "itemref" ) ) #if the field belongs to another dataset { my $sub_ds_id = $field->get_property( "datasetid" ); my $multiple = $field->get_property( "multiple" ); if( $multiple ) { my @sub_dataobjs; #get the dataobjs of this field if( $sub_ds_id eq "document" ) #documents represent a special case of sub object - we don't want volatile documents (probably) { @sub_dataobjs = $dataobj->get_all_documents; } else { foreach my $sub_obj ( @{$dataobj->value( $fnames[0] )} ) { push @sub_dataobjs, $field->get_item( $dataobj->repository, $sub_obj ); } } #and build up an array of these sub dataobj's values foreach my $obj ( @sub_dataobjs ) #get the values we are requesting of the dataobjects { #check for a custom renderer my $value; if( defined $opts{custom_export} && defined $opts{custom_export}->{$fname} ) { $value = $opts{custom_export}->{$fname}->( $obj, $opts{plugin} ); } else { $field = EPrints::Utils::field_from_config_string( $obj->dataset, $fnames[1] ); if( $field->get_property( "virtual" ) ) #virtual fields need rendering { $value = EPrints::Utils::tree_to_utf8( $obj->render_value( $fnames[1] ) ); } else #regular field values can simply be retrieved { $value = $field->get_value( $obj ); } } push @{$sub_dataobj_values}, $value; } } else #we only have one sub-object, { my $sub_obj = $field->get_item( $dataobj->repository, $dataobj->value( $fnames[0] ) ); #get the subobject $field = EPrints::Utils::field_from_config_string( $sub_obj->dataset, $fnames[1] ); #get the subobjects field my $value = $field->get_value( $sub_obj ); #get the subobjects value for this field push @{$sub_dataobj_values}, $value; } } } my $i = @{$rows[0]}; my $_rows; if( EPrints::Utils::is_set( $field ) ) #we already have our values { if( scalar @{$sub_dataobj_values} > 0 ) { $_rows = $self->value_to_rows($field, $sub_dataobj_values, $dataobj); } else #there's no results, but we still need to add an empty cell to the spreadsheet { $_rows = $self->value_to_rows($field, undef); } } else #we need to retrieve our values for this field from our dataobj (or sub_dataobj) { my $value; if( defined $opts{custom_export} && defined $opts{custom_export}->{$fname} ) #we have a custom exporter { $value = $opts{custom_export}->{$fname}->( $dataobj, $opts{plugin} ); $_rows = $self->custom_value_to_rows( $value ); } else #just get the field's usual value { $field = EPrints::Utils::field_from_config_string( $ds, $fname ); if( $field->get_property( "virtual" ) ) #virtual fields need rendering { $value = EPrints::Utils::tree_to_utf8( $dataobj->render_value( $fname ) ); } else #regular field values can simply be retrieved { $value = $field->get_value( $dataobj ); } $_rows = $self->value_to_rows($field, $value, $dataobj); } } foreach my $j (0..$#$_rows) { foreach my $_i (0..$#{$_rows->[$j]}) { $rows[$j][$i+$_i] = $_rows->[$j][$_i]; } } } # generate complete rows if($opts{plugin}->param( "multiline_repeat" )) #we want each column to repeat for each row { foreach my $i (0..(scalar @rows)-1) { foreach my $j (0..$#{$rows[0]}) { $rows[$i][$j] ||= $rows[0][$j]; } } } else #we don't want repeating values in the columns { for(@rows) { $_->[0] = $rows[0][0]; #first element of this array equals the first element of the first row $_->[$#{$rows[0]}] ||= undef; } } return \@rows; } sub value_to_rows { my ($self, $field, $value, $dataobj) = @_; my @rows; if (ref($value) eq "ARRAY") { $value = [$field->empty_value] if !@$value; @rows = map { $self->value_to_rows($field, $_, $dataobj)->[0] } @$value; } elsif ($field->isa("EPrints::MetaField::Multipart")) { if( $field->isa( "EPrints::MetaField::Name" )) #need to deal with legacy phrase id's { my @bit_values; foreach my $bit ( $field->get_input_bits() ) { push @bit_values, $value->{$bit}; } push @rows, \@bit_values; } else { push @rows, [map { $value->{$_->{sub_name}} } @{$field->property("fields_cache")}]; } } elsif ($field->isa("EPrints::MetaField::Compound")) { my @sub_values; foreach my $key (keys %{$value}) { push @sub_values, $value->{$key}; } push @rows, \@sub_values; } elsif( $field->isa("EPrints::MetaField::Subject")) { if( $value ne "" ) { push @rows, [$field->render_single_value( $field->repository, $value )]; } else { push @rows, [$value]; } } elsif( !$field->isa("EPrints::MetaField::Subobject") && $field->is_virtual ) { push @rows, [$dataobj->render_value( $field->name )]; } else { push @rows, [$value]; } return \@rows; } #used for custom exports that might return a field or an array (but aren't necesarily associated with a field!) sub custom_value_to_rows { my ($self, $value) = @_; my @rows; if (ref($value) eq "ARRAY") { @rows = map { $self->custom_value_to_rows($_)->[0] } @$value; } else { push @rows, [$value]; } return \@rows; } 1; =head1 COPYRIGHT =for COPYRIGHT BEGIN Copyright 2000-2011 University of Southampton. =for COPYRIGHT END =for LICENSE BEGIN This file is part of EPrints L. EPrints is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. EPrints is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with EPrints. If not, see L. =for LICENSE END