package EPrints::Plugin::Stats::Filter::Robots; use EPrints::Plugin::Stats::Processor; use LWP::Simple; use File::Basename; our @ISA = qw/ EPrints::Plugin::Stats::Processor /; use strict; our (@ROBOTS_UA, %ROBOTS_IP); sub get_robots { my $robots_ua_href = ""; my $robots_ip_href = ""; my $conf = $EPrints::SystemSettings::conf; my $dirname = dirname(__FILE__); my $robots_ua_file = $conf->{base_path} . "/var/robots_ua.txt"; if (not ( (-e $robots_ua_file) && (-C $robots_ua_file) < 7 )) { my $datestring = localtime(); print "[$datestring|$robots_ua_file] file does not exist or too old. Downloading new..."; getstore($robots_ua_href, $robots_ua_file); print "done\n"; } ## Basic sanity check on the downloaded file my $size = -s $robots_ua_file || 0; if ( $size <10000 ) { $robots_ua_file = $dirname . "/default_robots_ua.txt"; print STDERR "Downloaded robot file appear to be incorrect. Reverting to use the default ($robots_ua_file).\n"; }; open( my $fh, $robots_ua_file ) || EPrints::abort( "Could not read $robots_ua_file\n" ); @ROBOTS_UA = map { s/\s+//g; qr/$_/i if $_ } <$fh>; close($fh); my $robots_ip_file = $conf->{base_path} . "/var/robots_ip.txt"; if (not ( (-e $robots_ip_file) && (-C $robots_ip_file) < 7 )) { my $datestring = localtime(); print "[$datestring|$robots_ip_file] file does not exist or too old. Downloading new..."; getstore($robots_ip_href, $robots_ip_file); print "done\n"; } ## Basic sanity check on the downloaded file $size = -s $robots_ip_file || 0; if ($size <120) { $robots_ip_file = $dirname . "/default_robots_ip.txt"; print STDERR "Downloaded robot IP file appear to be incorrect. Reverting to use the default ($robots_ip_file).\n"; }; open( $fh, $robots_ip_file ) || EPrints::abort( "Could not read $robots_ip_file\n" ); while (my $line = <$fh>) { chomp $line; next if not $line; next if $line =~ m/^\#/; $ROBOTS_IP{$line}=1; } close($fh); } sub new { my( $class, %params ) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( %params ); $self->{disable} = 0; return $self; } sub filter_record { my ($self, $record) = @_; if (not (%ROBOTS_IP && @ROBOTS_UA)) ## only need to get robots once. { $self->get_robots; } my $ua = $record->{requester_user_agent}; return 0 unless( defined $ua ); my $is_robot = 0; for( @ROBOTS_UA ) { $is_robot = 1, last if $ua =~ $_; } return $is_robot if $is_robot; ## #to use this feature, define in #$c->{irstats2}->{robot_ips} = [ # "", # "123.125.71", # ]; # ##adding locally configed robot IPs: my $robots_ip_cfg = $self->{session}->config( 'irstats2', 'robots_ip' ) || []; foreach (@{$robots_ip_cfg}) { $ROBOTS_IP{$_}=1; } my $ip = $record->{requester_id} || ""; return $is_robot if $ip eq ""; for(keys %ROBOTS_IP) { next if not $_; my $robot_ip = $_; my $num_dots = () = $_ =~ /\./g; $robot_ip .= "." if ($num_dots < 3 && substr($robot_ip, -1) ne '.'); $robot_ip =~ s/\./\\\./g; $is_robot = 1, last if $ip =~ /^$robot_ip/i ; } return $is_robot; } 1;