package EPrints::Plugin::Stats::Processor::Access::SearchTerms; our @ISA = qw/ EPrints::Plugin::Stats::Processor::Access /; use strict; # Processor::Access::SearchTerms # # Processes the Search terms from Access records. Provides the 'eprint_search_terms' datatype # # Note that search terms are extracted from Referrers: this can parse EPrints searches as well as Google's, Yahoo's and Bing's # # single-letter words will also be ignored my $IGNORE_WORDS = [qw{ or of at and in to the a an for how what why whom which into on is are have has do does go goes with com by up }]; my %IGNORE_LIST = map { $_ => 1 } @$IGNORE_WORDS; sub new { my( $class, %params ) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( %params ); $self->{provides} = [ "search_terms" ]; $self->{disable} = 0; $self->{cache} = {}; $self->{base_url} = ""; if( defined $self->{session} ) { $self->{base_url} = $self->{session}->config( "base_url" ); } $self->{conf} = { render => 'string', }; if ($self->{session}->config( "index") eq '1') { %IGNORE_LIST=(); $self->{'indexing'}=$self->{session}->config( 'indexing' ); foreach (keys %{$self->{'indexing'}{'freetext_stop_words'}}) { $IGNORE_LIST{$_}=$self->{'indexing'}{'freetext_stop_words'}{$_}; } } return $self; } sub process_record { my ($self, $record, $is_download) = @_; return unless( $is_download ); my $ref = $record->{referring_entity_id}; return unless( EPrints::Utils::is_set( $ref ) ); my $epid = $record->{referent_id}; return unless( defined $epid ); my $date = $record->{datestamp}->{cache}; # and unescaping the %XX characters: $ref =~ s/%([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/chr(hex($1))/eg; my ($protocol, $hostname, $uri) = EPrints::Plugin::Stats::Utils::parse_url( $ref ); return unless( defined $hostname ); # Internal search? if( $hostname eq $self->{base_url} || $hostname eq 'localhost' ) { if( $uri =~ m#(/secure|)/cgi/search/(simple|advanced)\?# ) { my $type = $2; if( $type eq 'simple' ) { my $q = EPrints::Plugin::Stats::Utils::get_param( $uri, 'q' ); if( defined $q ) { my @words = split( /\+/, $q ); foreach(@words) { my $w = $self->normalize_word( $_ ); next unless( EPrints::Utils::is_set( $w ) ); $self->{cache}->{"$date"}->{$epid}->{"$w"}++; } } return; } if( $type eq 'advanced' ) { foreach( 'title', 'creators_name', 'abstract', 'keywords' ) { my $q = EPrints::Plugin::Stats::Utils::get_param( $uri, $_ ); next unless( defined $q ); foreach( split( /\+/, $q ) ) { my $w = $self->normalize_word( $_ ); next unless( EPrints::Utils::is_set( $w ) ); $self->{cache}->{"$date"}->{$epid}->{"$w"}++; } } } } # Unknown... return; } # Google / MSN / Bing if( $hostname =~ m#(google|msn|bing)\.# ) { my $q = EPrints::Plugin::Stats::Utils::get_param( $uri, 'q' ); if( defined $q ) { foreach( split( /\+/, $q ) ) { my $w = $self->normalize_word( $_ ); next unless( EPrints::Utils::is_set( $w ) ); $self->{cache}->{"$date"}->{$epid}->{"$w"}++; } } return; } if( $hostname =~ m#yahoo\.# ) { my $q = EPrints::Plugin::Stats::Utils::get_param( $uri, 'p' ); if( defined $q ) { foreach( split( /\+/, $q ) ) { my $w = $self->normalize_word( $_ ); next unless( EPrints::Utils::is_set( $w ) ); $self->{cache}->{"$date"}->{$epid}->{"$w"}++; } } return; } } sub normalize_word { my( $self, $w ) = @_; return undef unless( defined $w ); $w =~ s/["',;\.]//g; $w =~ s/^(.*?)(\&.*)$/$1/g; $w =~ s/^\s+//g; $w =~ s/\s+$//g; return undef unless( EPrints::Utils::is_set( $w ) ); $w = lc($w); return undef if( $IGNORE_LIST{$w} ); if ($self->{'indexing'}) { return undef if( length $w < $self->{'indexing'}{'freetext_min_word_size'} && ! exists $self->{'indexing'}{'freetext_always_words'}{$w}); } else { return undef if( length $w < 2 ); } return $w; } 1;