package EPrints::Plugin::Event::OrcidSync; our @ISA = qw( EPrints::Plugin::Event ); use strict; use utf8; use EPrints; use EPrints::Plugin::Event; use EPrints::ORCID::AdvanceUtils; use JSON; use Storable qw(dclone); #add institution to employment list - requires /activities/update scope sub update_employment { my ( $self, $user ) = @_; #get user object for relevant details - check it exists and has appropriate fields my $repo = $self->{repository}; die "Repository or User object not defined" unless (defined( $repo ) && defined( $user )); die "Orcid id or authorisation code not set for user ". $user->get_value( "userid" ) unless( $user->exists_and_set( "orcid" ) && $user->exists_and_set( "orcid_access_token" ) ); my $user_type = $user->get_value( "usertype" ); my $affiliation = "employment"; if( defined $user_type && grep( /^$user_type$/, @{$repo->config( "orcid_support_advance", "education_user_types" )} ) ) { $affiliation = "education"; } #get details for the communication from config - check they exist my $organisation = $repo->config( "plugins" )->{"Event::OrcidSync"}->{"params"}->{"affiliation"}; die "Organization not defined correctly in configuration" unless ( defined( $organisation )); #check if we have already created a profile on the ORCID record to determine whether to create or update the profile #NOTE: Assuming we are only maintaining one affiliation record as we have no historical detail over role / deparmental changes my $response = EPrints::ORCID::AdvanceUtils::read_orcid_record( $repo, $user, "/$affiliation" ."s" ); if( $response->is_success ) { my $json = new JSON; my $json_text = $json->utf8->decode($response->content); my $institution = $repo->config( "plugins" )->{"Event::OrcidSync"}->{"params"}->{"affiliation"}; #get our institution from the config # Add department if ( $user->is_set( "dept" ) ) { my $institution_temp = dclone $institution; $institution_temp->{ "department-name" } = $user->get_value( "dept" ); $institution = \%{$institution_temp}; } #check this institution isn't already in the list of employments my $add_institution = 1; foreach my $employment ( @{$json_text->{"$affiliation-summary"}} ) { my $orgid1 = $institution->{'organization'}->{'disambiguated-organization'}->{'disambiguated-organization-identifier'}; my $orgid2 = $employment->{'organization'}->{'disambiguated-organization'}->{'disambiguated-organization-identifier'}; if( $orgid1 eq $orgid2 ) { $add_institution = 0; } } #add the insitution if we still need to if( $add_institution ) { my $result = EPrints::ORCID::AdvanceUtils::write_orcid_record( $repo, $user, "POST", "/$affiliation", $institution ); if( $result->is_success ) { return EPrints::Const::HTTP_OK; } else { #problem with the communication die "Response from ORCID:".$response->code." ".$response->content; } } else { #no need to add institution $repo->log( "[Event::OrcidSync::update_employment]Institution present in ORCID record. \n" ); return; } } else { #problem with the communication die "Response from ORCID:".$response->code." ".$response->content; } }