### Plumx Summary Page Widget ######################################################################################## # Enable the widget $c->{plugins}->{"Screen::EPrint::Box::Plumx"}->{params}->{disable} = 0; # Position $c->{plugins}->{"Screen::EPrint::Box::Plumx"}->{appears}->{summary_bottom} = 25; $c->{plugins}->{"Screen::EPrint::Box::Plumx"}->{appears}->{summary_right} = undef; $c->{plumx}{type} = "details"; # options: 'details', 'plum-print-popup', 'plum-print-popup-badge', 'summary', $c->{plumx}{theme} = ""; # options: 'big-ben', 'liberty' (leave blank for default) # popup side for plum-print-popup #$c->{plumx}{popup} = "right"; # options: 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom' # Hide PlumX content if empty $c->{plumx}{hide} = "false"; # Hide outer EPrints box #$c->{plumx}{style} = "/style/plumx_hide_box.css"; # Function to return id type and id. # For supported id_types, check https://plu.mx/plum/developers/widgets#Supported-Identifier-Types # Currently, this supports doi isbn bepress_url_id arxiv github_repo_id oclc nct_id pmid # slideshare_slideshow_id sourceforge_repo_id ssrn_id us_patent_publication_id # vimeo_video_id youtube_video_id medwave_id pitt_eprint_dscholar_id smithsonian_pddr_id # repo_url cabi_abstract_id ebsco_db_an_match_id elsevier_id scopus_id airiti_doc_id # airiti_book_id cscd_id mendeley_data_id datasearch_id # If an EPrints has multiple usable identifiers, the first returned value will be used. $c->{plumx}{get_type_and_id} = sub { my( $eprint ) = @_; if( $eprint->exists_and_set( "doi" ) ){ return( "doi", $eprint->value( "doi" ) ); } if( $eprint->exists_and_set( "isbn" ) ){ return( "isbn", $eprint->value( "isbn" ) ); } # id_numbers that have 10. in them (rudimentary doi check) if( $eprint->exists_and_set( "id_number" ) && ( $eprint->value( "id_number" ) =~ /\b10./ ) ){ return( "doi", $eprint->value( "id_number" ) ); } #other fields could be checked and returned here. };