package EPrints::ORCID::AdvanceUtils; use strict; use utf8; use LWP::Simple; use LWP::UserAgent; use URI::Escape; use JSON; use HTTP::Request::Common; use Encode; sub check_permission { my( $user, $perm_name ) = @_; my @granted_permissions = split(" ", $user->get_value( "orcid_granted_permissions" )); if ( grep( /^$perm_name$/, @granted_permissions ) ) { return 1; } return 0; } #build an authorisation uri to request an auth code for the given permissions - will redirecto cgi/orcid/authenticate sub build_auth_uri { my( $repo, @permissions ) = @_; my $uri = $repo->config( "orcid_support_advance", "orcid_org_auth_uri" ) . "?"; $uri .= "client_id=" . uri_escape( $repo->config( "orcid_support_advance", "client_id" ) ) . "&"; my $scope = join "%20", @permissions; $uri .= "response_type=code&scope=$scope&"; $uri .= "redirect_uri=" . $repo->config( "orcid_support_advance", "redirect_uri" ); return $uri; } #check to see if this work is already in the repository sub check_work_presence { my( $repo, $work ) = @_; #get the put code my $putcode = $work->{"put-code"}; #search external ids for doi and urn my $doi; my $urn; my $ext_ids = $work->{'external-ids'}->{'external-id'}; foreach my $ext_id ( @$ext_ids ) { if( $ext_id->{'external-id-type'} eq "doi" ) { $doi = $ext_id->{'external-id-value'}; } elsif( $ext_id->{'external-id-type'} eq "urn" ) { $urn = $ext_id->{'external-id-value'}; } }; #search for items that may have one of the ids my $ds = $repo->dataset( "archive" ); my $searchexp = $ds->prepare_search( satisfy_all => 0 ); $searchexp->add_field( fields => [ $ds->field('creators_putcode') ], value => $putcode, match => "EQ", # EQuals ); if( defined $doi ) { $searchexp->add_field( fields => [ $ds->field('id_number') ], value => $doi, match => "EQ", # EQuals ); } if( defined $urn ) { $searchexp->add_field( fields => [ $ds->field('id_number') ], value => $urn, match => "EQ", # EQuals ); } my $items = $searchexp->perform_search; if( $items->count > 0 ) { return $items->ids( 0, 1 ); } return 0; } sub read_orcid_works { my( $repo, $user, $hide_duplicates ) = @_; my @works = (); my $response = EPrints::ORCID::AdvanceUtils::read_orcid_record( $repo, $user, "/works" ); if( $response->is_success ) { my $json = new JSON; my $json_text = $json->utf8->decode( $response->content ); foreach my $work ( @{$json_text->{group}} ) { #get the put-code my $work_summary = $work->{'work-summary'}[0]; my $put_code = $work_summary->{'put-code'}; my $existing_id = EPrints::ORCID::AdvanceUtils::check_work_presence( $repo, $work_summary ); # make a more detailed request if duplicates are allowed or record is not a duplicate if( !$hide_duplicates || ($hide_duplicates && !$existing_id) ) { my $work_response = EPrints::ORCID::AdvanceUtils::read_orcid_record( $repo, $user, "/work/$put_code" ); if( $response->is_success ) { my $work_json = $json->utf8->decode( $work_response->content ); if( $existing_id ) { $work_json->{'$existing_id'} = $existing_id; } push @works, $work_json; } else { #couldn't retrieve work } } } } else { #failed to read works summary } return \@works; } sub read_orcid_works_all_sources { my( $repo, $user ) = @_; my @works = (); my $response = EPrints::ORCID::AdvanceUtils::read_orcid_record( $repo, $user, "/works" ); if( $response->is_success ) { my $json = new JSON; my $json_text = $json->utf8->decode( $response->content ); foreach my $work ( @{$json_text->{group}} ) { push @works, $work; } } return \@works; } sub read_orcid_record { my( $repo, $user, $item ) = @_; my $uri = $repo->config( "orcid_support_advance", "orcid_apiv2") . $user->value( "orcid" ) . $item; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; my @headers = ( 'Accept' => 'application/json', 'Authorization' => 'Bearer' . $user->value( "orcid_access_token" ), ); my $response = $ua->get( $uri, @headers ); return $response; } sub write_orcid_record { my( $repo, $user, $method, $item, $content ) = @_; my $uri = $repo->config( "orcid_support_advance", "orcid_apiv2") . $user->value( "orcid" ) . $item; my $req = HTTP::Request->new( $method, $uri ); my @headers = ( 'Content-type' => 'application/vnd.orcid+json', 'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $user->value( "orcid_access_token" ), 'Content-Lengh' => length( encode_utf8(to_json( $content ) ) ), ); $req->header( @headers ); $req->content( encode_utf8(to_json( $content ) ) ); my $lwp = LWP::UserAgent->new; my $response = $lwp->request( $req ); return $response; } #attempts to convert single string name provided by into a creators name sub get_name { my ($in) = @_; my $DEBUG = 0; my ($honourific, $given, $family) = ('', '', ''); # what we are aiming for # trim leading and trailing white space $in =~ s/^\s+//; $in =~ s/[\s\r\n]+$//; # tidy up the use of ".", sometimes there is a following space, sometimes not $in =~ s/\./. /g; # compress white space sequence to a single space (may have happened due to the . processing) $in =~ s/\s+/ /g; # put . after each initial $in =~ s/([A-Z])\s/$1. /g; $in =~ s/\s([A-Z])$/ $1./; # encapsulate runs of initils, like "J. R. R." with a joining underscore $in =~ s/([A-Z])(\. | )/$1._/g; # put the last _ back to a space if there are more spaces - this bridges the initals to a 'middle' name $in =~ s/_([^_]+)$/ $1/; # honourifics can appear almost anywhere, they are a limited set, so find them and take them out up front if( $in =~ s/(Dr|Mr|Prof|Professor).?\s// ) { $honourific = $1 } # GSA specicific, but harmless in general # I've seen "." trail on some names, perhaps as a typo or an abbreviation "Ben." Replace with an eye catcher to strip later $in =~ s/([a-z])\./$1:/g; # just match lower case non accented chars, remove this rule id th # trailing commas really confuse, remove $in =~ s/,$//; # key to this parser, does the input have a comma in it? if($in =~ /,/) # yes, then likely the input is like "Smith, John" { print "DEBUG comma:$in\n" if $DEBUG; ($family, $given) = split(/, ?/, $in, 2); } elsif($in =~ /^[^\s]+$/) # there are no spaces in this input, like "Anderson", which may have been "Dr. Anderson" { print "DEBUG atomic:$in\n" if $DEBUG; $family = $in; } else # no comma, then likely the input is more like "John Smith" { # a common case is "Ben M. Ward", so bridge 'first' name with any initials, and further initials should already be joined $in =~ s/^([A-Z][a-z]+)\s([A-Z]\.)/${1}~${2}/; print "DEBUG plain:$in\n" if $DEBUG; # make the (UK based) assumption that a list of name parts is more like to contain several given names rather than several family names if( $in =~ /([^\s]+)\s/ ) # not-space space everything-else { $given = $1; $family = $'; } else # something has gone wrong { $given = $family = "error"; # $given = ''; # $family = $in; } } $given =~ s/[~_]/ /g; # take out the first name joiner and nitials joiners $given =~ s/://g; # remove eye catcher $given =~ s/^([A-Z])$/$1./; # single lone initials seems to have been missed - bug in the above return ($honourific, $given, $family); } 1;