package EPrints::Plugin::Screen::REF_Support::REF4::Listing; use EPrints::Plugin::Screen::REF_Support; @ISA = ( 'EPrints::Plugin::Screen::REF_Support' ); use strict; sub new { my( $class, %params ) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(%params); $self->{appears} = [ { place => "ref_support_tools", position => 250, } ]; return $self; } sub can_be_viewed { my( $self ) = @_; my $user = $self->{session}->current_user; # who can view the reports? # main REF Admins? role = ? # people who have their ref_uoa_role field set # return 1 if( defined $user && $user->has_role( 'ref/admin' ) ); return 0 if !defined $self->current_benchmark; # sf2 - allow local over-ride of whether a user can view the REF1 Data page if( $self->{session}->can_call( 'ref_can_user_view_ref4' ) ) { my $rc = $self->{session}->call( 'ref_can_user_view_ref4', $self->{session} ) || 0; return $rc; } return 1 if( defined $user && $user->exists_and_set( 'ref_support_uoa_role' ) ); return 0; } # can the user access ALL the reports (eg. Admin)? If so, show the UoA tree? # can the user access a single report (UoA admin)? If so, show the report for that UoA # otherwise show the personal report? sub render { my( $self ) = @_; my $session = $self->{session}; my $benchmark = $self->{processor}->{benchmark}; my $benchmark_id = $benchmark->get_id; my $chunk = $session->make_doc_fragment; my $user = $session->current_user; my $ref_roles = $user->get_value( 'ref_support_uoa_role' ); return $chunk unless( EPrints::Utils::is_set( $ref_roles ) ); # render current benchmark $chunk->appendChild( $self->render_benchmarks ); my $container = $session->make_element( 'div', align => 'center', style => 'width:100%;text-align:center' ); $chunk->appendChild( $container ); # link to the available reports foreach my $uoa (sort @$ref_roles ) { my $subject = $session->dataset( 'subject' )->dataobj( $uoa ); next if !defined $subject; # my $href = URI->new( $session->config( "userhome" ) ); # $href->query_form( # screen => "REF::Report::REF4::View", # uoa => $subject->id, # ); # my $link = $session->render_link( $href ); my $div = $session->make_element( "div", style=> 'margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;font-weight:bold'); # $link->appendChild( $subject->render_description ); # $div->appendChild( $link ); $div->appendChild( $subject->render_description ); $container->appendChild( $div ); $container->appendChild( $self->render_result_row( $subject, $uoa, $benchmark_id ) ); } return $chunk; } sub render_result_row { my( $self, $subject, $uoa, $benchmark_id ) = @_; my $session = $self->{session}; my $benchmark = $self->{processor}->{benchmark}; my $env_ds = $session->dataset("ref_support_env"); my $searchexp = new EPrints::Search( session=>$session, satisfy_all => 1, custom_order => "year", dataset=>$env_ds ); $searchexp->add_field( $env_ds->get_field( "ref_support_benchmarkid" ), $benchmark_id ); $searchexp->add_field( $env_ds->get_field( "ref_support_uoa" ), $uoa ); my $table = $session->make_element( 'table', class => 'ep_ref_listing_ref4' ); my $th1 = $table->appendChild( $session->make_element( "th" ) ); my $th2 = $table->appendChild( $session->make_element( "th" ) ); my $th3 = $table->appendChild( $session->make_element( "th" ) ); my $th4 = $table->appendChild( $session->make_element( "th" ) ); my $th5 = $table->appendChild( $session->make_element( "th" ) ); $th1->appendChild( $self->html_phrase("year") ); $th2->appendChild( $self->html_phrase("degrees") ); $th3->appendChild( $self->html_phrase("income") ); $th4->appendChild( $self->html_phrase("income_in_kind") ); $th5->appendChild( $self->html_phrase("actions") ); my $list = $searchexp->perform_search; use Data::Dumper; my $data = {}; foreach my $year ( @{$session->config( 'ref_support', 'income_years' )} ) { $data->{$year}->{"id"} = -1; $data->{$year}->{"degrees"} = 0; $data->{$year}->{"income"} = 0; $data->{$year}->{"income_in_kind"} = 0; } $list->map(sub { my ( $session, $dataset, $item ) = @_; my $year = $item->get_value("year"); $data->{$year}->{"id"} = $item->get_id; $data->{$year}->{"degrees"} = $item->get_value("degrees"); my $incomes = $item->get_value("income"); foreach my $source (@$incomes) { $data->{$year}->{"income"} += $source->{"value"}; } my $in_kind_incomes = $item->get_value("income_in_kind"); foreach my $source (@$in_kind_incomes) { $data->{$year}->{"income_in_kind"} += $source->{"value"}; } }); # create any ref_support_env entries that are required. foreach my $year (sort keys %$data) { if ($data->{$year}->{"id"} < 0) { my $new_item = $env_ds->create_dataobj(); $new_item->set_value("ref_support_benchmarkid", [ $benchmark_id ] ); $new_item->set_value("ref_support_uoa", [ $uoa ] ); $new_item->set_value("year", $year); $new_item->set_value("degrees", 0); $new_item->commit; $data->{$year}->{"id"} = $new_item->get_id; } } foreach my $year (sort keys %$data) { my $tr = $table->appendChild( $session->make_element( "tr" ) ); my $td1 = $tr->appendChild( $session->make_element( "td" ) ); $td1->appendChild( $session->html_phrase("ref_support_env_fieldopt_year_".$year) ); my $td2 = $tr->appendChild( $session->make_element( "td" ) ); $td2->appendChild( $session->make_text($data->{$year}->{'degrees'}) ); my $td3 = $tr->appendChild( $session->make_element( "td" ) ); $td3->appendChild( $session->make_text($data->{$year}->{'income'}) ); my $td4 = $tr->appendChild( $session->make_element( "td" ) ); $td4->appendChild( $session->make_text($data->{$year}->{'income_in_kind'}) ); if ($data->{$year}->{"id"} >= 0) { my $edit_href = URI->new( $session->config( "userhome" ) ); $edit_href->query_form( screen => "REF_Support::REF4::Edit", dataset => "ref_support_env", dataobj => $data->{$year}->{"id"}, return_to => "REF_Support::REF4::Listing", ); my $edit_link = $session->render_link( $edit_href ); my $td = $tr->appendChild( $session->make_element( "td" ) ); $edit_link->appendChild( $self->html_phrase("edit") ); $td->appendChild( $edit_link ); } else { my $edit_href = URI->new( $session->config( "userhome" ) ); $edit_href->query_form( screen => "REF_Support::REF4::Edit", dataset => "ref_support_env", dataobj => 1, return_to => "REF_Support::REF4::Listing", ); my $edit_link = $session->render_link( $edit_href ); my $td = $tr->appendChild( $session->make_element( "td" ) ); $edit_link->appendChild( $self->html_phrase("add") ); $td->appendChild( $edit_link ); } } return $table; } 1;