function EPJS_REF_AddSelection( roleid, epid, userid, params ) { new Ajax.Request( '/cgi/users/ref/add_selection', { parameters: "roleid="+roleid+"&epid="+epid+"&userid="+userid, method: "POST", onSuccess: function( trans ) { EPJS_REF_RefreshContent( '/cgi/users/ajax?_ajax_action_id=refresh_selected'+params, 'epjs_ref_selected_items' ); EPJS_REF_RefreshContent( '/cgi/users/ajax?_ajax_action_id=refresh_search'+params, 'epjs_ref_search_fragment' ); } }); // onClick event: return false; }; function EPJS_REF_RemoveSelection( roleid, epid, userid, params ) { new Ajax.Request( '/cgi/users/ref/remove_selection', { parameters: "roleid="+roleid+"&epid="+epid+"&userid="+userid, method: "POST", onSuccess: function( trans ) { EPJS_REF_RefreshContent( '/cgi/users/ajax?screen=REF_Support::Select&_ajax_action_id=refresh_selected'+params, 'epjs_ref_selected_items' ); EPJS_REF_RefreshContent( '/cgi/users/ajax?screen=REF_support::Select&_ajax_action_id=refresh_search'+params, 'epjs_ref_search_fragment' ); } }); // onClick event: return false; }; function EPJS_REF_RefreshContent( ajax_url, elementid ) { var w = $(elementid).offsetWidth; var h = $(elementid).offsetHeight; $(elementid).update( "" ); var container = new Element( 'div', { 'align': 'center', 'valign': 'middle' } ); = w + "px"; = h + "px"; container.appendChild( new Element( 'img', { 'src': '/style/images/loading.gif', 'border': '0' } ) ); var span = new Element( 'span' ); = '10px'; = '14px'; span.update( "Refreshing..." ); container.appendChild( span ); $(elementid).appendChild( container ); new Ajax.Request( ajax_url, { method:"GET", onSuccess:function(trans) { $(elementid).style.width = "auto"; $(elementid).style.height = "auto"; $(elementid).update( trans.responseText ); } }); }; // sf2 - used by REF::Report::{report_id} function EPJS_REF_ShowAllIssues() { $$( 'div.ep_ref_report_problems' ).each( function(name,index) {; } ); $$( 'div.ep_ref_report_user_problems' ).each( function(name,index) {; } ); return false; } function EPJS_REF_HideAllIssues() { $$( 'div.ep_ref_report_problems' ).each( function(name,index) { name.hide(); } ); $$( 'div.ep_ref_report_user_problems' ).each( function(name,index) { name.hide(); } ); return false; } // sf2 - used by REF::Report::Listing function EPJS_REF_SelectAllUoAs() { var inp = $( 'ep_ref_report_listing_container' ).getElementsByTagName( 'input' ); if( inp != null ) $A( inp ).each( function( el ) { el.checked = true; } ); return false; } function EPJS_REF_UnselectAllUoAs() { var inp = $( 'ep_ref_report_listing_container' ).getElementsByTagName( 'input' ); if( inp != null ) $A( inp ).each( function( el ) { el.checked = false; } ); return false; } function EPJS_REF_Support_SerialiseUoAs() { var inp = $( "ep_ref_report_listing_container" ).getElementsByTagName( "input" ); var n = 0; if( inp != null ) { var uoas = null; $A( inp ).each( function(el) { if(el.checked) { if( uoas == null ) uoas = el.value; else uoas += "+" + el.value; n++; } } ); var reports = $( 'report_form' ).down( '#report' ); var selected = reports.options[reports.selectedIndex]; var report = selected.value; if( n == 0 ) { alert( 'You must select at least one Unit of Assessment' ); return false; } $( "ref_data" ).insert( new Element( "input", { "type":"hidden", "name":"uoas", "value": uoas } ), { position: "end" } ); } // also select the right report now: var screen = $( 'report_form' ).down( '#screen' ); var reports = $( 'report_form' ).down( '#report' ); if( screen == null || reports == null ) { alert( '[Internal error] Missing params' ); return false; } var selected = reports.options[reports.selectedIndex]; if( selected != null && selected.value != null ) { var report = selected.value; screen.value = 'REF_Support::Report::' + report; } else { alert( '[Internal error] Missing params (selected report)' ); return false; } $( "report_form" ).submit(); return false; } // Used by the REF::Report::{report_id} classes var REF_Report = Class.create({ has_problems: 0, count: 0, runs: 0, progress: null, ids: Array(), step: 5, prefix: '', onProblems: function() {}, onFinish: function() {}, url: "", parameters: "", initialize: function(opts) { if( opts.ids ) this.ids = opts.ids; if( opts.step ) this.step = opts.step; if( opts.prefix ) this.prefix = opts.prefix; if( opts.onFinish ) this.onFinish = opts.onFinish; if( opts.onProblems ) this.onProblems = opts.onProblems; if( opts.url ) this.url = opts.url; if( opts.parameters ) this.parameters = opts.parameters; }, execute: function() { for(var i = 0; i < this.ids.length; i+=this.step) { var args = '&ajax='+this.prefix; for(var j = 0; j < this.step && i+j < this.ids.length; j++) args += '&' + this.prefix + '=' + this.ids[i+j]; new Ajax.Request( this.url, { method: 'get', parameters: this.parameters + args, onSuccess: (function(transport) { // reply is JSON // = [ { userid: STRING, citation: STRING, problems: ARRAY } ] var json = transport.responseText.evalJSON(); var data =; if( data == null ) data = new Array(); for( var i=0; i 0 ) { for( var j = 0; j < problems.length; j++ ) { // hash format: problem.type - problem.desc - problem.eprintid var problem = problems[j]; if( problem.eprintid != null ) { // add as an eprint-related issue? this.addIssuesToEPrint( userid, problem.eprintid, problem.desc ); } else { // general issue for that user this.addIssuesToUser( userid, problem ); } } } } if( this.count == this.ids.length ) { $('progress').remove(); if( this.has_problems ) this.onProblems(this); this.onFinish(this); } else { var width = 200; $('progress').style.backgroundPosition = Math.round(-width + width * this.count / this.ids.length) + "px 0px"; } if( this.runs == 0 && this.count == 0 ) { var pNode = $('progress').parentNode; $('progress').remove(); var span = new Element( 'span', { 'class': 'ep_ref_report_empty' } ); span.update( 'Report empty' ); pNode.insert( span ); } this.runs++; }).bind(this) }); } if( this.ids == null || this.ids.length == 0 ) { var pNode = $('progress').parentNode; $('progress').hide(); var span = new Element( 'span', { 'class': 'ep_ref_report_empty' } ); span.update( 'Report empty' ); pNode.insert( span ); } }, buildProblemsBox: function( el ) { var boxid = el.getAttribute( 'id' ) + '_problems'; var box = new Element( 'div', { 'class': 'ep_ref_report_problems', 'id': boxid } ); el.insert( box, { 'position': 'end' } ); return box; }, addIssuesToUser: function( userid, problem ) { var desc = problem.desc; if( problem.field != null ) { var field_el = $( 'user_'+userid+'_'+problem.field ); if( field_el != null ) { var div = new Element( 'div', { 'class': 'ep_ref_report_user_problems' } ); field_el.update( div ); div.update( desc ); return; } } var element_id = this.prefix + '_' + userid + '_problems'; var target_el = $( element_id ); if( target_el != null ) { target_el.insert( desc, { 'position': 'top' } );; } }, addIssuesToEPrint: function( userid, eprintid, desc ) { var element_id = 'ep_ref_eprint_' + userid + '_' + eprintid // test if the "problems" box already exists: var problems_el = $( element_id + '_problems' ); if( problems_el != null ) { problems_el.insert( desc, { position: 'end' } ); return; } var target_el = $( element_id ); if( target_el != null ) { /* var issue_link = new Element( 'a', { 'href': '#', 'class': 'ep_ref_report_problems_link' } ); issue_link.update( 'Issues with selection' ); issue_link.observe( 'click', this.showEPrintIssues.bindAsEventListener(this, element_id + "_problems" ) ); */ /*var issue_link = new Element( 'span', { 'class': 'ep_ref_report_problems_link' } ); issue_link.update( 'Issues with selection' ); target_el.insert( issue_link, { position: 'end' } );*/ var problem_box = new Element( 'div', { 'class': 'ep_ref_report_problems', 'id': element_id + "_problems" } ); target_el.insert( problem_box, { position: 'end' } ); problem_box.update( desc ); // target_el.insert( new Element( 'div', { 'style': 'clear:right' } ), { 'position': 'end' } ); } }, showEPrintIssues: function(event) { if( event != null ) Event.stop( event ); var data = $A(arguments); var element_id = data[1]; $( element_id ).show(); } }); function lookupRole(lookup) { lookup = lookup.toLowerCase(); var select = document.querySelector('#role'); var options = select.querySelectorAll('option'); for( i = 0; i < options.length; i++ ) { var option = options[i]; var name = option.innerHTML.toLowerCase(); if( name.startsWith( lookup ) ) { option.scrollIntoView(); return; } } // we still haven't found anything so a fuzzier lookup, e.g. we might have been searching for a name without the title on the front for( i = 0; i < options.length; i++ ) { var option = options[i]; var name = option.innerHTML.toLowerCase(); if( name.includes( lookup ) ) { option.scrollIntoView(); return; } } }; function additionalInfoWordCount() { // create the word limit display var display = document.createElement( "span" ); var count_txt = document.createElement( "span" ); count_txt.classList.add( 'word_count' ); var limit_txt = document.createElement( "span" ); limit_txt.classList.add( 'word_limit' ); display.appendChild( count_txt ); display.appendChild( document.createTextNode( "/" ) ); display.appendChild( limit_txt ); // get the additionalInfo flags var sig_check = document.querySelector("input[id$='does_include_sig'"); var res_check = document.querySelector("input[id$='does_include_res'"); var fact_check = document.querySelector("input[id$='does_include_fact'"); // and check for changes to their values sig_check.addEventListener( 'change', function(){ updateFlag(sig_check, res_check, fact_check); }); res_check.addEventListener( 'change', function(){ updateFlag(sig_check, res_check, fact_check); }); fact_check.addEventListener( 'change', function(){ updateFlag(sig_check, res_check, fact_check); }); var txt_area = document.querySelector('.ep_ref_support_selection_details'); txt_area.parentElement.appendChild(display); // now watch for changes in the display area txt_area.addEventListener( 'input', function(){ updateWordCount(this); }); // trigger changes for initial set up updateFlag( sig_check, res_check, fact_check ); updateWordCount( txt_area ); }; function updateFlag(sig_check, res_check, fact_check) { var word_limit = 0; if( sig_check.checked ) { word_limit = word_limit + 100; } if( res_check.checked ) { word_limit = word_limit + 300; } if( fact_check.checked ) { word_limit = word_limit + 100; } var limit_span = document.querySelector('.word_limit'); limit_span.textContent = word_limit; }; function updateWordCount(txt_area) { var text = txt_area.value; var words = text.trim().split(/\s+/); var word_count; if (text.match(/^\s*$/)) { word_count = 0; } else { word_count = words.length; } var limit_span = document.querySelector('.word_count'); limit_span.textContent = word_count; };