# EPrints Services - REF Package # # Version: 1.3 # # This file contains the code for doing data validation + data export # Used by REF::Report::Listing to pre-populate the list of available reports (and their order): $c->{'ref_support'}->{'reports'} = [] if !defined $c->{'ref_support'}->{'reports'}; unshift @{$c->{'ref_support'}->{'reports'}}, ( 'Complete_Submission', 'Research_Groups', 'Current_Staff', 'Former_Staff', 'Former_Staff_Contracts', 'Research_Outputs', 'Staff_Outputs', 'REF4', 'REF1a', 'REF1b', 'REF1c', 'REF2' ); ################## # DATA VALIDATION ################## # REF2 # (Note that the following block of code was in Export::REF2014 until v1.2) $c->{'ref'}->{map_eprint_type} = sub { my( $eprint ) = @_; my $type = $eprint->value( 'type' ) or return; if( $type eq 'book' ) { return 'B' if !$eprint->is_set( 'creators' ); # Edited book return 'A'; # Authored book } return 'M' if $type eq 'exhibition'; return 'C' if $type eq 'book_section'; # Chapter in book return 'D' if $type eq 'article'; # Journal article return 'E' if $type eq 'conference_item'; # Conference contribution return 'F' if $type eq 'patent'; # Patent / published patent application return 'I' if $type eq 'performance'; # Performance return 'J' if $type eq 'composition'; # Composition return 'L' if $type eq 'artefact'; # Artefact return 'Q' if $type eq 'video'; # Digital or visual media return 'T' if $type eq 'other'; # Other return undef; }; # optional fields: do not show a validation warning if those fields are not defined $c->{'ref'}->{eprint_optional_map} = {map { $_ => 1 } qw( R_publisher P_publisher N_publisher Q_publisher R_isbn E_issn A_doi B_doi C_doi R_doi E_doi N_doi S_doi T_doi A_url B_url C_url R_url D_url E_url L_url P_url M_url I_url F_url N_url K_url J_url Q_url S_url G_url T_url V_url )}; $c->{'ref'}->{ref2_validate_fields} = sub { my( $repo, $selection, $eprint, $problems ) = @_; #?? if( !defined $eprint ) { $eprint = $repo->eprint( $selection->value( "eprint_id" ) ); } if( !defined $eprint ) { push @$problems, $repo->html_phrase( "ref:validate:bad_eprint" ); return {}; } if( $eprint->is_set( 'eprint_status' ) && $eprint->value( 'eprint_status' ) ne 'archive' ) { push @$problems, $repo->html_phrase( "ref:validate:eprint_not_live" ); } my $type = $selection->value( 'type' ); unless( defined $type ) { $type = $repo->call( [ 'ref', 'map_eprint_type' ], $eprint ); } if( !defined $type ) { $type = 'T'; # we need type for other choices push @$problems, $repo->html_phrase( "ref:validate:bad_type", eprint_type => $repo->make_text( $eprint->value( "type" ) ) ); return {}; } my %ref; $ref{output_type} = $type; # Output Title if( $type =~ /[AB]/ ) { $ref{output_title} = $eprint->value( "book_title" ) || $eprint->value( 'title' ); } else { $ref{output_title} = $eprint->value( "title" ); } # Place if( $type =~ /[LPMIST]/ ) { $ref{place} = $eprint->value( "place_of_pub" ); } elsif( $type =~ /[MI]/ ) { $ref{place} = $eprint->value( "event_location" ); } elsif( $type =~ /[NO]/ ) { # TODO Commissioning body } # Publisher if( $type =~ /[ABCRNQG]/ ) { $ref{publisher} = $eprint->value( "publisher" ); } # TODO P - Manufacturer # Volume title if( $type =~ /[CR]/ ) { $ref{volume_title} = $eprint->value( "book_title" ); } elsif( $type =~ /[D]/ ) { $ref{volume_title} = $eprint->value( "publication" ); } elsif( $type =~ /[E]/ ) { $ref{volume_title} = $eprint->value( "event_title" ); } # Article number if( $type =~ /[D]/ ) { # TODO $ref{article_number} = $eprint->value( "" ); } # Volume if( $type =~ /[DE]/ ) { $ref{volume} = $eprint->value( "volume" ); } # Issue if( $type =~ /[DE]/ ) { $ref{issue} = $eprint->value( "number" ); } # First page if( $type =~ /[DE]/ ) { no warnings; # undef ($ref{first_page}) = split '-', $eprint->value( "pagerange" ); } # ISBN if( $type =~ /[ABCR]/ ) { $ref{isbn} = $eprint->value( "isbn" ); } # ISSN if( $type =~ /[DE]/ ) { $ref{issn} = $eprint->value( "issn" ); } # DOI if( $type =~ /[ABCRDENSTV]/ ) { $ref{doi} = $eprint->value( "id_number" ); undef $ref{doi} if defined $ref{doi} && $ref{doi} !~ /^(doi:)?10\.\d\d\d\d\//; } # Patent Number if( $type =~ /[F]/ ) { $ref{patent_number} = $eprint->value( "id_number" ); } # Year { no warnings; $ref{year} = substr($eprint->value( "date" ),0,4); } # URL { $ref{url} = $eprint->value( "official_url" ); } # Media of Output if( $type =~ /[LPMIKJQSHGTV]/ ) { $ref{media_of_output} = $eprint->value( "output_media" ); } my $optional_map = $repo->config( 'ref', 'eprint_optional_map' ) || {}; my $fields_length = $repo->config( 'ref', 'ref2_fields_length' ) || {}; foreach my $key (sort keys %ref) { # field length if( defined $fields_length->{$key} && defined $ref{$key} ) { my $maxlen = $fields_length->{$key}; my $curlen = length( $ref{$key} ); if( $curlen > $maxlen ) { my $desc = ( $repo->dataset( 'eprint' )->has_field( $key ) ) ? $repo->html_phrase( "eprint_fieldname_$key" ) : $repo->make_text( $key ); push @$problems, $repo->html_phrase( 'ref:validate:char_limit', fieldname => $desc, maxlen => $repo->make_text( $maxlen ) ); } } next if defined $ref{$key}; next if $optional_map->{"${type}_${key}"}; my $desc = ( $repo->dataset( 'eprint' )->has_field( $key ) ) ? $repo->html_phrase( "eprint_fieldname_$key" ) : $repo->make_text( $key ); push @$problems, $repo->html_phrase( "ref:validate:missing_field", fieldname => $desc ); } return \%ref; }; # in characters $c->{'ref'}->{'ref2_fields_length'} = { place => 256, publisher => 256, volume_title => 256, volume => 16, issue => 16, first_page => 8, isbn => 24, issn => 24, doi => 256, patent_number => 24, media_of_output => 24, }; $c->{plugins}->{"Screen::REF_Support::Report::REF2"}->{params}->{validate_selection} = sub { my( $user, $selection, $eprint, $ctx ) = @_; my $session = $user->{session}; my @problems; if( $selection->is_set( "details" ) ) { my @words = split /\s+/, $selection->value( "details" ); if( @words > 300 ) { push @problems, $session->html_phrase( "ref:validate:word_limit", field => $selection->{dataset}->field( "details" )->render_name( $session ), length => $session->make_text( scalar @words ), limit => $session->make_text( 300 ), ); } } if( $selection->is_set( "abstract" ) ) { my @words = split /\s+/, $selection->value( "abstract" ); if( @words > 100 ) { push @problems, $session->html_phrase( "ref:validate:word_limit", field => $selection->{dataset}->field( "abstract" )->render_name( $session ), length => $session->make_text( scalar @words ), limit => $session->make_text( 100 ), ); } } if( $selection->is_set( 'reserve' ) ) { # can't have chosen a reserved output if the current selection is not double-weighted if( !$selection->is_set( 'weight' ) || $selection->get_value( 'weight' ) ne 'double' ) { push @problems, $session->html_phrase( "ref:validate:wrong_reserve" ); } # a selection can't be double-weighted and a reserved for itself if( $selection->get_value( 'reserve' ) eq $selection->get_id ) { push @problems, $session->html_phrase( "ref:validate:self_reserve" ); } } else { # if the output is double weighted then it must reference a reserved output if( $selection->is_set( 'weight' ) && $selection->value( 'weight' ) eq 'double' ) { push @problems, $session->html_phrase( "ref:validate:missing_field", fieldname => $session->html_phrase( 'ref_support_selection_fieldname_reserve' ) ); } } # if the output is double-weighted then must provide a statement if( $selection->is_set( 'weight' ) && $selection->value( 'weight' ) eq 'double' && !$selection->is_set( 'weight_text' ) ) { push @problems, $session->html_phrase( "ref:validate:missing_field", fieldname => $session->html_phrase( 'ref_support_selection_fieldname_weight_text' ) ); } # if the output is non-english, then must provide an English abstract if( $selection->is_set( 'non_english' ) && $selection->value( 'non_english' ) eq 'TRUE' && !$selection->is_set( 'abstract' ) ) { push @problems, $session->html_phrase( "ref:validate:missing_field", fieldname => $session->html_phrase( 'ref_support_selection_fieldname_abstract' ) ); } # if the output has conflicts of interest then must provide the list of the conflicted panel members if( $selection->is_set( 'has_conflicts' ) && $selection->value( 'has_conflicts' ) eq 'TRUE' && !$selection->is_set( 'conflicted_members' ) ) { push @problems, $session->html_phrase( "ref:validate:missing_field", fieldname => $session->html_phrase( 'ref_support_selection_fieldname_conflicted_members' ) ); } # if the output is non-english, then must provide an English abstract if( $selection->is_set( 'is_xref' ) && $selection->value( 'is_xref' ) eq 'TRUE' && !$selection->is_set( 'xref' ) ) { push @problems, $session->html_phrase( "ref:validate:missing_field", fieldname => $session->html_phrase( 'ref_support_selection_fieldname_xref' ) ); } # extra validation: $session->call( [ 'ref', 'ref2_validate_fields' ], $session, $selection, $eprint, \@problems ); my $year = $eprint->value( "date" ); $year = "" if !defined $year; $year = substr($year,0,4); my $first_year = $c->{ref_support}->{first_year}; my $last_year = $c->{ref_support}->{last_year}; if( !$year || $year < $first_year || $year > $last_year ) { push @problems, $session->html_phrase( "ref:validate:year", year => $session->make_text( $year ), ); } return @problems; }; # REF1a $c->{plugins}->{"Screen::REF_Support::Report::REF1a"}->{params}->{validate_user} = sub { my( $user, $ctx ) = @_; my $session = $user->{session}; my @problems; my $type = $user->value( 'ref_category' ); unless( defined $type ) { push @problems, { desc => $session->html_phrase( "ref:validate_user:no_category"), field => 'ref_category' }; return @problems; # can't go further, we must know the category } if( !( $type eq 'A' || $type eq 'C' ) ) { push @problems, { desc => $session->html_phrase( "ref:validate_user:wrong_category") }; return @problems; # can't go further, we must know the category } # internal_id as in the Institution's unique id (employee id or else) my $mf = [ 'staff_id', 'name_family', 'name_given' ]; if( $type eq 'A' ) { push @$mf, ( 'hesa', 'dob', 'ref_fte' ); } my $ds = $user->get_dataset; foreach( @$mf ) { next unless( $ds->has_field( "$_" ) ); unless( $user->is_set( "$_" ) ) { push @problems, { field => $_, desc => $session->html_phrase( "ref:validate_user:missing_field", field => $ds->field( $_ )->render_name ) }; next; } # FTE must be >= 0.2 if( "$_" eq 'ref_fte' ) { my $fte = $user->get_value( "$_"); if( $fte < 0.2 ) { push @problems, { field => 'ref_fte', desc => $session->html_phrase( "ref:validate_user:low_fte" ) }; } elsif( $fte > 1.0 ) { push @problems, { field => 'ref_fte', desc => $session->html_phrase( "ref:validate_user:high_fte" ) }; } } } # Circumstances validation my $circ = EPrints::DataObj::REF_Support_Circ->new_from_user( $session, $user->get_id, 1 ); return @problems unless( defined $circ ); # should never happen my $circds = $circ->dataset; foreach my $type ( 'fixed_term', 'secondment', 'unpaid_leave' ) { my $is_mf = "is_$type"; # eg is_fixed_term, is_secondment ... (those fields are defined in zz_ref_support_circ.pl) next unless( $circ->exists_and_set( $is_mf ) ); my $value = $circ->value( $is_mf ); next if( $value ne 'TRUE' ); # start and end dates must be defined foreach my $date ( 'start', 'end' ) { my $date_mf = $type."_".$date; # eg secondment_start ... if( !$circ->is_set( $date_mf ) ) { push @problems, { field => $date_mf, desc => $session->html_phrase( "ref:validate_user:missing_field", field => $circds->field( $date_mf )->render_name ) }; } } } if( $circ->is_set( 'circ' ) && !$circ->is_set( 'circ_text' ) ) { push @problems, { field => 'circ_text', desc => $session->html_phrase( "ref:validate_user:missing_field", field => $circds->field( 'circ_text' )->render_name ) }; } if( $circ->is_set( 'is_non_uk' ) && $circ->value( 'is_non_uk' ) eq 'TRUE' && !$circ->is_set( 'non_uk_text' ) ) { push @problems, { field => 'non_uk_text', desc => $session->html_phrase( "ref:validate_user:missing_field", field => $circds->field( 'non_uk_text' )->render_name ) }; } return @problems; }; $c->{plugins}->{"Screen::REF_Support::Report::REF1c"}->{params}->{validate_user} = sub { my( $user, $ctx ) = @_; my $session = $user->{session}; my @problems; my $type = $user->value( 'ref_category' ); my $circ = EPrints::DataObj::REF_Support_Circ->new_from_user( $session, $user->get_id, 1 ); my $circds = $session->dataset( 'ref_support_circ' ); # if staff is category C, must fill in the cat c circumstance fields: if( defined $type && $type eq 'C' ) { foreach my $mf ( 'catc_org', 'catc_jobtitle', 'catc_text' ) { next if( $circ->is_set( $mf ) ); push @problems, { field => $mf, desc => $session->html_phrase( "ref:validate_user:missing_field", field => $circds->field( $mf )->render_name ) }; } } return @problems; }; ############## # DATA EXPORT ############## # # Notes on Mappings # # The mappings follow one of the two formats below: # # 1- HEFCE_FIELD_NAME => EPRINTS_DATASET_ID . EPRINTS_FIELD_NAME # 2- HEFCE_FIELD_NAME => \&method # # Method (1) example: "eprint.title" -> this will get the data from the relevant EPrint object, and it will return the "title" field value # # Method (2) is a reference to a method (aka a sub' in PERL). The method will receive: # a - the plugin object which is calling the sub (for instance Export::REF_XML) # b - the relevant objects passed via a hash e.g. $objects->{eprint} # # Note that the sub can return "" or undef if they cannot parse or retrieve the appropriate data/values. If you intend on changing these or adding new subs, have a look at the existing ones below. # # REF1a Fields - fields defined by HEFCE for the REF1/a Report $c->{'ref'}->{'ref1a'}->{'fields'} = [qw{ hesaStaffIdentifier staffIdentifier surname initials category birthDate contractedFte isResearchFellow isEarlyCareerResearcher startDate isOnFixedTermContract contractStartDate contractEndDate isOnSecondment secondmentStartDate secondmentEndDate isOnUnpaidLeave unpaidLeaveStartDate unpaidLeaveEndDate isNonUKBased nonUKBasedText isSensitive circumstanceExplanation }]; # REF1a Mappings $c->{'ref'}->{'ref1a'}->{'mappings'} = { hesaStaffIdentifier => "user.hesa", staffIdentifier => "user.staff_id", surname => \&ref1a_support_surname, initials => \&ref1a_support_initials, category => "user.ref_category", birthDate => "user.dob", contractedFte => "user.ref_fte", isResearchFellow => "ref_support_circ.is_fellow", isEarlyCareerResearcher => "ref_support_circ.is_ecr", startDate => "user.ref_start_date", isOnFixedTermContract => "ref_support_circ.is_fixed_term", contractStartDate => "ref_support_circ.fixed_term_start", contractEndDate => "ref_support_circ.fixed_term_end", isOnSecondment => "ref_support_circ.is_secondment", secondmentStartDate => "ref_support_circ.secondment_start", secondmentEndDate => "ref_support_circ.secondment_end", isOnUnpaidLeave => "ref_support_circ.is_unpaid_leave", unpaidLeaveStartDate => "ref_support_circ.unpaid_leave_start", unpaidLeaveEndDate => "ref_support_circ.unpaid_leave_end", isNonUKBased => "ref_support_circ.is_non_uk", nonUKBasedText => "ref_support_circ.non_uk_text", isSensitive => "user.ref_is_sensitive", circumstanceExplanation => "ref_support_circ.circ_text", # + ResearchGroup[1|2|3|4] }; sub ref1a_support_surname { my( $plugin, $objects ) = @_; my $user = $objects->{user} or return; my $name = $user->value( 'name' ) or return; return $name->{family}; } sub ref1a_support_initials { my( $plugin, $objects ) = @_; my $user = $objects->{user} or return; my $name = $user->value( 'name' ) or return; my $gname = $name->{given} or return; return uc( substr( $gname, 0, 1 ) )."."; } # REF1b Fields - fields defined by HEFCE for the REF1/b Report $c->{'ref'}->{'ref1b'}->{'fields'} = [qw{ hesaIdentifier staffIdentifier circumstanceIdentifier earlyCareerStartDate totalPeriodOfAbsence numberOfQualifyingPeriods complexOutputReduction }]; # REF1b Mappings $c->{'ref'}->{'ref1b'}->{'mappings'} = { hesaStaffIdentifier => "user.hesa", staffIdentifier => "user.staff_id", circumstanceIdentifier => "ref_support_circ.circ", earlyCareerStartDate => "ref_support_circ.ecr_start", totalPeriodOfAbsence => "ref_support_circ.absence", numberOfQualifyingPeriods => "ref_support_circ.qual_periodes", complexOutputReduction => "ref_support_circ.complex_reduction", }; # REF1c Fields - fields defined by HEFCE for the REF1/c Report $c->{'ref'}->{'ref1c'}->{'fields'} = [qw{ hesaIdentifier staffIdentifier employingOrganisation jobTitle explanatoryText }]; # REF1c Mappings $c->{'ref'}->{'ref1c'}->{'mappings'} = { hesaStaffIdentifier => "user.hesa", staffIdentifier => "user.staff_id", employingOrganisation => "ref_support_circ.catc_org", jobTitle => "ref_support_circ.catc_jobtitle", explanatoryText => "ref_support_circ.catc_text", }; # REF2 Fields - fields defined by HEFCE for the REF2 Report $c->{'ref'}->{'ref2'}->{'fields'} = [qw{ hesaStaffIdentifier staffIdentifier outputNumber outputIdentifier outputType title place publisher volumeTitle volume issue firstPage articleNumber isbn issn doi patentNumber year url mediaOfOutput numberOfAdditionalAuthors isPendingPublication isDuplicateOutput isNonEnglishLanguage isInterdisciplinary proposeDoubleWeighting doubleWeightingStatement reserveOutput hasConflictsOfInterests conflictedPanelMembers isOutputCrossReferred crossReferToUoa additionalInformation englishAbstract researchGroup isSensitive }]; # REF2 Mappings - how to extract the data and format it $c->{'ref'}->{'ref2'}->{'mappings'} = { "hesaStaffIdentifier" => "user.hesa", "staffIdentifier" => "user.staff_id", "outputNumber" => \&ref2_support_outputNumber, # auto: 1..4 "outputIdentifier" => "ref_support_selection.selectionid", # ref_support_selection.selectionid "outputType" => "ref_support_selection.type", # ref_support_selection.type "title" => "eprint.title", # eprint.title "place" => "eprint.event_location", # eprint.event_location "publisher" => "eprint.publisher", # eprint.publisher? "volumeTitle" => \&ref2_support_volumeTitle, # eprint.series / eprint.publication? "volume" => "eprint.volume", # eprint.volume "issue" => "eprint.number", # eprint.number "firstPage" => \&ref2_support_firstPage, # eprint.pagerange "articleNumber" => \&ref2_support_article_number, # will look up either eprints.article_number (note: not a default EPrints field) or ref_support_selection.article_id (added in v1.2.3) "isbn" => "eprint.isbn", # eprint.isbn "issn" => "eprint.issn", # eprint.issn "doi" => "eprint.id_number", # eprint.id_number? only if type != patent "patentNumber" => \&ref2_support_patentNumber, # eprint.id_number only if of type patent though! "year" => \&ref2_support_year, # eprint.date_year "url" => \&ref2_support_url, # auto: eprint.url "mediaOfOutput" => "eprint.output_media", # eprint.output_media "numberOfAdditionalAuthors" => \&ref2_support_additionalAuthors, # auto: scalar(@creators) - 1 "isPendingPublication" => "ref_support_selection.pending", # ref_support_selection.pending (bool) "isDuplicateOutput" => "ref_support_selection.duplicate", # ref_support_selection.duplicate "isNonEnglishLanguage" => "ref_support_selection.non_english", # ref_support_selection.non_english (bool) "isInterdisciplinary" => "ref_support_selection.interdis", # ref_support_selection.interdis (bool) "proposeDoubleWeighting" => \&ref2_support_doubleWeighting , # ref_support_selection.weight "doubleWeightingStatement" => "ref_support_selection.weight_text", # ref_support_selection.weight_text "reserveOutput" => "ref_support_selection.reserve", # ref_support_selection.reserve "hasConflictsOfInterests" => "ref_support_selection.has_conflicts", # ref_support_selection.has_conflicts "conflictedPanelMembers" => "ref_support_selection.conflicted_members", # ref_support_selection.conflicted_members "isOutputCrossReferred" => "ref_support_selection.is_xref", # ref_support_selection.is_xref (bool) "crossReferToUoa" => \&ref2_support_cross_ref, # ref_support_selection.xref (subject) "additionalInformation" => "ref_support_selection.details", # ref_support_selection.details "englishAbstract" => \&ref2_support_abstract, # ref_support_selection.abstract || eprint.abstract "researchGroup" => "ref_support_selection.research_group", # ref_support_selection.research_group "isSensitive" => "ref_support_selection.sensitive", # ref_support_selection.sensitive (bool) }; # for REF2 the following objects are passed to the sub's: # $objects->{ref_support_selection} - the current REF Selection object # $objects->{eprint} - the related EPrint object # $objects->{user} - the related User object sub ref2_support_url { my( $plugin, $objects ) = @_; my $selection = $objects->{ref_support_selection}; # we're not allowed to return URLs for items where isPhysicalOutput is true if( $selection->is_set( "is_physical_output" ) && $selection->value( "is_physical_output" ) eq 'TRUE' ) { return undef; } return $objects->{eprint}->get_url; } sub ref2_support_outputNumber { my( $plugin, $objects ) = @_; my $user = $objects->{user}; my $key = $user->value( 'ref_support_uoa' )."-".$user->get_id; if( exists $plugin->{_cache}->{$key} ) { $plugin->{_cache}->{$key}++; } else { $plugin->{_cache}->{$key} = 1; } return $plugin->{_cache}->{$key}; } sub ref2_support_patentNumber { my( $plugin, $objects ) = @_; my $ref_support_selection = $objects->{ref_support_selection}; my $eprint = $objects->{eprint}; my $valid = 0; if( $ref_support_selection->is_set( 'type' ) ) { $valid = 1 if( $ref_support_selection->value( 'type' ) eq 'F' ); # see HEFCE Output types } else { $valid = 1 if( $eprint->value( 'type' ) eq 'patent' ); } if( $valid ) { return $eprint->value( 'id_number' ); } return undef; } sub ref2_support_year { my( $plugin, $objects ) = @_; my $eprint = $objects->{eprint}; return substr($eprint->value( 'date' ), 0, 4); } sub ref2_support_additionalAuthors { my( $plugin, $objects ) = @_; my $co_authors = scalar( @{$objects->{eprint}->value( 'creators' ) || [] } ) - 1; return $co_authors > 0 ? "$co_authors" : "0"; } sub ref2_support_doubleWeighting { my( $plugin, $objects ) = @_; my $weight = $objects->{ref_support_selection}->value( 'weight' ); return ( defined $weight && $weight eq 'double' ) ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; } sub ref2_support_abstract { my( $plugin, $objects ) = @_; if( $objects->{ref_support_selection}->is_set( 'abstract' ) ) { return $objects->{ref_support_selection}->value( 'abstract' ); } return $objects->{eprint}->value( 'abstract' ); } sub ref2_support_firstPage { my( $plugin, $objects ) = @_; return undef unless( $objects->{eprint}->is_set( 'pagerange' ) ); my $pagerange = $objects->{eprint}->value( 'pagerange' ); $pagerange =~ s/\-(.*)$//g; return $pagerange; } sub ref2_support_volumeTitle { my( $plugin, $objects ) = @_; # this will depend mostly on the Output type - refer to the Output requirements document produced by HEFCE my $ref_support_selection = $objects->{ref_support_selection}; return undef unless( $ref_support_selection->is_set( 'type' ) ); my $eprint = $objects->{eprint}; my $type = $ref_support_selection->value( 'type' ); if( $type eq 'C' ) { # C - Chapter in book => Book title return $eprint->value( 'book_title' ); } elsif( $type eq 'R' ) { # R - Scholarly edition => title of edition return $eprint->value( 'series' ); } elsif( $type eq 'D' ) { # D - Journal article => title of journal return $eprint->value( 'publication' ); } elsif( $type eq 'E' ) { # E - Conference contribution => name of conference / published proceedings return $eprint->value( 'series' ); } return undef; } sub ref2_support_cross_ref { my( $plugin, $objects ) = @_; my $session = $plugin->{session}; my $ref_support_selection = $objects->{ref_support_selection}; my $uoa_id = $ref_support_selection->value( 'xref' ) or return; my $uoa_prefix = $session->config( 'ref_support', 'uoa_prefix' ); if( $uoa_id =~ /^\Q$uoa_prefix\E(\w)(\d+)([a-zA-Z]?)$/ ) { return $2; } return undef; } sub ref2_support_article_number { my( $plugin, $objects ) = @_; my $eprint = $objects->{eprint}; # not a default EPrints field but some institutions may have added it if( defined $eprint && $eprint->exists_and_set( 'article_number' ) ) { return $eprint->value( 'article_number' ); } # added in v1.2.3 return $objects->{ref_support_selection}->value( 'article_id' ); } 1;