=head1 NAME EPrints::Plugin::Export::Archivematica::EPrint =cut package EPrints::Plugin::Export::Archivematica::EPrint; use EPrints::Plugin::Export::Archivematica; use File::Copy; use File::Spec; use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); use JSON::PP; use Data::Dumper; use Encode; @ISA = ( "EPrints::Plugin::Export::Archivematica" ); use strict; sub new { my( $class, %opts ) = @_; my( $self ) = $class->SUPER::new( %opts ); $self->{name} = "Archivematica"; $self->{accept} = [ 'dataobj/eprint' ]; $self->{visible} = "all"; return $self; } sub output_dataobj { my( $self, $dataobj, %opts ) = @_; my $session = $self->{session}; my $amid = $opts{amid}; my @results = $self->_log("Export", "start $amid", 1); # get the main, non-volatile documents my @docs = $dataobj->get_all_documents; my $numDocs = scalar @docs; # create directory to store exported files my $target_path = $session->config( "archivematica", "path" ) . "/$amid"; # for metadata only records, export these in a designated folder if set, skip if metadata_only_path not set if ($numDocs eq 0){ push @results, $self->_log("WARNING - No Documents", "Metadata Only Record", 2); # if metadata_only_path not set, output warning and skip over and do not export anything out for this one if (defined $session->config( "archivematica", "metadata_only_path") && $session->config( "archivematica", "metadata_only_path") ne "" ){ #export metadata only record into designated folder $target_path = $session->config( "archivematica", "metadata_only_path" ) . "/$amid"; } else { push @results, $self->_log("metadata_only_path not set", "Skipping", 2); return @results; } } my $objects_path = "$target_path/objects"; my $metadata_path = "$target_path/metadata"; ### objects my $rv = $self->_make_dir( $objects_path ); push @results, $self->_log("WARNING - Mkdir", "Directory already exists '$objects_path'", 2) if $rv == -1; ## documents my $documents_path = "$objects_path/documents"; $self->_make_dir( $documents_path ); my %hash_cache; # store checksums to save recalculating them foreach my $doc ( @docs ) { # create a directory for each doc my $doc_path= "$documents_path/documentid-" . $doc->id; $self->_make_dir( $doc_path ); # and create a files directory in the doc directory my $files_path = "$doc_path/files"; $self->_make_dir( $files_path ); # and then create a file directory for each file foreach my $file ( @{$doc->get_value( "files" )} ) { my $file_path = "$files_path/" . $file->id; $self->_make_dir( $file_path ); # and copy the file into the new file dir my $filename = $file->get_value( "filename" ); my $local_path = $doc->local_path . "/" . $filename; my $h = $file->get_value( 'hash' ); #warn/act on missing hashes in EPrints if (! defined ($h)) { push @results, $self->_log("WARNING - Checksum MISSING - ", "'$file_path/$filename'", 2); if( $session->config( 'DPExport', 'add_missing_checksums' ) ) {# only rehash if enabled push @results, $self->_log("Hashing new MD5 for file ", "'$file_path/$filename'", 2); $file->update_md5; $file->commit; $h = $file->get_value( 'hash' ); } else { push @results, $self->_log("Automatic rehashing disabled, enable with add_missing_checksums in plugin config", "'$file_path/$filename'", 3); } } my $ht = $file->get_value( 'hash_type' ); $hash_cache{ "$file_path/$filename" } = $h if $h && $ht && $ht eq "MD5"; my $ok = copy($local_path, "$file_path/$filename"); # or warn "Copy failed: $!"; push @results, $self->_log("Copy", "'$local_path' '$file_path/$filename'", $ok); } } ## derivatives if( $session->config( 'DPExport', 'include_derivatives' ) ) # only include derivatives if enabled { my $derivatives_path = "$objects_path/derivatives"; $self->_make_dir( $derivatives_path ); # get the volatile documents @docs = @{$dataobj->get_value( "documents" )}; foreach my $doc ( @docs ) { next unless $doc->has_relation( undef, "isVolatileVersionOf" ); # and create a files directory in the doc directory my $pos = $doc->get_value( "pos" ); my $pos_path = "$derivatives_path/$pos"; $self->_make_dir( $pos_path ); # and then copy the files into the pos directory foreach my $file ( @{$doc->get_value( "files" )} ) { my $filename = $file->get_value( "filename" ); my $file_path = $doc->local_path . "/" . $filename; my $h = $file->get_value( "hash" ); #warn/act on missing hashes in EPrints if (! defined ($h)) { push @results, $self->_log("WARNING - Checksum MISSING - ", "'$file_path/$filename'", 2); if( $session->config( 'DPExport', 'add_missing_checksums' ) ) {# only rehash if enabled push @results, $self->_log("Hashing new MD5 for file ", "'$file_path/$filename'", 2); $file->update_md5; $file->commit; $h = $file->get_value( 'hash' ); } else { push @results, $self->_log("Automatic rehashing disabled, enable with add_missing_checksums in plugin config", "'$file_path/$filename'", 2); } } my $ht = $file->get_value( "hash_type" ); $hash_cache{ "$pos_path/$filename" } = $h if $h && $ht && $ht eq "MD5"; my $ok = copy($file_path, "$pos_path/$filename"); # or warn "Copy failed: $!"; push @results, $self->_log("Copy", "'$file_path' '$pos_path/$filename'", $ok); } } } ### metadata $rv = $self->_make_dir( $metadata_path ); push @results, $self->_log("WARNING - Mkdir", "Directory already exists '$metadata_path'", 2) if $rv == -1; ## ep3.xml my $xml = $session->xml; my $doc = $xml->parse_string( $dataobj->export( "XML" ) ); push @results, $self->_log("Write", "$metadata_path/EP3.xml", 1); EPrints::XML::write_xml_file( $doc, "$metadata_path/EP3.xml" ); ## revisions # create a directory to copy the revisions to my $revisions_path = "$metadata_path/revisions"; $self->_make_dir( $revisions_path); # now copy the actual revisions my $eprint_revisions_path = $dataobj->local_path . "/revisions"; opendir my $eprint_revisions_dir, "$eprint_revisions_path" or warn "Cannot open directory: $!"; my @revisions = readdir $eprint_revisions_dir; foreach my $revision ( @revisions ) { if( $revision =~ /^[\d]+\.xml$/ ) { my $ok = copy("$eprint_revisions_path/$revision", "$revisions_path/$revision"); # or warn "Copy failed: $!"; push @results, $self->_log("Copy", "'$eprint_revisions_path/$revision' '$revisions_path/$revision'", $ok); } } ## Dublin Core JSON # first get the generic DC export plugin and use it to get an array of data my $dc_export = $session->plugin( "Export::DC" ); my $dc_metadata = $dc_export->convert_dataobj( $dataobj ); #create arrays for the different dc_export values my @creator_names; my @identifier_names; my @title_names; my @type_names; my @type_rights; my @type_language; my @type_format; my @type_date; my @type_relation; #create a hash to store the new values my %dc_hash; #push each value in the exported DC metadata to corresponding arrays foreach my $metadata ( @{$dc_metadata} ) { my $dc_key = $metadata->[0]; my $dc_value = $metadata->[1]; if (defined ($dc_value)){ if ($dc_key eq "creator") { push @creator_names, $dc_value; } elsif ($dc_key eq "identifier") { push @identifier_names, $dc_value; } elsif ($dc_key eq "title") { push @title_names, $dc_value; } elsif ($dc_key eq "type") { push @type_names, $dc_value; } elsif ($dc_key eq "rights") { push @type_rights, $dc_value; } elsif ($dc_key eq "language") { push @type_language, $dc_value; } elsif ($dc_key eq "format") { push @type_format, $dc_value; } elsif ($dc_key eq "date") { push @type_date, $dc_value; } elsif ($dc_key eq "relation") { push @type_relation, $dc_value; } } } #push arrays to matching hash fields if ( @creator_names){ if ( @creator_names > 1){ $dc_hash{"dc.creator"} = \@creator_names; } else {$dc_hash{"dc.creator"} = $creator_names[0];} } if ( @identifier_names){ if ( @identifier_names > 1){ $dc_hash{"dc.identifier"} = \@identifier_names; } else {$dc_hash{"dc.identifier"} = $identifier_names[0];} } if ( @title_names){ if ( @title_names > 1){ $dc_hash{"dc.title"} = \@title_names; } else {$dc_hash{"dc.title"} = $title_names[0];} } if ( @type_rights){ if ( @type_rights > 1){ $dc_hash{"dc.rights"} = \@type_rights; } else {$dc_hash{"dc.rights"} = $type_rights[0];} } if ( @type_language){ if ( @type_language > 1){ $dc_hash{"dc.language"} = \@type_language; } else {$dc_hash{"dc.language"} = $type_language[0];} } if ( @type_format){ if ( @type_format > 1){ $dc_hash{"dc.format"} = \@type_format; } else {$dc_hash{"dc.format"} = $type_format[0];} } if ( @type_date){ if ( @type_date > 1){ $dc_hash{"dc.date"} = \@type_date; } else {$dc_hash{"dc.date"} = $type_date[0];} } if ( @type_relation){ if ( @type_relation > 1){ $dc_hash{"dc.relation"} = \@type_relation; } else {$dc_hash{"dc.relation"} = $type_relation[0];} } if ( @type_names){ if ( @type_names > 1){ $dc_hash{"dc.type"} = \@type_names; } else {$dc_hash{"dc.type"} = $type_names[0];} } #create variable for hash my $hash_to_json_data = \%dc_hash; #convert hash to json # my $json_export = $session->plugin( "Export::JSON" ); # my $json = '['.$json_export->output_dataobj( $hash_to_json_data ).']'; my $json = '['.encode_json( $hash_to_json_data ).']'; #add filename (objects/documents folder) as the first key-value pair, otherwise, Archivematica doesn't include/index this metadata in the METS file substr($json,0,2) = "[{\"filename\":\"objects/documents\","; #print json to metadata.json file my $dc_file_path = "$metadata_path/metadata.json"; open(my $fh, '>', $dc_file_path) or warn "Could not open file '$dc_file_path' $!"; print $fh $json; close $fh; ## Checksum manifest # get all the files from the objects directory my @file_paths; $self->_read_dir( $objects_path, \@file_paths ); # set up the manifest file my $manifest_file_path = "$metadata_path/checksum.md5"; open(my $manifest_fh, '>', $manifest_file_path) or warn "Could not open file '$manifest_file_path' $!"; # loop through the files in the objects dir and add them to manifest foreach my $file_path ( @file_paths ) { open(my $fh, '<', $file_path) or warn "Could not open file '$file_path' $!"; my $ctx = Digest::MD5->new; $ctx->addfile( $fh ); my $digest = $ctx->hexdigest; close $fh; # Check if the recorded checksum matches the one just calculated. # TODO : For now add an alert in the manifest, later we need to act according to local config my $info = ( defined $hash_cache{ $file_path } && $hash_cache{ $file_path } ne $digest ) ? " # !checksum mismatch!" : ""; my $relativePath = "../".File::Spec->abs2rel ($file_path, $target_path); my $ok = 1; if ( !defined( $hash_cache{ $file_path } )) { #missing checksum in EPrints - this means something failed since new checksum should have been regenerated by this script $ok = 0; push @results, $self->_log("ERROR - checksum MISSING ", "$file_path", $ok); } elsif ($hash_cache{ $file_path } ne $digest ) { #mismatch $ok = 0; push @results, $self->_log("ERROR - checksum MISMATCH ", "$file_path", $ok); } # if( $digest eq "b279ef4488a7d6c12d4e95c5249389f2" ) { $ok = 0 } # fake up a checksum error - justin push @results, $self->_log("Manifest", "Checksum correct for '$file_path$info' ($digest)", $ok) if $ok == 1; push @results, $self->_log("Manifest", "Checksum error for '$file_path$info' ($digest)", $ok) if $ok == 0; print $manifest_fh $digest . " " . $relativePath . $info . "\n"; } close $manifest_fh; push @results, $self->_log("Export", "end $amid", 1); return @results; } sub _log { my( $self, $verb, $text, $ok ) = @_; return "[$ok] $verb - $text"; } sub _make_dir { my( $self, $dir ) = @_; if( -d $dir ) { return -1; } else { return EPrints::Platform::mkdir( $dir ); } } sub _read_dir { my( $self, $path, $file_paths ) = @_; if( -d $path ) # we have a directory { opendir my $dir, "$path" or warn "Cannot open directory: $!"; my @contents = readdir $dir; closedir $dir; foreach my $item ( @contents ) { next if( $item eq "." || $item eq ".."); $self->_read_dir( "$path/$item", $file_paths ); } } elsif( -f $path ) # we have a file { push @$file_paths, decode( 'utf8', $path ); return $file_paths; } } 1;