###################################################################### # # EPrints::Plugin::Export::OPENAIRE # ###################################################################### # # ###################################################################### =pod =head1 NAME B - OPENAIRE Export plugin. =head1 DESCRIPTION This export plugin is written to export in compliance with Guidelines for Literature Repositories OPENAIRE v4 =over 4 =cut package EPrints::Plugin::Export::OPENAIRE; use EPrints::Plugin::Export::OPENAIRE; @ISA = ( "EPrints::Plugin::Export::XMLFile" ); use strict; sub new { my( $class, %opts ) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( %opts ); $self->{name} = "OPENAIRE"; #$self->{accept} = [ 'dataobj/eprint', 'list/eprint' ]; $self->{accept} = [ 'dataobj/eprint']; #only output one eprint $self->{visible} = 'all'; $self->{suffix} = '.xml'; $self->{mimetype} = 'application/xml; charset=utf-8'; return $self; } sub output_list { my( $plugin, %opts ) = @_; my $type = $opts{list}->get_dataset->confid; my $part = ""; my $r = []; if( defined $opts{fh} ) { print {$opts{fh}} $plugin->xml_header(); } else { push @{$r}, $plugin->xml_header(); } $opts{list}->map(sub { my( $session, $dataset, $dataobj ) = @_; $part = $plugin->output_dataobj( $dataobj, multiple => 1, %opts ); if( defined $opts{fh} ) { print {$opts{fh}} $part; } else { push @{$r}, $part; } }); if( defined $opts{fh} ) { print {$opts{fh}} $plugin->xml_footer(); } else { push @{$r}, $plugin->xml_footer(); } if( defined $opts{fh} ) { return; } return join( '', @{$r} ); } sub output_dataobj { my( $plugin, $dataobj, %opts ) = @_; my $multiple = $opts{"multiple"}; my $response = $plugin->xml_dataobj ($dataobj); my $resourceMap= EPrints::XML::to_string( $response ); EPrints::XML::dispose( $response ); return "".$response; } sub xml_dataobj { my( $plugin, $dataobj, %opts ) = @_; my $multiple = $opts{"multiple"}; my $title; if( $dataobj->dataset->get_field("title")) { $title = $dataobj->get_value( "title" ); } else { $title = "EPrint #".$dataobj->get_value( "eprintid" ); } my $eprint_url = $dataobj->get_url; my $session = $plugin->{session}; my $eprint_type = $dataobj->get_value( "type" ); my $response = $plugin->{session}->make_element( "oaire:resource", "xmlns:xsi" => "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance", "xmlns:rdf" => "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#", "xmlns:dc" => "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance", "xmlns:datacite" => "http://datacite.org/schema/kernel-4", "xmlns:vc" => "http://www.w3.org/2007/XMLSchema-versioning", "xmlns:oaire" => "http://namespace.openaire.eu/schema/oaire/", "xsi:schemaLocation" =>"http://namespace.openaire.eu/schema/oaire/ https://www.openaire.eu/schema/repo-lit/4.0/openaire.xsd" ); #TITLE my $topcontent = $session->make_element( "datacite:titles"); my $sub_content = ""; $sub_content = $session->render_data_element ( 4, "datacite:title", $title ); $topcontent->appendChild( $sub_content); $response->appendChild( $topcontent ); my $creator = ""; #CREATORS $topcontent = $session->make_element( "datacite:creators"); $sub_content = ""; if ($dataobj->exists_and_set("creators")){ my $names = $dataobj->get_value( "creators" ); foreach my $name ( @$names ) { $creator = $session->make_element( "datacite:creator"); # name my $name_str = EPrints::Utils::make_name_string( $name->{name}); $sub_content = $session->render_data_element ( 4, "datacite:creatorName", $name_str, nameType=>"Personal" ); $creator->appendChild( $sub_content); # orcid if( defined $name->{orcid} && $name->{orcid} ne "" ) { my $orcid = $session->make_element( "datacite:nameIdentifier", "nameIdentifierScheme" => "ORCID", "schemeURI" => "http://orcid.org" ); $orcid->appendChild( $session->make_text( $name->{orcid} ) ); $creator->appendChild( $orcid ); } $topcontent->appendChild( $creator); } } #CORPORATE CREATORS if ($dataobj->exists_and_set("corp_creators")){ my $names = $dataobj->get_value( "corp_creators" ); foreach my $name ( @$names ) { $sub_content = $session->render_data_element ( 4, "datacite:creatorName", $name, nameType=>"Organizational" ); $creator = $session->make_element( "datacite:creator"); $creator->appendChild ( $sub_content); $topcontent->appendChild( $creator); } } $response->appendChild( $topcontent ); #CONTRIBUTORS # Map Eprints contributorTypes to OpenAIRE # EPrints is based on Library of Congress Relators http://www.loc.gov/loc.terms/relators/ # OpenAIRE has their own much shorter list (based on DataCite): # ContactPerson, DataCollector, DataCurator, DataManager, Distributor, Editor, HostingInstitution, Producer, ProjectLeader, ProjectManager, ProjectMember, RegistrationAgency, RegistrationAuthority, RelatedPerson, Researcher, ResearchGroup, RightsHolder, Sponsor, Supervisor, WorkPackageLeader, Other my %relator_map = ( "http://www.loc.gov/loc.terms/relators/DST" => "Distributor", "http://www.loc.gov/loc.terms/relators/EDT" => "Editor", "http://www.loc.gov/loc.terms/relators/PRO" => "Producer", "http://www.loc.gov/loc.terms/relators/RES" => "Researcher", "http://www.loc.gov/loc.terms/relators/SPN" => "Sponsor", "http://www.loc.gov/loc.terms/relators/OTH" => "Other", "http://www.loc.gov/loc.terms/relators/CPH" => "RightsHolder", # Copyright holder, indirect match "http://www.loc.gov/loc.terms/relators/DTM" => "DataManager", # not in the EPrints list, but it is a part of LOC relators, so good candidate to add "http://www.loc.gov/loc.terms/relators/HIS" => "HostingInstitution", # not in the EPrints list, but it is a part of LOC relators, so good candidate to add "ContactPerson" => "ContactPerson", # not in the EPrints list, but placing it in case we add it "DataCollector" => "DataCollector", # not in the EPrints list, but placing it in case we add it "DataCurator" => "DataCurator", # not in the EPrints list, but placing it in case we add it "ProjectLeader" => "ProjectLeader", # not in the EPrints list, but placing it in case we add it "ProjectManager" => "ProjectManager", # not in the EPrints list, but placing it in case we add it "ProjectMember" => "ProjectMember", # not in the EPrints list, but placing it in case we add it "RegistrationAgency" => "RegistrationAgency", # not in the EPrints list, but placing it in case we add it "RegistrationAuthority" => "RegistrationAuthority", # not in the EPrints list, but placing it in case we add it "RelatedPerson" => "RelatedPerson", # not in the EPrints list, but placing it in case we add it "ResearchGroup" => "ResearchGroup", # not in the EPrints list, but placing it in case we add it "Supervisor" => "Supervisor", # not in the EPrints list, but placing it in case we add it "WorkPackageLeader" => "WorkPackageLeader" # not in the EPrints list, but placing it in case we add it ); #EDITORS my $contributor =""; if ($dataobj->exists_and_set("editors") || $dataobj->exists_and_set("contributors")) { $topcontent = $session->make_element( "datacite:contributors"); $sub_content = ""; #EDITORS if ($dataobj->exists_and_set("editors")){ my $names = $dataobj->get_value( "editors" ); foreach my $name ( @$names ) { $contributor = $session->make_element( "datacite:contributor"); # name my $name_str = EPrints::Utils::make_name_string( $name->{name}); $sub_content = $session->render_data_element ( 4, "datacite:contributorName", $name_str, contributorType=>"Editor", nameType=>"Personal" ); $contributor->appendChild( $sub_content); # orcid if( defined $name->{orcid} && $name->{orcid} ne "" ) { my $orcid = $session->make_element( "datacite:nameIdentifier", "nameIdentifierScheme" => "ORCID", "schemeURI" => "http://orcid.org" ); $orcid->appendChild( $session->make_text( $name->{orcid} ) ); $contributor->appendChild( $orcid ); } $topcontent->appendChild( $contributor); } } #CONTRIBUTORS if ($dataobj->exists_and_set("contributors")){ my $names = $dataobj->get_value( "contributors" ); foreach my $name ( @$names ) { my $contributor_type = "Other"; $contributor_type=$name->{type}; if (defined $name->{type} && $name->{type} ne ""){ my $mapped_contributor_type = (exists $relator_map{$contributor_type}) ? $relator_map{$contributor_type} : "Other"; $contributor_type=$mapped_contributor_type; } $contributor = $session->make_element( "datacite:contributor"); # name my $name_str = EPrints::Utils::make_name_string( $name->{name}); $sub_content = $session->render_data_element ( 4, "datacite:contributorName", $name_str, contributorType=>$contributor_type ); $contributor->appendChild( $sub_content); # orcid if( defined $name->{orcid} && $name->{orcid} ne "" ) { my $orcid = $session->make_element( "datacite:nameIdentifier", "nameIdentifierScheme" => "ORCID", "schemeURI" => "http://orcid.org" ); $orcid->appendChild( $session->make_text( $name->{orcid} ) ); $contributor->appendChild( $orcid ); } $topcontent->appendChild( $contributor); } } $response->appendChild( $topcontent ); } #FUNDERS if ($dataobj->exists_and_set("funders")){ $topcontent = $session->make_element( "oaire:fundingReferences"); $sub_content = ""; my $names = $dataobj->get_value( "funders" ); foreach my $name ( @$names ) { $sub_content = $session->make_element( "oaire:fundingReference"); my $name_str = $name; my $sub_sub_content = $session->render_data_element ( 4, "oaire:funderName", $name_str ); $sub_content->appendChild( $sub_sub_content); $topcontent->appendChild( $sub_content); } $response->appendChild( $topcontent ); } # Map Eprints type to oaire:resourceType label #article, book_section, monograph, conference_item, book, thesis, graduate_projects, patent, artefact, exhibition, composition, performance, image, video, audio, dataset, experiment, teaching_resource, other my %type_map = ( "article" => "journal article", "book_section" => "book part", "monograph" => "monograph", #this has subtypes, so we deal with it below "conference_item" => "conference object", #this has subtypes, so we deal with it below "book" => "book", "thesis" => "thesis", #this has subtypes, so we deal with it below "graduate_projects" => "other", "patent" => "patent", "artefact" => "other", "exhibition" => "other", "composition" => "musical composition", "performance" => "other", "image" => "image", "video" => "video", "audio" => "sound", "dataset" => "dataset", "experiment" => "other", "teaching_resource" => "other", "other" => "other" ); # map type URI from OPENAIRE https://openaire-guidelines-for-literature-repository-managers.readthedocs.io/en/v4.0.0/field_publicationtype.html my %type_map_uri = ( "annotation" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_1162", "journal article" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_6501", "letter to the editor" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_545b", "editorial" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_b239", "research article" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_2df8fbb1", "review article" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_dcae04bc", "data paper" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_beb9" , "contribution to journal" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_3e5a" , "book review" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_ba08" , "book part" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_3248", "book" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_2f33", "bibliography" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_86bc" , "preprint" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_816b", "working paper" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_8042", "technical documentation" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_71bd", "technical report" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_18gh", "research report" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_18ws", "report to funding agency" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_18hj" , "project deliverable" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_18op", "policy report" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_186u", "other type of report" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_18wq", "memorandum" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_18wz" , "internal report" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_18ww", "review" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_efa0" , "research proposal" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_baaf", "report part" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_ba1f", "report" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_93fc", "patent" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_15cd", "conference poster not in proceedings" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_18co", "conference paper not in proceedings" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_18cp", "conference poster" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_6670", "conference paper" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_5794", "conference object" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_c94f" , "conference proceedings" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_f744", "bachelor thesis" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_7a1f", "master thesis" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_bdcc", "doctoral thesis" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_db06", "thesis" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_46ec" , "letter" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_0857", "lecture" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_8544" , "text" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_18cf" , "musical notation" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_18cw" , "musical composition" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_18cd", "sound" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_18cc", "video" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_12ce", "moving image" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_8a7e" , "still image" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_ecc8" , "image" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_c513" , "map" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_12cd" , "cartographic material" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_12cc", "software" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_5ce6", "dataset" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_ddb1", "interactive resource" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_e9a0", "website" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_7ad9" , "workflow" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_393c", "other" => "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_1843" ); my $mapped_type = (exists $type_map{$eprint_type}) ? $type_map{$eprint_type} : "other"; #deal with document subtypes if ($mapped_type eq "monograph"){ $mapped_type = "other"; #default is other if ($dataobj->exists_and_set( "monograph_type" )) { if ($dataobj->get_value("monograph_type") eq "working_paper") { $mapped_type = "working paper"; } if ($dataobj->get_value("monograph_type") eq "technical_report"){ $mapped_type = "technical report"; } } } #map from labels to URIs my $mapped_type_URI = (exists $type_map_uri{$mapped_type}) ? $type_map_uri{$mapped_type} : "http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_1843"; #map resourceTypeGeneral based on OpenAIRE my $mapped_resourceTypeGeneral = "literature"; if ($mapped_type eq "dataset"){ $mapped_resourceTypeGeneral = "dataset"; } # report #resourceType $topcontent = $session->make_element( "oaire:resourceType", "uri"=>"$mapped_type_URI", "resourceTypeGeneral"=> "$mapped_resourceTypeGeneral" ); $topcontent->appendChild($session->make_text($mapped_type)); $response->appendChild( $topcontent ); #http://hdl.handle.net/1234/5628 $topcontent = $session->make_element( "datacite:identifier", "identifierType"=>"URL"); $topcontent->appendChild($session->make_text($eprint_url)); $response->appendChild( $topcontent ); my $mapped_rights_URI=""; #Add rights info my $repo = $plugin->{session}->get_repository; my $rightsLabel = "metadata only access"; #default, unless we find a document my $filerightsLabel = "open access"; #default file-level rights label is open access my $embargo_expiry_date = ""; #default NULL embargo date # map type URI from OPENAIRE https://openaire-guidelines-for-literature-repository-managers.readthedocs.io/en/v4.0.0/field_accessrights.html my %type_map_rightsuri = ( "open access" => "http://purl.org/coar/access_right/c_abf2", "embargoed access" => "http://purl.org/coar/access_right/c_f1cf", "restricted access" => "http://purl.org/coar/access_right/c_16ec", "metadata only access" => "http://purl.org/coar/access_right/c_14cb", ); #check if at least one document, so default to open access unless we find an embargo or restriction my @docs = $dataobj->get_all_documents(); if (@docs > 0) { $rightsLabel = "open access"; } #go through documents, determine "rightsLabel" to be open access, embargoed, restricted or metadata only foreach my $doc ( @docs ) { if($doc->exists_and_set("date_embargo")){ $filerightsLabel = "embargoed access"; #this document is embargoed $rightsLabel = "embargoed access"; #at least one embargoed - so eprint embargoed $embargo_expiry_date = $doc->value("date_embargo"); #store embargo expiry date } elsif($doc->exists_and_set("security")){ if (($doc->value("security") eq "staffonly") || ($doc->value("security") eq "validuser")){ $filerightsLabel = "restricted access"; #this document is restricted $rightsLabel = "restricted access"; # at least one restricted - so eprint restricted } elsif ($doc->value("security") eq "public") { #this document is open access (no embargo date or user restrictions) $filerightsLabel = "open access"; #this document is open access } } #http://link-to-the-fulltext.org $mapped_rights_URI = (exists $type_map_rightsuri{$filerightsLabel}) ? $type_map_rightsuri{$filerightsLabel} : ""; my $mime_type=$doc->value("mime_type"); my $docurl=$doc->get_url; $topcontent = $session->make_element( "oaire:file","accessRightsURI"=>"$mapped_rights_URI","mimeType"=>"$mime_type"); $topcontent->appendChild($session->make_text("$docurl")); $response->appendChild( $topcontent ); } #map eprint rights from label to URIs $mapped_rights_URI = (exists $type_map_rightsuri{$rightsLabel}) ? $type_map_rightsuri{$rightsLabel} : ""; #open access $topcontent = $session->make_element( "datacite:rights", "rightsURI"=>"$mapped_rights_URI"); $topcontent->appendChild($session->make_text($rightsLabel)); $response->appendChild( $topcontent ); #2000-12-25 my $date = ""; my $dateType = ""; if( $dataobj->exists_and_set("date")){ $date = $dataobj->get_value( "date" ); } if( $dataobj->exists_and_set("date_type")){ $dateType = $dataobj->get_value( "date_type" ); } elsif ($date ne ""){ #if the date is set, but the DateType is not set, this is an item from a time when DateType was not required in deposit workflow #we map these records with a missing datetype to "published"/"completed" date types below $dateType = "UNKNOWN"; } #for everything except for theses, the mapping is like this: my %type_map_date = ( "submitted" => "Available", "published" => "Issued", "completed" => "Available", "UNKNOWN" => "Issued", ); #for theses, we should always have completion date which maps to Accepted date, if another date type is stored, treat it the same way as other document types above my %type_map_date_theses = ( "submitted" => "Available", "published" => "Issued", "completed" => "Accepted", "UNKNOWN" => "Accepted", ); my $mapped_dateType=""; if ($mapped_type eq "thesis"){ #map from eprints to openaire date types (theses) $mapped_dateType = (exists $type_map_date_theses{$dateType}) ? $type_map_date_theses{$dateType} : ""; } else{ #map from eprints to openaire date types (non theses) $mapped_dateType = (exists $type_map_date{$dateType}) ? $type_map_date{$dateType} : ""; } #if embargoed, always set the date available to embargo expiry date if ($embargo_expiry_date ne ""){ #in some cases more than one date may be needed, specifically: when we have published date or accepted date (theses) and embargo expiry date if ($mapped_dateType eq "Issued"){ $topcontent = $session->make_element( "datacite:dates"); $sub_content = $session->make_element( "datacite:date", "dateType"=>"Available"); $sub_content->appendChild($session->make_text($embargo_expiry_date)); $topcontent->appendChild($sub_content); $sub_content = $session->make_element( "datacite:date", "dateType"=>"Issued"); $sub_content->appendChild($session->make_text($date)); $topcontent->appendChild($sub_content); $response->appendChild( $topcontent ); } elsif (($mapped_dateType eq "Accepted") && ($mapped_type eq "thesis")){ $topcontent = $session->make_element( "datacite:dates"); $sub_content = $session->make_element( "datacite:date", "dateType"=>"Available"); $sub_content->appendChild($session->make_text($embargo_expiry_date)); $topcontent->appendChild($sub_content); $sub_content = $session->make_element( "datacite:date", "dateType"=>"Accepted"); $sub_content->appendChild($session->make_text($date)); $topcontent->appendChild($sub_content); $response->appendChild( $topcontent ); } else{ #when we have embargo expiry date and either submitted or completed date, only provide the embargo expiry date $topcontent = $session->make_element( "datacite:date", "dateType"=>"Available"); $topcontent->appendChild($session->make_text($embargo_expiry_date)); $response->appendChild( $topcontent ); } } #no embargo, so OA dates apply elsif ($date ne ""){ $topcontent = $session->make_element( "datacite:date", "dateType"=>"$mapped_dateType"); $topcontent->appendChild($session->make_text($date)); $response->appendChild( $topcontent ); } #extract individual subject keywords from the combined field if( $dataobj->exists_and_set("keywords")){ my $keywords_field = $dataobj->dataset->field( "keywords" ); my @words; if( $keywords_field->get_property( "multiple" ) ) { @words = @{$dataobj->value( "keywords" )}; } else { my $subjects = $dataobj->get_value( "keywords" ); @words = split /[;\,]/, $subjects; } my $subcontent = ""; my $subject = ""; $topcontent = $session->make_element( "datacite:subjects"); foreach ( @words ) { $subcontent = $session->make_element( "datacite:subject"); $subject = $session->make_text($_); $subcontent->appendChild($subject); $topcontent->appendChild($subcontent); } $response->appendChild( $topcontent ); } EPrints::XML::tidy( $response ); return $response; } 1; =head1 COPYRIGHT =for COPYRIGHT BEGIN Copyright 2021 Tomasz Neugebauer, Concordia University =for COPYRIGHT END =for LICENSE BEGIN This file is part of EPrints L. EPrints is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. EPrints is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with EPrints. If not, see L. =for LICENSE END