package EPrints::Plugin::ENovaMePrints; use strict; use warnings; sub get_user { my( $session ) = @_; my $user; my $userid = $session->param( 'userid' ); $user = $session->dataset( 'user' )->dataobj( $userid ); unless( defined $user ) { $user = $session->current_user; } return $user; } our @ISA = qw/ EPrints::Plugin /; package EPrints::DataObj::User; no warnings; sub can_request_view_profile { my( $self, $session ) = @_; if( defined $session->current_user ) { return $session->current_user->allow( 'user/view', $self ); } return $self->is_profile_visible; } sub is_profile_visible { my( $self ) = @_; return ($self->get_value( "real_profile_visibility" ) eq 'public'); } sub get_url { my( $self ) = @_; return $self->_get_url_default() if( !$self->{session}->config( "meprints_enabled" ) ); unless( $self->{session}->config( "meprints_profile_with_username" ) ) { return $self->{session}->config( "base_url" )."/profile/".$self->get_id; } return $self->{session}->config( "base_url" )."/profile/".$self->get_value( "username" ); } sub _get_url_default { my( $self ) = @_; return $self->{session}->config( "http_cgiurl" )."/users/home?screen=User::View&userid=".$self->get_value( "userid" ); } sub get_picture_path { my( $self ) = @_; my $userpath = $self->_userid_to_path(); return $self->{session}->config("archiveroot")."/meprints/$userpath/picture"; } sub get_picture_url { my( $self ) = @_; return $self->{session}->config("rel_path")."/cgi/meprints/thumbnail?userid=".$self->get_id; } sub remove_static { my( $self ) = @_; EPrints::Utils::rmtree( $self->localpath( ) ); return; } sub localpath { my( $self ) = @_; my $userpath = $self->_userid_to_path(); return $self->{session}->config( "archiveroot" )."/meprints/$userpath/profile"; } sub generate_static { my( $self ) = @_; $self->{session}->{preparing_static_page} = 1; $self->remove_static; my $full_path = $self->localpath(); my @created = EPrints::Platform::mkdir( $full_path ); my $layoutmgr = $self->{session}->plugin( "MePrints::Layout::Tabbed", static => 1, user => $self ); unless( defined $layoutmgr ) { $self->{session}->log( "Error: failed to load the Widget Layout Manager." ); return $self->{session}->html_phrase( "layoutmgr_error" ); } my $page = $self->{session}->make_doc_fragment; # EPrints Services/pjw 2011-01-31 my $title = $self->{session}->html_phrase( "meprints:profile:title" ); my $links = $self->{session}->make_doc_fragment(); if ( defined $self->{session}->config( "meprints_control_position" ) && $self->{session}->config( "meprints_control_position" ) eq "above") { $links->appendChild( $title ); } $page->appendChild( $layoutmgr->render() ); $self->{session}->write_static_page( $full_path."/index", {title=>$title, page=>$page, head=>$links }, "default" ); delete $self->{session}->{preparing_static_page}; return $page; } sub set_homepage_widgets { my( $self, $widgets ) = @_; # Avoid race-conditions return 0 if( $self->{setting_homepage} ); $self->{setting_homepage} = 1; $self->set_value( "homepage_preferences", $widgets ); my $rc = $self->commit(1); delete $self->{setting_homepage}; return $rc; } sub get_homepage_widgets { my( $self ) = @_; my $widgets = $self->get_value( "homepage_preferences" ); return $widgets if( scalar(@$widgets) ); return $self->{session}->config( "user_homepage_defaults" ); } sub get_profile_widgets { my( $self ) = @_; return $self->{session}->config( "user_profile_defaults" ); } sub _userid_to_path { my( $self ) = @_; my $userid = $self->get_id; return unless( $userid =~ m/^\d+$/ ); my( $a, $b, $c, $d ); $d = $userid % 100; $userid = int( $userid / 100 ); $c = $userid % 100; $userid = int( $userid / 100 ); $b = $userid % 100; $userid = int( $userid / 100 ); $a = $userid % 100; return sprintf( "%02d/%02d/%02d/%02d", $a, $b, $c, $d ); } 1;