package EPrints::Plugin::Screen::EPMC::SOLR_integration; use EPrints::Plugin::Screen::EPMC; @ISA = ( 'EPrints::Plugin::Screen::EPMC' ); use strict; sub new { my( $class, %params ) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( %params ); $self->{actions} = [qw( enable disable configure )]; $self->{disable} = 0; # always enabled, even in lib/plugins $self->{package_name} = "SOLR_integration"; return $self; } =item $screen->action_enable( [ SKIP_RELOAD ] ) Enable the L for the current repository. If SKIP_RELOAD is true will not reload the repository configuration. =cut sub action_enable { my( $self, $skip_reload ) = @_; $self->SUPER::action_enable( $skip_reload ); $self->reload_config if !$skip_reload; } sub action_disable { my( $self, $skip_reload ) = @_; $self->SUPER::action_disable( $skip_reload ); my $repo = $self->{repository}; } sub render_messages { my( $self ) = @_; my $repo = $self->{repository}; my $epm = $self->{processor}->{dataobj}; my $xml = $repo->xml; my $frag = $xml->create_document_fragment; return $frag if (!$epm->is_enabled()); my $solr_url = $self->{session}->get_repository->get_conf( 'solr_url' ); my $solr_core = $self->{session}->get_repository->get_conf( 'solr_core' ); my $conf_ok = 1; if (!defined($solr_url)) { # $frag->appendChild( $repo->render_message( 'error', $xml->create_text_node( $solr_url ) ) ); $frag->appendChild( $repo->render_message( 'error', $self->html_phrase( 'error:solr_url_not_configured' ) ) ); $conf_ok = 0; } if (!defined($solr_core)) { # $frag->appendChild( $repo->render_message( 'error', $xml->create_text_node( $solr_core ) ) ); $frag->appendChild( $repo->render_message( 'error', $self->html_phrase( 'error:solr_core_not_configured' ) ) ); $conf_ok = 0; } # if ( !exists( "Search::Solr" ) ) { # if( !exists( "Search::Solr") ) { # $frag->appendChild( $repo->render_message( 'error', $self->html_phrase( 'error:solr_search_missing' ) ) ); # $conf_ok = 0; #TODO # automatically disable the plugin in a clean way # $self->SUPER::action_disable( 0 ); # } if( $conf_ok ) { $frag->appendChild( $repo->render_message( 'message', $self->html_phrase( 'ready' ) ) ); } return $frag; } sub allow_configure { shift->can_be_viewed( @_ ) } sub action_configure { my( $self ) = @_; my $epm = $self->{processor}->{dataobj}; my $epmid = $epm->id; foreach my $file ($epm->installed_files) { my $filename = $file->value( "filename" ); next if $filename !~ m#^epm/$epmid/cfg/cfg\.d/(.*)#; my $url = $self->{repository}->current_url( host => 1 ); $url->query_form( screen => "Admin::Config::View::Perl", configfile => "cfg.d/", ); $self->{repository}->redirect( $url ); exit( 0 ); } $self->{processor}->{screenid} = "Admin::EPM"; $self->{processor}->add_message( "error", $self->html_phrase( "missing" ) ); } 1;