package EPrints::Plugin::Event::UpdateTweetStreams; use EPrints::Plugin::Event::LockingEvent; @ISA = qw( EPrints::Plugin::Event::LockingEvent ); use strict; use URI; use LWP::UserAgent; use JSON; use Encode qw(encode); use Net::Twitter::Lite::WithAPIv1_1; my $HTTP_RETRIES = 5; #for network errors my $QUERY_RETRIES = 5; #for API errors my $QUERIES_BEFORE_RATE_CHECK = 100; #because one query may use more than one of the quota if it's complex sub action_update_tweetstreams { my ($self, $verbose) = @_; $self->{verbose} = 1 if $verbose; if ($self->is_locked) { $self->repository->log( (ref $self) . " is locked. Unable to run."); return; } $self->create_lock; $self->{log_data}->{start_time} = scalar localtime time; $self->wait; my $nt = $self->connect_to_twitter; if (!$nt) { $self->repository->log( (ref $self) . " was unable to connect to twitter."); return; } $self->output_status('Connected to Twitter'); my $limit = get_search_rate_limit($nt); $self->output_status("Initial Rate Limit: $limit"); my $active_tweetstreams = $self->active_tweetstreams; my $queue_items = {}; $active_tweetstreams->map( \&EPrints::Plugin::Event::UpdateTweetStreams::create_queue_item, $queue_items); my @queue = values %{$queue_items}; $self->output_status('Queue has ' . scalar @queue . ' items'); QUERYSET: while ($limit > 0) { my $n = $QUERIES_BEFORE_RATE_CHECK; $n = $limit if $limit < $n; QUERY: for (1..$n) { if (scalar @queue ==0) { $self->output_status('Update queue emptied'); $self->{log_data}->{end_state} = 'Update queue emptied'; last QUERYSET; } my $current_item = shift @queue; my $results = undef; my $results_flag = 0; my $err = undef; my $end_state = undef; RETRY: foreach my $retry (1..$HTTP_RETRIES) { $self->output_status('Attempting to query: ' . $current_item->{search_params}->{q}); if (!$nt->authorized) { $self->output_status('Oops, not authorise. Reconnecting....'); sleep 10; $nt = $self->connect_to_twitter; next RETRY; #try again } eval { $results = $nt->search($current_item->{search_params}); }; #if we have an error, sleep and then try again, otherwise exit the retry loop. #note that this approach only records the final error -- oh well. if ( $err = $@ ) { #handle response codes -- see if (ref $err and $err->isa('Net::Twitter::Error')) { if ($err->code == 403) #no more data for this stream -- we've gone back as far as we can { $self->output_status('Err 403: No more results for this search'); $self->{log_data}->{tweetstreams}->{$current_item->{id}}->{end_state} = 'No More Results (403, went back as far as possible)'; last RETRY; } elsif ($err->code == 429) #rate limit reached -- stop all requests { $self->output_status('ERR 429: API limit exceeded'); $limit = -1; #we've gone over the limit last RETRY; } } $self->output_status('Uncategorised error, retrying...'); sleep 10; next RETRY; } else { $self->output_status('Results successfully retrieved'); $results_flag = 1; last RETRY; #we have our results } } #process results and put the current item at the end of the queue (if appropriate) if ($results_flag) { my $results_count = scalar @{$results->{statuses}}; #no errors, process the results if ($results_count < 1)#if an empty page of results, assume no more tweets { $self->output_status('Empty Results Set'); $self->{log_data}->{tweetstreams}->{$current_item->{id}}->{end_state} = 'Update Completed \o/'; } else { $self->output_status('Retrieved ', scalar @{$results->{statuses}}, ' statuses'); $self->process_results($current_item, $results); $self->output_status('Tweets created'); #if less than a page of data, assume we've reached the end of the results if ($results_count < $current_item->{search_params}->{count}) { $self->output_status('Less than ' . $current_item->{search_params}->{count} . ' results -- not requeueing'); $self->{log_data}->{tweetstreams}->{$current_item->{id}}->{end_state} = 'Update Completed (Hooray)'; } else { $self->output_status('Full results set -- requeueing'); #requeue the current item ############### #REQUEUE ITEM## ############### push @queue, $current_item; } } } else { #we tried N times, and failed -- do not re-queue the current item if (ref($err) and $err->isa('Net::Twitter::Error')) { $self->{log_data}->{tweetstreams}->{$current_item->{id}}->{end_state} = "BAD RESPONSE FROM TWITTER:\n" . "\tHTTP Response Code: " . $err->code . "\n" . "\tHTTP Message......: " . $err->message . "\n" . "\tTwitter error.....: " . $err->error . "\n"; } else { $self->{log_data}->{tweetstreams}->{$current_item->{id}}->{end_state} = 'Unexpected Error: ' . $@; #do not re-queue the current item } $self->output_status($self->{log_data}->{tweetstreams}->{$current_item->{id}}->{end_state}); } } #update the limit, just in case. $limit = get_search_rate_limit($nt); $self->output_status("Updated limit. It's now $limit"); } $self->output_status("Updating ended"); $self->{log_data}->{end_time} = scalar localtime time; $self->{log_data}->{api_rate_limit} = $limit; $self->write_log; $self->remove_lock; } sub process_results { my ($self, $current_item, $results) = @_; my $repo = $self->repository; my $tweetstream_ds = $repo->dataset('tweetstream'); my $tweet_dataobjs = []; #create a tweet dataobj for each tweet and store the objid in the queue item TWEET_IN_UPDATE: foreach my $tweet (@{$results->{statuses}}) { $self->{log_data}->{tweets_processed}++; #global count $self->{log_data}->{tweetstreams}->{$current_item->{id}}->{earliest_seen} = $tweet->{created_at}; #keep updating this as we walk backwards, though it #only need to set these once if (!$self->{log_data}->{tweetstreams}->{$current_item->{id}}->{latest_seen}) { #search results go backwards, so the first result returned will be the latest one $self->{log_data}->{tweetstreams}->{$current_item->{id}}->{latest_seen} = $tweet->{created_at}; $self->{log_data}->{tweetstreams}->{$current_item->{id}}->{search_string} = $current_item->{search_params}->{q}; } #keep track of the lowest twitterid we've seen for paging if ( !$current_item->{search_params}->{max_id} || $tweet->{id} < $current_item->{search_params}->{max_id} ) { $current_item->{search_params}->{max_id} = $tweet->{id}; } #check to see if we already have a tweet with this twitter id in this repository my $tweetobj = EPrints::DataObj::Tweet::tweet_with_twitterid($repo, $tweet->{id}); if (!defined $tweetobj) { $self->output_status('Creating Tweet Object'); $tweetobj = EPrints::DataObj::Tweet->create_from_data( $self->repository, { twitterid => $tweet->{id}, json_source => $tweet, #this is now handled by a call to $tweetstream->add_tweets # tweetstreams => $current_item->{tweetstreamids}, } ); $tweetobj->commit; #will enrich the tweet $self->{log_data}->{tweets_created}++; #global_count $self->{log_data}->{tweetstreams}->{$current_item->{id}}->{tweets_created}++; } else { $self->{log_data}->{tweetstreams}->{$current_item->{id}}->{tweets_added}++; $self->output_status('Tweet Object Exists'); } #safe to do because we're updating in pages of 100 -- we won't run out of memory push @{$tweet_dataobjs}, $tweetobj; } $self->output_status('Created all tweet objects'); #set max_id for paging $current_item->{search_params}->{max_id}--; #set it to one lower to an ID we have previously seen for paging foreach my $tweetstreamid (@{$current_item->{tweetstreamids}}) { my $tweetstream = $tweetstream_ds->dataobj($tweetstreamid); die ("UNEXPECTED CRITICAL ERROR: couldn't create tweetstream $tweetstreamid") unless $tweetstream; $tweetstream->add_tweets($tweet_dataobjs); } } sub connect_to_twitter { my ($self) = @_; my %nt_args = ( traits => [qw/API::RESTv1_1/] ); foreach (qw( consumer_key consumer_secret access_token access_token_secret )) { $nt_args{$_} = $self->repository->config('twitter_oauth',$_); } my $nt = Net::Twitter::Lite::WithAPIv1_1->new( %nt_args ); #handle this error properly; if (!$nt->authorized) { $self->repository->log( (ref $self) . " Net::Twitter Oauth issue\n"); return undef; } return $nt; } #return a value or an empty string sub v { my ($val, $default) = @_; return $val if defined $val; return $default if defined $default; return ''; } sub generate_log_string { my ($self) = @_; my $l = $self->{log_data}; my @r; push @r, "Update started at: " . v($l->{start_time}); push @r, "Update finished at: " . v($l->{end_time}); push @r, "API Queries left: " . v($l->{api_rate_limit}); push @r, v($l->{tweets_processed}, 0) . " tweets processed"; push @r, v($l->{tweets_created}, 0) . " tweets created"; push @r, (scalar keys %{$l->{tweetstreams}}, 0) . " tweetstreams updated:"; foreach my $ts_id (sort keys %{$l->{tweetstreams}}) { my $ts = $l->{tweetstreams}->{$ts_id}; my $new = v($ts->{tweets_created},0); my $added = v($ts->{tweets_added},0); my $end = v($ts->{end_state},'Unknown Endstate'); my $earliest = v($ts->{earliest_seen},'unknown'); my $latest = v($ts->{latest_seen},'unknown'); push @r, "\t$ts_id: " . v($ts->{search_string},'undef') ; push @r, "\t\t$new created"; push @r, "\t\t$added existing tweets added (stream overlap or page shifting)"; push @r, "\t\tFrom: $earliest"; push @r, "\t\tTo: $latest"; push @r, "\t\tCompleted with status: $end"; } my $end = v($l->{end_state},'No Known Errors'); push @r, "Complete with status: " . $end; return join("\n",@r); } sub create_queue_item { my ($repo, $ds, $tweetstream, $queue_items) = @_; return unless $tweetstream->is_set('search_string'); return if ( $tweetstream->is_set('status') && $tweetstream->value('status') eq 'archived' ); #should never be true, but let's be explicit. my $search_string = $tweetstream->value('search_string'); my $geocode = ''; $geocode = $tweetstream->value('geocode') if $tweetstream->is_set('geocode'); my $key = $search_string . 'XXXXXXX' . $geocode; if ($queue_items->{$key}) { push @{$queue_items->{$key}->{tweetstreamids}}, $tweetstream->id; $queue_items->{$key}->{id} = join(',',sort(@{$queue_items->{$key}->{tweetstreamids}})); } else { $queue_items->{$key} = { id => $tweetstream->id, #id for logging search_params => { q => $search_string, count => 100, include_entities => 1, # max_id => Will be set to the lowest id we find for the purposes of paging since_id => $tweetstream->highest_twitterid, }, tweetstreamids => [ $tweetstream->id ], #for when two streams have identical search strings retries => $QUERY_RETRIES, #if there's a failure, we'll try again. }; #optional param $queue_items->{$key}->{search_params}->{geocode} = $geocode if $geocode; } } sub active_tweetstreams { my ($self) = @_; my $ds = $self->repository->get_dataset( "tweetstream" ); my $searchexp = EPrints::Search->new( session => $self->repository, dataset => $ds, ); my $today = EPrints::Time::get_iso_date( time ); $searchexp->add_field( $ds->get_field( "expiry_date" ), $today."-" ); # $searchexp->add_field( # $ds->get_field( "status" ), # "active" ); return $searchexp->perform_search; } sub get_search_rate_limit { my ($nt) = @_; my $rl = $nt->rate_limit_status('search'); foreach my $key (qw( resources search /search/tweets remaining )) { if (!exists $rl->{$key}) { $rl = undef; return $rl; } $rl = $rl->{$key}; } return $rl; }; 1;