package EPrints::Plugin::Stats::Data; our @ISA = qw/ EPrints::Plugin /; use strict; # Stats::Data # # Abstraction of data retrieval from the database. Typically used by View plugins to get their data. # # This also renders objects which are retrieved from the DB which is a tricky operation (see Data::render_objects below) # sub new { my( $class, %params ) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( %params ); $self->{handler} = $params{handler}; $self->{context} = $params{context}; # || {}; $self->{data} = $params{data} || []; if( defined $self->context && defined $self->context->{datatype} ) { $self->{processor} = $self->handler->get_processor( $self->context->{datatype} ); } $self->{conf} = {}; return $self; } # default configuration to select data. Processor plugins will over-ride this if necessary (esp. to tell which fields/columns to # select from the DB) sub defaults { shift->{conf} = { type => 'sum', order_desc => 1, fields => [], }; } # This merges some local configuration options with the Processor plugin configuration. # For example, a Processor plugin knows how to render its data (Country -> phrase (with flags), Referrer -> string...) while Data is unaware of this sub parse_conf { my( $self, $conf ) = @_; if( EPrints::Utils::is_set( $conf ) && ref( $conf ) eq 'HASH' ) { $self->{conf} = $conf; } else { $self->defaults(); } if( defined $self->processor ) { my $proc_conf = $self->processor->conf(); foreach my $key ( keys %$proc_conf ) { my $value = $proc_conf->{$key}; $self->{conf}->{$key} = $value; } } my %fields = map { $_ => 1 } @{$self->fields() || [] }; if( defined $conf->{order_by} && !$fields{$conf->{order_by}} ) { # error, asked to ORDER BY a field that's not selected! $self->handler->log( "Stats::Data: cannot order by $conf->{order_by} without selecting that field.", 1 ); } $self->conf->{render_dates} ||= 0; $self->conf->{do_render} ||= 0; } # a few helper methods: sub context { shift->{context} } sub conf { shift->{conf} } sub handler { shift->{handler} } sub processor { shift->{processor} } sub data { return shift->{data} || [] } sub count { return scalar( @{shift->data} ) } sub fields { my( $self ) = @_; my @fields = @{$self->conf->{fields} || [] }; # the 'count' field is always selected push @fields, 'count'; return \@fields; } # check if the field is in the configuration i.e. if it'll be select'ed from the DB. sub has_field { my( $self, $fn ) = @_; my %fields = map { $_ => 1 } @{$self->fields() || [] }; return exists $fields{$fn} ? 1 : 0; } # main method: this will select the data from the DB (via Stats::Handler) and optionally fix things (e.g. missing dates) # and render objects (when the View plugin requires this) sub select { my( $self, %conf ) = @_; # parses the local conf, and merge the Processor's conf $self->parse_conf( \%conf ); my( $context, $handler ) = ( $self->context, $self->handler ); my $datatype = $context->{datatype}; # optimisation? hack? pick one. This uses an "internal" table "irstats2_cache_$datatype" which keeps a cumulative # sum of the downloads (say) per eprint - this can be used instead of the main table "irstats2_$datatype" if # there are no dates filters and if we're not requesting the daily download counts (as on a download graph for instance) # # note that we don't check if "range" is set - because at this stage "range" has already been normalised to its "from" and "to" counterparts if( !defined $context->{from} && !defined $context->{to} && !$self->has_field( 'datestamp' ) ) { if( $handler->{dbh}->has_table( "irstats2_cache_$datatype" ) && ( !defined $context->{cache} || $context->{cache} ) ) { $context->{datatype} = "cache_$datatype"; } } my $stats; if( !EPrints::Utils::is_set( $context->{set_name} ) || $context->{set_name} eq 'eprint' ) { # simply case when no Sets are involved # note that $set->{value} may still carry out an eprintid $stats = $handler->extract_eprint_data( $context, $self->conf ); } else { # more complex cases: Sets and/or Groupings $stats = $handler->extract_set_data( $context, $self->conf ); } # in case we used the cache version (cf. above) - restore the "actual" datatype $context->{datatype} = $datatype; $self->{data} = $stats; # render objects if required by the conf if( $self->conf->{do_render} ) { $self->render_objects(); } return $self; } # This is quite complex, since there are many different kinds of objects that can be rendered # The option '$fieldname' is used by Export plugins and will store the "rendering" of the object # The option '$to_string' will render objects as a string rather than a DOM object # # The method will try to guess how to render each object, then will call Data::render_single_object to do the actual rendering sub render_objects { my( $self, $fieldname, $to_string ) = @_; my $fields = $self->fields(); # no fields selected, surely there's nothing to render then! return unless( EPrints::Utils::is_set( $fields ) ); # need to find out what type of fields is selected and how these get rendered: # # - "eprintid" => ok, easy # - "value" => Processor plugin decides (eg Country -> phrase/country code, Referrer -> string ...) # - "set_value" => decide my %fields_render_type; foreach my $field (@$fields) { next if( $field eq 'count' ); if( $field eq 'eprintid' ) { $fields_render_type{$field} = { type => 'eprint' }; # an EPrint object... } elsif( $field eq 'value' ) { # Processor plugin decides... my $proc_conf = $self->processor->conf(); my $render = $proc_conf->{render} || ''; if( $render eq 'phrase' ) { $fields_render_type{$field} = { type => 'phrase', render_phrase_prefix => $proc_conf->{render_phrase_prefix} }; } elsif( $render eq 'string' ) { $fields_render_type{$field} = { type => 'string' }; } else { $self->handler->log( "Stats::Data: field 'value' selected but I don't know how to render it.", 1 ); $fields_render_type{$field} = { type => 'string' }; } } elsif( $field eq 'set_value' ) { if( EPrints::Utils::is_set( $self->context->{grouping} ) ) { $fields_render_type{$field} = { type => 'set', set_name => $self->context->{grouping} }; } else { $fields_render_type{$field} = { type => 'set', set_name => $self->context->{set_name} }; } } } my @new_data; foreach my $row ( @{$self->data} ) { foreach my $field ( @$fields ) { next if( $field eq 'count' ); my $value = $row->{$field}; next unless( defined $value ); my $desc = $self->render_single_object( $fields_render_type{$field}, $value ); if( defined $to_string && $to_string ) { $desc = EPrints::XML::to_string( $desc ); } if( defined $fieldname ) { $row->{$fieldname} = $desc if( !defined $row->{$fieldname} ); } else { $row->{$field} = $desc; } push @new_data, $row; } } $self->{data} = \@new_data; } sub render_single_object { my( $self, $conf, $value ) = @_; my $citestyle = $self->conf->{citestyle} || 'brief'; if( $conf->{type} eq 'eprint' ) { my $eprint = $self->{session}->dataset( 'archive' )->dataobj( $value ); return (defined $eprint) ? $eprint->render_citation_link( $citestyle ) : $self->{session}->html_phrase( 'lib/irstats2/unknown:eprint', id => $self->{session}->make_text( $value ) ); } elsif( $conf->{type} eq 'phrase' ) { return $self->{session}->html_phrase( $self->conf->{render_phrase_prefix}."$value" ); } elsif( $conf->{type} eq 'subject' ) { my $subject = EPrints::DataObj::Subject->new( $self->{session}, $value ); return (defined $subject) ? $subject->render_description() : $self->{session}->html_phrase( 'lib/irstats2/unknown:subject', id => $self->{session}->make_text( $value ) ); } elsif( $conf->{type} eq 'set' ) { return $self->handler->sets->render_set( $conf->{set_name}, $value ); } return $self->{session}->make_text( $value ); } # will sum all 'count' - useful to show for instance a download counter sub sum_all { my( $self ) = @_; my $c = 0; foreach( @{$self->{data}} ) { $c += $_->{count} || 0; } return $c; } # called when an export of the data is requested sub export { my( $self, $params ) = @_; # the plug-in is instanciated by /cgi/stats/get if( defined $params->{export_plugin} ) { $params->{export_plugin}->export( $self ); } } 1;