package EPrints::Plugin::Stats::Processor::Access; our @ISA = qw/ EPrints::Plugin::Stats::Processor /; use strict; # Processor::Access ("semi" abstract class) # # This handles records coming from the Access dataset. "Records" are not true EPrint Dataobj, instead they are pre-processed HASH'es. Since most # Processor::Access plugins need to do the same operations on the records (for example extract the dates), this is done only once and for all as to decrease # the amount of processing. # # Note also that this class does NOT use the EPrints API to retrieve records (EPrints::List and EPrints::Search especially) because they cannot cope well with # large amount of data (Access tables may contains 10's of millions of records). So this class implements its own data retrieval techniques. Note that this # was especially a problem on Oracle. # # this will call all Processor::Access::* modules sub process_dataset { my( $self, $params ) = @_; my $session = $self->{'session'}; my $handler = $params->{handler}; my @plugins = @{$handler->get_stat_plugins( 'Processor::Access' ) || []}; my @filters = (); foreach my $filterid (@{$params->{'filters'} || []}) { my $filter = $session->plugin( "Stats::Filter::$filterid" ) or next; push @filters, $filter; } if( $params->{'create_tables'} || (exists $params->{incremental} && !$params->{incremental} ) ) { $_->create_tables( $handler ) for(@plugins,@filters); } my $current_accessid = 0; my $ds = $session->dataset( 'access' ); my $ds_size = $handler->get_dataset_size( $ds ) || 0; unless( $ds_size > 0 ) { $handler->log( "Access: nothing to do" ); return; } if( !exists $params->{incremental} || $params->{incremental} ) { $current_accessid = $handler->get_internal_value( 'current_accessid' ) || 0; # note: $ds_size is an estimation, there are no guarantees that the accessid's are continuous $handler->log( "Access: accessid to process: from $current_accessid to $ds_size" ); } # Locking the dataset (so that no other stats process can write to the DB at the same time) if( !$handler->lock_dataset( 'access' ) ) { $handler->log( "Dataset 'access' is currently locked by another process.", 1 ); return; } my $global_ref_time = time; my $global_records_parsed = 0; my $global_records_kept = 0; # the get_records() method handles incremental SQL processing (it doesn't retrieve ALL the records in one go) my $records_list = $self->get_records( $handler, undef, $current_accessid ); $records_list->map( sub { my( undef, undef, $record, $info ) = @_; if( $global_records_parsed > 0 && $global_records_parsed % 100_000 == 0 ) { $handler->log( "Access: processed $global_records_parsed records so far." ); } $global_records_parsed++; # filter out record? my $discard = 0; foreach my $filter (@filters) { if( $filter->filter_record( $record ) ) { $discard = 1; last; } } if( $records_list->is_last() ) { $handler->log( "Access: incremental commit to DB" ); foreach my $plugin ( @plugins, @filters ) { $plugin->commit_data( $handler ); $plugin->clear_cache(); } } return if( $discard ); $global_records_kept++; foreach my $plugin (@plugins) { $plugin->process_record( $record, (defined $record->{referent_docid}?1:0) ); } }, {} ); # Because $record_list->is_last() is not reliable on the last run (see below: is_last()), we need to call commit_data again. foreach my $plugin ( @plugins, @filters ) { $plugin->commit_data( $handler ); $plugin->clear_cache(); } my $last_record = $records_list->last(); if( defined $last_record && (!exists $params->{incremental} || $params->{incremental} ) ) { $handler->log( "Saving the state for dataset 'access'" ); $handler->set_internal_value( 'current_accessid', $last_record->{accessid} ); } # display stats (if verbose): my $total_time = ( time - $global_ref_time); $total_time = 1 if( $total_time < 1 ); $global_records_parsed = 1 if( $global_records_parsed < 1 ); $handler->log( "Access: it took $total_time secs to parse $global_records_parsed records ( average = ".sprintf( "%.2f", ($global_records_parsed / $total_time))." records/sec )" ); $global_records_kept = 1 if( $global_records_kept < 1 ); $handler->log( "Access: $global_records_kept records kept out of $global_records_parsed ( ratio = ".sprintf( "%.2f", 100*($global_records_kept/$global_records_parsed))."% )" ); $handler->unlock_dataset( 'access' ); return; } # This method generates the SQL to retrieve the current Access records and returns them wrapped into a StatsRecordList object (see below) # Note that we cannot use the EPrints Search (too slow for the potential amount of records) # Note that we cannot return ALL the records in one go in an array(-ref) (use far too much memory) sub get_records { my( $self, $handler, $block, $from_accessid ) = @_; my @fields = (qw{ accessid datestamp_year datestamp_month datestamp_day datestamp_hour datestamp_minute datestamp_second requester_id requester_user_agent referring_entity_id service_type_id referent_id referent_docid }); my( $date_year, $date_month ) = (undef,undef); my $Q_fields = {}; my @Q_fields = (); foreach( @fields ) { $Q_fields->{$_} = $handler->{dbh}->quote_identifier( $_ ); push @Q_fields, $Q_fields->{$_}; } my $Q_table = $handler->{dbh}->quote_identifier( 'access' ); my $sql = "SELECT ".join(",",@Q_fields)." FROM $Q_table"; my @conditions; if( defined $date_year && defined $date_month ) { my $Q_year = $handler->{dbh}->quote_value( $date_year ); my $Q_month = $handler->{dbh}->quote_value( $date_month ); push @conditions, $Q_fields->{'datestamp_year'}."=$Q_year"; push @conditions, $Q_fields->{'datestamp_month'}."=$Q_month"; } if( defined $from_accessid && "$from_accessid" ne "0" ) { my $Q_access = $handler->{dbh}->quote_identifier( 'accessid' ); my $Q_accessid = $handler->{dbh}->quote_value( $from_accessid ); push @conditions, "$Q_access > $Q_accessid"; } if( scalar(@conditions) ) { $sql .= " WHERE ".join( " AND ", @conditions ); } my $list = StatsRecordList->new( dbh => $handler->{dbh}, rawsql => $sql ); return $list; } # This "internal" package is a replacement for EPrints::List for larger datasets. package StatsRecordList; use strict; use Time::Local 'timegm_nocheck'; sub new { my( $class, %opts ) = @_; my $self = bless \%opts, $class; $self->{idx} = 0; $self->{offset} = 0; $self->{limit} ||= 100_000; # 100,000 records in one go maximum! $self->{records} = []; $self->init_query(); return $self; } sub init_query { my( $self ) = @_; my $sql = $self->{rawsql}; my %o; $o{limit} = $self->{limit}; $o{offset} = $self->{offset}; my $sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare_select( $sql, %o ); #limit => $self->{limit}, offset => $self->{offset} ); $self->{dbh}->execute( $sth, $sql ); $self->{sth} = $sth; } # not reliable if the number of rows returned by the SQL statement is != to $self->{limit} (i.e. there are less rows than the LIMIT). # note than on DBI there are no reliable ways to count the number of SELECT'ed rows rather than fetching them all and keeping a count. sub is_last { my( $self ) = @_; return ( $self->{idx} == $self->{limit} - 1 ) ? 1:0; } sub map { my( $self, $fn, $info ) = @_; my $record; while ( $record = $self->next ) { &{$fn}( undef, undef, $record, $info ); } return; } sub next { my( $self ) = @_; if( $self->{idx} >= $self->{limit} - 1 ) { $self->{offset} += $self->{limit}; $self->{idx} = 0; $self->init_query; } $self->{idx}++; my $row = $self->{sth}->fetchrow_arrayref; return $self->transform( $row ); } sub transform { my( $self, $row ) = @_; return undef unless( defined $row && scalar( @$row ) ); my $h = { accessid => $row->[0], requester_id => $row->[7], requester_user_agent => $row->[8], referring_entity_id => $row->[9], service_type_id => $row->[10], referent_id => $row->[11], referent_docid => $row->[12], }; my $hour = sprintf( "%02d", $row->[4] ); my $day = sprintf( "%02d", $row->[3]); my $month = sprintf( "%02d", $row->[2]); my $year = $row->[1]; $h->{datestamp} = { hour => $hour, day => $day, month => $month, year => $year, cache => "$year$month$day", epoch => timegm_nocheck $row->[6]||0,$row->[5]||0,$row->[4],$row->[3],$row->[2]-1,$row->[1]-1900, }; $self->{last_record} = $h; return $h; } sub last { my( $self ) = @_; return $self->{last_record}; } 1;