use EPrints; use strict; my $repo = EPrints::Session->new(); my $orcid_url = ""; # we could split the input to be family/given and then we could search using # my $orcid_url = ""; # but without the split it seems less flexible my $content = "text/xml"; $repo->send_http_header( content_type=>$content ); my @params = $repo->param; my $string_frag = lc $repo->param( "q" ); my $name = lc $repo->param( "_author" ); my $id = lc $repo->param( "_id" ); #print STDERR "q[$string_frag] n[$name] i[$id]\n"; my $rows = []; my $limit = 20; if ( $string_frag eq $name ) { if ( length( $name ) > 3 ) { $rows = lookup_author_names( $repo, $name, $id, $orcid_url, $limit ); } } my $ul = EPrints::Extras::render_lookup_list( $repo, $rows ); $repo->send_http_header( content_type => "text/xml; charset=UTF-8" ); binmode(STDOUT,":utf8"); print < END print EPrints::XML::to_string( $ul, "utf-8", 1 ); EPrints::XML::dispose( $ul ); $repo->terminate; sub lookup_author_names { my ( $repo, $name, $id, $url, $limit ) = @_; my $rows = []; my $matches = 0; $url .= $name; my $req = HTTP::Request->new("GET",$url); $req->header( "accept" => "application/json" ); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; my $response = $ua->request($req); if (200 != $response->code) { return $rows; } my $content = $response->content; my $json_vars = JSON::decode_json($content); my $count = $json_vars->{"orcid-search-results"}->{"num-found"}; my $results = $json_vars->{"orcid-search-results"}->{"orcid-search-result"}; #print STDERR "got [".$count."] results\n"; foreach my $result ( @$results ) { #print STDERR "got response [".Data::Dumper::Dumper($result)."]\n"; my $given = $result->{"orcid-profile"}->{"orcid-bio"}->{"personal-details"}->{"given-names"}->{"value"}; my $family = $result->{"orcid-profile"}->{"orcid-bio"}->{"personal-details"}->{"family-name"}->{"value"}; my $orcid = $result->{"orcid-profile"}->{"orcid-identifier"}->{"uri"}; last if $matches >= $limit; my $frag = $repo->make_doc_fragment; $frag->appendChild( $repo->html_phrase( 'cgi/lookup/rioxx2_orcid:name', family => $repo->make_text( $family ), given => $repo->make_text( $given ), id => $repo->make_text( $orcid ) ) ); my $item = {}; $item->{xhtml} = $frag; $item->{values} = [ "for:value:relative:_author" => $family.", ".$given, "for:value:relative:_id" => $orcid, ]; push @$rows, $item; $matches++; } return $rows; }