# To Configure your Arkivum Storage, please fill in the configuration fields below: # # Once done, please remove the comments '#' from the beginning of each line, save this file and then reload the repository config from the Admin screen. # # # Enable / Disable plugins # $c->{plugins}{"Event::Arkivum"}{params}{disable} = 0; $c->{plugins}{"Storage::ArkivumStorage"}{params}{disable} = 0; $c->{plugins}{"Screen::EPrint::AStorRestore"}{params}{disable} = 0; $c->{plugins}{"Screen::EPrint::AStorDelete"}{params}{disable} = 0; $c->{plugins}{"Screen::Workflow::AStorEPrintApprove"}{params}{disable} = 0; $c->{plugins}{"Screen::EPrint::Document::AStor"}{params}{disable} = 0; $c->{plugins}{"Screen::Workflow::AStorApprove"}{params}{disable} = 0; # # Where the A-Stor appliance is mounted on the local file system E.g. /mnt/arkivum # This folder should be accessed for read / write by Apache, ePrints, and the Indexer # $c->{plugins}->{"Storage::ArkivumStorage"}->{params}->{mount_path} = "/mnt/testr320"; # # The URL of the A-Stor appliance. E.g. # $c->{plugins}->{"Storage::ArkivumStorage"}->{params}->{server_url} = ""; $c->{plugins}->{"Event::Arkivum"}->{params}->{server_url} = ""; # The redirect URL used to confirm a restore of a file when downloading a file from A-Stor that is not on the local appliance $c->{plugins}->{"Storage::ArkivumStorage"}->{params}->{redirect_url} = "/cgi/users/home?screen=EPrint%3A%3AAStorRestore&eprintid="; # The size threshold (in bytes, default is 1GB = 1024 x 1024 x 1024) used to determine if we # server a file directly from the data center if it is not stored on the local appliance # If the file is less than or equal to this threshold it will be served from the data center # directly otherwise the user is redirected to an eprint screen to request a restore. $c->{plugins}->{"Storage::ArkivumStorage"}->{params}->{redirect_threshold} = 107; # These two parameters are used to estimate the time to restore an eprint # to the local A-Stor cache. Factor_a is multiplied by the total size of # te ePrint (in bytes) which is then added to factor_b. # # Both parameters are expected to be numbers in seconds # Time to restore 1MB (1024 x 1024) in seconds $c->{plugins}->{"Screen::EPrint::AStorRestore"}->{params}->{factor_a} = 2; # Specify an expect wait time in seconds $c->{plugins}->{"Screen::EPrint::AStorRestore"}->{params}->{factor_b} = 900; # Add an archive_status to the eprint table so we can keep track # of A-Stor archive requests for an eprint $c->add_dataset_field( "eprint", { name => "archive_status", type => 'set', options => [ qw( archive_requested archive_approved archive_in_progress archived archive_failed ) ], }, ); $c->add_dataset_field( "eprint", { name=>"astors", type=>"subobject", datasetid=>'astor_eprint', multiple=>1, text_index=>1, dataset_fieldname=>'', dataobj_fieldname=>'eprintid' }, ); $c->{datasets}->{astor_eprint} = { class => "EPrints::DataObj::AstorEPrint", sqlname => "astor_eprint", sql_counter => "astorid", }; # Add fields to the dataset $c->add_dataset_field( "astor_eprint", { name=>"astorid", type=>"counter", required=>1, can_clone=>0, sql_counter=>"astorid" }, ); $c->add_dataset_field( "astor_eprint", { name=>"userid", type=>"itemref", datasetid=>'user', required=>1, }, ); $c->add_dataset_field( "astor_eprint", { name=>"eprintid", type=>"itemref", datasetid=>'eprint', required=>1, }, ); $c->add_dataset_field( "astor_eprint", { name=>"justification", type=>"longtext", required=>0, }, ); $c->add_dataset_field( "astor_eprint", { name=>"access_date", type=>"time", required=>0, }, ); $c->add_dataset_field( "astor_eprint", { name => "astor_status", type => 'set', options => [ qw( archive_requested archive_scheduled ingest_in_progress ingested replicated escrow archive_failed delete_scheduled delete_in_progress deleted delete_failed restore_scheduled restore_in_progress restored restore_failed ) ], }, ); $c->add_dataset_field( "astor_eprint", { name=>"astors", type=>"subobject", datasetid=>'astor', multiple=>1, text_index=>1, dataset_fieldname=>'', dataobj_fieldname=>'parentid' }, ); # Add an archive_status to the document object so we can keep track of # A-Stor archive requests for a document # $c->add_dataset_field( "document", { name => "archive_status", type => 'set', options => [ qw( archive_requested archive_approved archived archive_failed delete_requested delete_approved deleted delete_failed restore_requested restore_approved restored restore_failed ) ], }, ); $c->add_dataset_field( "document", { name=>"astors", type=>"subobject", datasetid=>'astor', multiple=>1, text_index=>1, dataset_fieldname=>'', dataobj_fieldname=>'docid' }, ); $c->{datasets}->{astor} = { class => "EPrints::DataObj::Astor", sqlname => "astor", sql_counter => "astorid", }; # Add fields to the dataset $c->add_dataset_field( "astor", { name=>"astorid", type=>"counter", required=>1, can_clone=>0, sql_counter=>"astorid" }, ); $c->add_dataset_field( "astor", { name=>"userid", type=>"itemref", datasetid=>'user', required=>1, }, ); $c->add_dataset_field( "astor", { name=>"docid", type=>"itemref", datasetid=>'document', required=>1, }, ); $c->add_dataset_field( "astor", { name=>"parentid", type=>"itemref", datasetid=>'astor_eprint', required=>0, }, ); $c->add_dataset_field( "astor", { name => "hash", type => "multipart", fields => [ { sub_name => "filename", type => "id", }, { sub_name => "hash", type => "id", }, ], multiple => 1, }); $c->add_dataset_field( "astor", { name=>"justification", type=>"longtext", required=>0, }, ); $c->add_dataset_field( "astor", { name=>"access_date", type=>"time", required=>0, }, ); $c->add_dataset_field( "astor", { name=>"astor_request_uuid", type=>"text", required=>0, }, ); $c->add_dataset_field( "astor", { name => "astor_status", type => 'set', options => [ qw( archive_scheduled ingest_in_progress ingested replicated escrow archive_failed delete_scheduled delete_in_progress deleted delete_failed restore_scheduled restore_in_progress restored restore_failed ) ], }, ); $c->add_dataset_trigger( "eprint", EP_TRIGGER_STATUS_CHANGE , sub { my ( %params ) = @_; my $repository = %params->{repository}; return undef if (!defined $repository); if (defined %params->{dataobj}) { my $dataobj = %params->{dataobj}; my $eprintid = $dataobj->id; # Get the eprint object so we can check the status my $eprint = new EPrints::DataObj::EPrint( $repository, $eprintid ); # The status has changed and its now archived so we create a # request to store the eprint in A-Stor if ( defined $eprint ) { my $status = $eprint->get_value( "eprint_status" ); if ( $status eq 'archive' ) { $repository->dataset( "astor_eprint" )->create_dataobj( { eprintid => $eprintid, userid => $repository->current_user->id, justification => 'EPrint A-Stor Archive Request', astor_status => 'archive_scheduled', }); # Update the eprint archive_status field so we know # that the A-Stor request has been made $eprint->set_value("archive_status", "archive_approved"); $eprint->commit(); } } } } ); push @{$c->{user_roles}{admin}}, qw( +astor_eprint/destroy +astor_eprint/details +astor_eprint/edit +astor_eprint/view +astor/destroy +astor/details +astor/edit +astor/view ); # Define the class, this can either be done using a new file in the right place, or by using this override trick, open a '{' and then continue as it this is new file { package EPrints::DataObj::AstorEPrint; our @ISA = qw( EPrints::DataObj::SubObject ); # The new method can simply return the constructor of the super class (Dataset) sub new { return shift->SUPER::new( @_ ); } # This method is required to just return the dataset_id. sub get_dataset_id { my ($self) = @_; return "astor_eprint"; } sub parent { my ($self) = @_; my $eprintid = $self->value('eprintid'); return if !$eprintid; return $self->{session}->dataset('eprint')->dataobj($eprintid); } sub remove { my ($self) = @_; my $eprint = $self->parent; if (defined $eprint) { $eprint->set_value('archive_status', undef); $eprint->commit; } return $self->SUPER::remove(); } } { package EPrints::DataObj::Astor; our @ISA = qw( EPrints::DataObj::SubObject ); # The new method can simply return the constructor of the super class (Dataset) sub new { return shift->SUPER::new( @_ ); } # This method is required to just return the dataset_id. sub get_dataset_id { my ($self) = @_; return "astor"; } sub parent { my ($self) = @_; my $docid = $self->value('docid'); return if !$docid; return $self->{session}->dataset('document')->dataobj($docid); } sub remove { my ($self) = @_; my $doc = $self->parent; if (defined $doc) { $doc->set_value('archive_status', undef); $doc->commit; } return $self->SUPER::remove(); } }