package EPrints::Plugin::Screen::Report; # Abstract class that handles the Report tools use JSON qw(); use EPrints::Plugin::Screen; @ISA = ( 'EPrints::Plugin::Screen' ); use strict; sub new { my( $class, %params ) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(%params); push @{$self->{actions}}, qw( export ); $self->{appears} = [ { place => "key_tools", position => 1000, }, ]; return $self; } sub get_report { shift->{report} } sub can_be_viewed { my( $self ) = @_; return 0 if( !defined $self->{repository}->current_user ); return $self->allow( 'report' ); } sub allow_export { shift->can_be_viewed } sub action_export {} sub wishes_to_export { $_[0]->repository->param( 'export' ) || $_[0]->repository->param( 'ajax' ); } sub export_mimetype { my( $self ) = @_; my $plugin = $self->{processor}->{plugin}; if( !defined $plugin ) { if( $self->repository->param( "ajax" ) ) { return "application/json; charset=utf-8"; } return "text/html; charset=utf-8"; } return $plugin->param( "mimetype" ); } sub export { my( $self ) = @_; my $part = $self->repository->param( "ajax" ); my $f = "ajax_$part"; if( $self->can( $f ) ) { binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8"); return $self->$f; } my $plugin = $self->{processor}->{plugin}; return $self->SUPER::export if !defined $plugin; $plugin->initialise_fh( \*STDOUT ); $plugin->output_list( list => $self->items, fh => \*STDOUT, ); } sub properties_from { my( $self ) = @_; $self->SUPER::properties_from; if( defined ( my $dsid = $self->param( "datasetid" ) ) ) { $self->{processor}->{dataset} = $self->repository->dataset( $dsid ); } # sf2 - TODO - bark if dataset is not set? perhaps there are other ways to get the objects from... my $report = $self->get_report(); my $format = $self->repository->param( "export" ); if( $format && $report ) { my $plugin = $self->repository->plugin( "Export::$format", report => $report ); if( defined $plugin && $plugin->can_accept( "report/$report" ) ) { $self->{processor}->{plugin} = $plugin; } } } # \@({meta_fields=>[ "field1", "field2" "document.field3" ], merge=>"ANY", match=>"EX", value=>"bees"}, {meta_fields=>[ "field4" ], value=>"honey"}); # e.g. # return [ { meta_fields => [ 'type' ], value => 'article' } ] sub filters { return []; } # how to select items i.e. the slice of data we want to validate/export? # sub items { my( $self ) = @_; if( defined $self->{processor}->{dataset} ) { my %search_opts = ( filters => $self->filters, satisfy_all => 1 ); if( defined $self->param( 'custom_order' ) ) { $search_opts{custom_order} = $self->param( 'custom_order' ); } return $self->{processor}->{dataset}->search( %search_opts ); } # we can't return an EPrints::List if {dataset} is not defined return undef; } # from Reports/ROS/ # TODO Note quite a lot of replication between this and Export::Report::CSV::output_dataobj sub validate_dataobj { my( $plugin, $dataobj ) = @_; my $repo = $plugin->repository; my $report_fields = $plugin->report_fields( $dataobj ); my $val_fields = $plugin->validate_fields( $dataobj ); # related objects and their datasets my $objects = $plugin->get_related_objects( $dataobj ); my $valid_ds = {}; foreach my $dsid ( keys %$objects ) { $valid_ds->{$dsid} = $repo->dataset( $dsid ); } my @problems; foreach my $field ( @{ $plugin->report_fields_order( $dataobj ) || [] } ) { # validation action my $v_field = $val_fields->{$field}; next unless defined $v_field; # no validation required # simple case - code handles validation if( ref( $v_field ) eq 'CODE' ) { # a sub{} we need to run eval { &$v_field( $plugin, $objects, \@problems ); }; if( $@ ) { $repo->log( "Validation Runtime error: $@" ); } next; } elsif( lc $v_field ne "required" ) { $repo->log( "Validation Runtime error: $v_field must be code ref or 'required'" ); next; } # check required values my $value; # the value to validate my $ep_field = $report_fields->{$field}; if( ref( $ep_field ) eq 'CODE' ) { # a sub{} we need to run eval { $value = &$ep_field( $plugin, $objects ); }; if( $@ ) { $repo->log( "Validation Runtime error: $@" ); } } elsif( $ep_field =~ /^([a-z_]+)\.([0-9a-z_]+)$/ ) { # a straight mapping with an EPrints field my( $ds_id, $ep_fieldname ) = ( $1, $2 ); my $ds = $valid_ds->{$ds_id}; if( defined $ds && $ds->has_field( $ep_fieldname ) ) { $value = $objects->{$ds_id}->value( $ep_fieldname ); } else { # dataset or field doesn't exist $repo->log( "Validation Runtime error: dataset $ds_id or field $ep_fieldname doesn't exist" ); } } # is field set? if( !EPrints::Utils::is_set( $value ) ) { push @problems, "Missing required field $field"; } } return @problems; } # TODO Note copy of Export::Report::get_related_objects sub get_related_objects { my( $plugin, $dataobj ) = @_; my $cmd = [ 'reports', $plugin->get_report, 'get_related_objects' ]; if( $plugin->repository->can_call( @$cmd ) ) { return $plugin->repository->call( $cmd, $plugin->repository, $dataobj ) || {}; } # just pass the dataobj itself return { $dataobj->dataset->confid => $dataobj, }; } # TODO Note copy of Export::Report::report_fields_order sub report_fields_order { my( $plugin ) = @_; return $plugin->{report_fields_order} if( defined $plugin->{report_fields_order} ); my $report = $plugin->get_report(); return [] unless( defined $report ); $plugin->{report_fields_order} = $plugin->repository->config( 'reports', $report, 'fields' ); return $plugin->{report_fields_order}; } # TODO Note copy of Export::Report::report_fields sub report_fields { my( $plugin ) = @_; return $plugin->{report_fields} if( defined $plugin->{report_fields} ); my $report = $plugin->get_report(); return [] unless( defined $report ); $plugin->{report_fields} = $plugin->repository->config( 'reports', $report, 'mappings' ); return $plugin->{report_fields}; } sub validate_fields { my( $plugin ) = @_; return $plugin->{validate_fields} if( defined $plugin->{validate_fields} ); my $report = $plugin->get_report(); return [] unless( defined $report ); $plugin->{validate_fields} = $plugin->repository->config( 'reports', $report, 'validate' ); return $plugin->{validate_fields}; } ## rendering # The "splash page" sub render_splash_page { my( $self ) = @_; my @plugins = $self->report_plugins; if( !scalar( @plugins ) ) { return $self->html_phrase( "no_reports" ); } # top category: by classname > Report::ROS::SomeReport1, Report::ROS::SomeReport2 my $ul = $self->repository->make_element( 'ul', class => 'ep_report_category' ); # cat ~ category - !meeow my $cat = ""; my $cat_li = undef; my $cat_ul = undef; foreach my $report_plugin ( sort { $a->get_subtype cmp $b->get_subtype } @plugins ) { my $plugin_cat = $report_plugin->get_subtype; $plugin_cat =~ s/^Report::([^:]+):?:?(.*)$/$1/g; # render top-category, if needed if( $cat ne $plugin_cat ) { $cat = $plugin_cat; $cat_ul = undef; $cat_li = $ul->appendChild( $self->repository->make_element( 'li' ) ); $cat_li->appendChild( $self->repository->html_phrase( "Plugin/Screen/Report/$cat:title" ) ); } if( EPrints::Utils::is_set( $2 ) ) { # then we hit a sub-plugin eg. Screen::Report::$category::$report <- $2 == $report here if( !defined $cat_ul ) { $cat_ul = $cat_li->appendChild( $self->repository->make_element( 'ul', class => 'ep_report_items' ) ); } # also needs a link my $sub_li = $cat_ul->appendChild( $self->repository->make_element( 'li' ) ); $sub_li->appendChild( $report_plugin->render_action_link ); } else { $cat_ul = undef; } } return $ul; } sub render { my( $self ) = @_; # if users access Screen::Report directly we want to display some sort of menu # where users can select viewable reports if( "EPrints::Plugin::".$self->get_id eq __PACKAGE__ ) { return $self->render_splash_page; } my $repo = $self->repository; my $chunk = $repo->make_doc_fragment; $chunk->appendChild( $self->render_export_bar ); my $items = $self->items; if( !defined $items || $items->count == 0 ) { # No items message } my $item_ids = defined $items ? $items->ids : []; my $json = "[".join(',',@$item_ids)."]"; my $url = $repo->current_url( host => 1 ); my $parameters = URI->new; $parameters->query_form( $self->hidden_bits, ); $parameters = $parameters->query; my $prefix = $self->param( 'datasetid' ); # the main
my $container_id = sprintf( "ep_report_%s\_container", $self->get_report ); $chunk->appendChild( $repo->make_javascript( <<"EOJ" ) ); document.observe("dom:loaded", function() { new EPrints_Screen_Report_Loader( { ids: $json, step: 20, prefix: '$prefix', url: '$url', parameters: '$parameters', container_id: '$container_id' } ).execute(); }); EOJ $chunk->appendChild( $repo->make_element( 'div', class => 'ep_report_page', id => $container_id ) ); return $chunk; } sub render_export_bar { my( $self ) = @_; my $repo = $self->repository; my $chunk = $repo->make_doc_fragment; my @plugins = $self->export_plugins; return $chunk unless( scalar( @plugins ) ); my $form = $chunk->appendChild( $self->render_form ); $form->setAttribute( method => "get" ); my $select = $form->appendChild( $repo->render_option_list( name => 'export', values => [map { $_->get_subtype } @plugins], labels => {map { $_->get_subtype => $_->get_name } @plugins}, ) ); $form->appendChild( $repo->render_button( name => "_action_export", class => "ep_form_action_button", value => $repo->phrase( 'cgi/users/edit_eprint:export' ) ) ); return $chunk; } ### utility methods # TODO should use "JSON" package sub to_json { my( $self, $object ) = @_; return "" if( !defined $object ); # UTF-8 issues: # return JSON->new->utf8(1)->encode( $object ); if( ref( $object ) eq 'HASH' ) { my @stuff; while( my( $k, $v ) = each( %$object ) ) { next if( !EPrints::Utils::is_set( $v ) ); # or 'null' ? push @stuff, EPrints::Utils::js_string( $k ).':'.$self->to_json( $v ) } return '{' . join( ",", @stuff ) . '}'; } elsif( ref( $object ) eq 'ARRAY' ) { my @stuff; foreach( @$object ) { next if( !EPrints::Utils::is_set( $_ ) ); push @stuff, $self->to_json( $_ ); } return '[' . join( ",", @stuff ) . ']'; } return EPrints::Utils::js_string( $object ); } sub export_plugins { my( $self ) = @_; my @plugin_ids = $self->repository->plugin_list( type => "Export", can_accept => "report/".$self->get_report, is_visible => "staff", is_advertised => 1, ); my @plugins; foreach my $id ( @plugin_ids ) { my $p = $self->repository->plugin( "$id" ) or next; push @plugins, $p; } return @plugins; } sub report_plugins { my( $self ) = @_; # sf2 - can't list via type => "Search::Report" ? my @plugin_ids = $self->repository->plugin_list( type => "Screen", ); my @plugins; foreach my $id ( @plugin_ids ) { next if( $id !~ /^Screen::Report::/ ); # note this also filters out $self (aka Screen::Report) my $p = $self->repository->plugin( "$id" ); next if( !defined $p || !$p->can_be_viewed ); push @plugins, $p; } return @plugins; } 1;