Export plugin for CERIF 1.4 XML

CERIF 1.4 is the current version of the CERIF format, that serialises publications, people, projects and other entities.

This extension has been produced as part of the CERIF in Action project.

WarningThere is a more recent version of this item available.
Item Type: EPM
EPMID: cerif_1_4
Version: 1.0.0
Documentation: http://cerifinaction.wordpress.com/
Depositing User: Tim Brody
Date Deposited: 20 Nov 2012 09:44
Last Modified: 20 Nov 2012 09:44
URI: http://bazaar.eprints.org/id/eprint/249
File List: plugins/EPrints/Plugin/Export/Cerif_1_4.pm
Other Versions: